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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Hi Silvercourage, Yes this was just an added event to help the AI out a bit as even human players have trouble with the Korean peninsula due to the limited space there... but limited space definitely won't be an issue with the WWI release, glad to hear you are looking forward to it Hubert
  2. No to worry crispy131313, the WWII campaign will not delay the WWI release at all as it is not even our focus at the moment. As mentioned it is about 50% there but only because we were experimenting with the WWII mode many months ago and it was more or less a proof of concept at the time. Fact is it hasn't been touched in months and it was only something Bill and I looked at, Betas haven't even seen it as it is really not a priority while we attempt to wrap up the WWI release. More or less the WWII campaign will be a free bonus when it is completed but we are at the same time very excited about it because it will be put together on such a big map and the biggest so far in the SC series. All in all I think you guys will really enjoy this release when it is all said and done
  3. Hi Crispy131313, Just looking at the saved turns from my most recent AI-vs-AI tests and for 1915 there were 28 turns in total so about 14 turns each per year. Overall from start to finish you would be looking at 128 turns if played to the final end date.
  4. Hi Colin, Sounds good and just to add, whether a 'blocking' sub is in Hunt or Silent mode should not make any difference to the sub you are attempting to move through that particular position and I suspect your tests will confirm that... but if not I'll be happy to take a look as it won't be the first time there was a bug in the SC series Hubert
  5. Hi MadWoman, There will be one included and it will be based on the giant WWI map that can be found here for online viewing: http://www.battlefront.com/images/stories/SC2/WW1/WW1_Map/TemplateWebPage.htm Whether or not it will be included in the initial release or later as an official download or part of the first patch remains to be seen though as we are naturally still putting our top efforts into the WWI portion of the release. What I can say though is that it is about 50% complete and so it just comes down to how much extra time we have to squeeze it in before the game goes on sale. I hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Hi Colin, Perhaps there is a misunderstanding here as I mentioned they don't normally block unless you end your turn next to it or on top of it sort of thing. Is this not the case? If it is, it is not a block of your sub by another sub but rather that they've ended their moves next to each other so it is just being reported as a surprise contact which is the expected behaviour. If not I would need to see a turn to confirm if this is a possible error, but either way this should not be too difficult to even test on your end with some test campaigns as it might give a better understanding of what is happening. I only suggest this because due to fog of war what might appear as a block may instead be what I have described above and the only way to know for sure is if you know your opponent's positions which a test campaign would provide. Hubert
  7. Currently it is setup as seasonal alternate turns with Summer being 7 days per turn, Spring and Fall 14 days and Winter 28 days.
  8. Hi Squigs, Sounds like your sc2.ini file has been corrupted for some reason. Please navigate to your installation folder and click on the 'Compatibility Files' button and delete the sc2.ini file found in the virtual folder. For more info on Compatibility Files here is a handy link: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx After that a full uninstall and reinstall should do the trick, Hubert
  9. Good ones Brian and for #3 this is not an easy change as it is also tied in with the scripts but what we can do is tone it down a little bit for this release.
  10. Hi Colin, To answer your second question, even though subs cannot pass through Destroyers, the situation might arise where a sub might get a surprise contact with another naval unit if you attempt to end your move on top of another naval unit or if it is about to end its move adjacent to another naval unit. In this case it is stopped at the first position where it is not going to be on top of another naval unit etc. I hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Hi Darrow, Welcome back and to answer your question, unfortunately saved games cannot be edited, rather just the campaigns using the editor included in the distribution. Hubert
  12. If you play with the default settings as you describe above then all you have to do to disable any AI unit bonuses is to go to the OPTIONS->ADVANCED->SCRIPTS dialog when starting a new campaign. If you then select UNIT scripts and go to page 6 you will see all the unit events that are flagged as 'AI' unit events. If you disable these by clicking on the 'x' and greying it out then they will not be applied to the AI as unit bonuses. Hope this helps, Hubert
  13. Hi Mary, I think you might have mixed up the games here, this forum is for Strategic Command Hubert
  14. Hi Jestre, Here is an example shot of what unit properties will look like in game... see below and apologies for the poor quality as I'm limited in terms of file size by the forum here. Hubert
