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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Generally you just need to take the capital (even when it moves these locations need to be secured as well) as well as destroy enough units for the country to officially surrender. Once it does, then it is the normal behaviour for any remaning units to essentially *disappear* from the map.
  2. Honest answer is as soon as it is ready... we are still sorting out some of the WWI feedback and as soon as that is wrapped up we'll put our efforts back into the WWII campaign. But if all goes well it will not be that far off and pretty much we will get it to you guys as soon as possible.
  3. Yes this could be done and once you've removed the applicable at start units on the map, all you would have to do is setup your DECISION event to fire right at the beginning of the desired turns. Then you would just need to link the DECISION result, i.e. yes or no, to appropriately setup UNIT scripts to place the units in the desired locations.
  4. Hi Ages Flow, You've done nothing wrong and all you have to do is give the Editor some time, it can take up to 5-10 minutes to process through the scripts. Once it does, save your campaign and the scripts will be loaded with the campaign. Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Generally dual monitors have been an issue with SC and not officially supported but if you've had success then the only thing I can think of trying is adjusting the #FULL_SCREEN setting in your SC2.ini file. This can be found in your installation directory of SC and the setting can be changed from #FULL_SCREEN= 0 to #FULL_SCREEN= 1 Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Just to clarify this is incorrect. You can in fact install as many times on the same computer as you like and doing so only uses one activation, i.e for the first time you install. After that if you reformat your harddrive and would like to reinstall this would use up a second activation. This system gives you 4 activations, meaning you could activate on more than one computer if preferred, plus 1 a year after that.
  7. Hi Roland, The easiest way is to navigate to your installation folder using Windows Explorer and then click on the 'Compatibility Files' button near the top left portion of the Explorer window. Once you do that it will take you to the Virtual folder and you should be able to find your files. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Hi Ludi, yes please send me any of the saved turns that you might have. support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  9. Hi Ludi, Thanks for the feedback and just a quick question as the AI abandoning Brussels really caught my attention as I have never seen that happen in any of my tests. Can you tell me for which campaign this was for and if you had modified the campaign or were just playing the vanilla version. Also, just looking at the scripts the only way I currently see it to possibly abandon Brussels is if Ypres was captured first. If this was the case this is an easy fix on my part. Any info here will be very helpful, thanks, Hubert
  10. Sincerest apologies for the trouble Kalkwerk and I can say that we are working on solutions to this issue as fast as possible. Opening a ticket as Martin suggests will help us speed this up for you as well. Hubert
  11. wmpryor, Can you try using 'Video Acceleration' to see if this helps? This can be turned on in the SETTINGS dialog in game. Hubert
  12. Hi Dirk, Just to clarify the message you receive mentions that there 'may' be errors in the scripts and in this case it is a good idea select NO and be directed to the scripts dialog. The reason for this is that the individual scripts are only valid if the right conditions in the campaign are true. All this means is that when you make some changes to the campaign, some scripts will need to be recompiled to ensure that they are still valid due to any of the changes you make. Once you are directed to the scripts dialog you will see the list of scripts and those that have an '*' at the end need to be recompiled. The easiest way to do this is to simply click on the 'Update *' button. This button will only update the scripts with the '*' at the end. As Snowstorm mentions this may take some time and the Editor is not frozen, it is just working through the scripts which can take up to 5 minutes on some systems if the number of updates is large. Hope this helps, Hubert
  13. That was just a slot that was included (I believe) going as far back as the Blitzkrieg release for those that wanted to do a Republican Spain mod. I'm not sure if anyone ever did that, Bill?
  14. Thanks for the detailed info worg64 much appreciated and this is excellent feedback. For the combat issues I made some changes to the AI logic (for this release) to better hold its position in the trench lines as well as to not attack too boldly when in a trench and perhaps this is coming into play with it not going after destroyable units more aggressively. I will take a look. Good suggestions on subs as well and for items like Sedan and HQs these were design decisions and probably better for Bill to answer but perhaps at least a unit for Sedan can be scripted in for the higher difficulty levels against the AI. For the Tank unit that was a scripting error on my part and this will be fixed and I've made notes on the rest and I'll see what I can do for those as well
  15. The Neutral position is used only for ownership and by default new land tiles that are drawn on the map are set as Neutral. Beyond that you cannot set any data for a 'Neutral' country as you noticed it is not included when viewing the 'Country Data Dialog'. Essentially this is just how the engine is setup to work.
  16. Hi Alaric, This is an easy fix and all you have to do is edit the PURCHASE scripts for your mod and have the AI focus on the units you wish for them to build. That being said the default PURCHASE scripts for the original versions of the campaign should for the most part do the trick and I would make sure these are included in your mod. Hope this helps, Hubert
  17. Hi Snowstorm, I think you might have mixed this up as enabling 'Quick Logic' is the option that will help speed the turns up which is why we set it enabled for the default installation.
  18. Yolo in your case this should be an easy fix and I think Martin gave you the wrong link, please try this one instead: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=197
  19. This is one of those tough calls on my part when implementing the AI because on the one hand if I have the AI play historically in this case and it is too easy to defeat then this can come across as a criticism of the game or even worse a weak AI opponent. Usually, and this is just from a design point of view, I will take the safest route and do my best to not have the AI make the same mistakes as happened historically or play the safer strategies so as to at least avoid potential criticism. I realize that this might not be the answer you were looking for but I just wanted to give you an idea regarding what the AI has been scripted to do here. Hope this helps, Hubert
  20. Thought it might be a good idea to sticky a thread for players looking for opponents. Post your contact info here and happy gaming
  21. That's an interesting point CSS and I wonder David if you are finding in your games that the Japanese player is roughly committing historical forces and resources towards China and seeing it fall or if it is indeed the case that the Japanese player is pushing much harder against China than they did in real life. If it is the former then I would be more inclined to make adjustments but if it is the latter then I think it is more reasonable an outcome especially so if other aspects of the Japanese war machine are likely to suffer as a result.
  22. For the Special Forces as far as I can tell there is actually only one bitmap, the one adjacent to it is for the Engineers.
  23. Just looking at the sprites for the main campaign, there are a few nations where the sprite is the same, i.e. the UK, US, AH, and Ottomans but there are slight differences for the French, Italians Russians and Germans. Hope this helps, Hubert
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