  15. Hi Didz, Congrats on finishing up your first game and in terms of the AI it does receive some unit bonuses throughout the game just to have it play better. What we tried to do was to add them here and there and only as needed to have an optimal AI experience but definitely not an overwhelming amount of units every turn like some games do. Also, if you play on the higher difficulty levels the AI will have more money to spend so this might be a factor as well. In terms of specific events like Stillwell etc., these are as far as I remember the same regardless of which mode you are playing and regardless of side, i.e. the AI doesn't receive these DECISION events any earlier than you. What it might do better though is protecting some of the key Partisan or other locations that will block some events like the Chinese Communists from occuring and maybe this is why you are seeing these happy when playing against the Japanese AI. I hope this helps, Hubert
  16. If it is repeatable everytime you do this just send me the saved turn, with the exact instructions on how to recreate the crash, and I'd be happy to take a look. Send to support@furysoftware.com
  17. This is a tough call because as patrat618 alludes to a good chunk, if not the bulk, of the Japanese army did historically stick around in China while Japan was nearing the end. With that in mind this was exactly how I coded the AI as in most cases any attempt to bring back any men to the island would end in disaster due to the presence of Allied naval units but I can always add in these scripts to at least try if the conditions are favourable. Either way and even if I do add in the scripts I would think that in most cases you will still not see any Japanese attempt to move land units back to the island as from almost every game I've seen the Allied navy would essentially block such a move... so in fairness it might not change a thing game play wise unless of course they start moving back much earlier which I am not sure is desirable either because too early might just be criticized as well. What would be helpful would be to see some saved turns from when you think the AI should start retreating back to the island and I would be happy to take a look and make any possible adjustments on that, let me know!
  18. If you are running windowed mode you should be able to use the computer for other things but that being said the next release is only running in windowed mode as the full screen option is no longer properly supported on Vista/Windows 7 using the Aero desktop theme. Additionally we've introduced a new option so that the scripts can be updated at your preferred time, i.e. it is no longer automatic unless you choose the 'Automatic Updates' option.
  19. Hi Mudhugger, This would be a false positive by your anti-virus but either way you won't need the file to run the game if it is already running properly as it is just used by the installer to register the dx7vb.dll if needed. If preferred you can safely remove this file, Hubert
  20. Hi Fintiligin, We should have some new pics along with an AAR that will include military counters... more on that to come Hubert
  21. Hi Amadeus, Can you send me the saved turn so I could take a look? Thanks, Hubert
  22. The game will come pre-packaged with at least the proper files and if we have time we will likely include at least one WWII campaign with the official release. If not then definitely by the first patch. To generate a WWII campaign the only thing you will have to do is in the Editor flick the 'WWII Campaign' switch on so the campaign knows it should follow the previous WWII applicable rules and then after that it is just having the right files in place for a custom campaign including the appropriate localization file with WWII applicable unit names and so on. As mentioned above, the needed files are already in place on our end so the process should be pretty smooth and straightforward. In terms of the WWII campaign we are looking to include it will be based on the massive 384x102 WWI campaign map so it will be the largest and most detailed European Theater WWII campaign in the SC series to date More on this to come... but I should also mention that there are also a few WWII mods that are already in the works and these should be ready for repository download around the time of release as well. All in all, a great time to be a WWI and WWII gamer with the upcoming release Hubert
  23. Just in case anyone missed it we've just announced some more info and screenshots, including a HUGE screenshot of the entire map of the main campaign! Strategic Command WW1 1914-1918 The Great War: Zoomable Campaign Map & Info Strategic Command World War One 1914-1918 The Great War will offer the biggest selection of carefully designed and historically accurate campaigns of any game in the series yet! Three (!) full campaigns and seven (!) mini-campaigns put the player at the hot spot of the violent events that helped shape Europe and the World as we know it today. Today, we are posting brief overviews of each campaign - together with a couple of screenshots - as well as the enormous (and we mean giganormous!) world map. The latter is available with a fully zoomable web viewer online (allowing you to explore the entire map in detail without having to download the whole thing...!), or if you do prefer to drool over the map in private, also as a 40 MB download. Click here for the Campaign descriptions: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=269&Itemid=463 Click here to open the Campaign Map web viewer: http://www.battlefront.com/images/stories/SC2/WW1/WW1_Map/TemplateWebPage.htm Click here to download the HUGE 40 MB campaign map: http://www.battlefront.com/u.php?1232458741 Hubert
  24. The Demo is usually out just before we release and that should also be the case this time around
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