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    RockinHarry got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Also considering western Maskirovka. It´s surely all just information that western supporters want Russia let "know". Figures can be less, but maybe much more instead. Free press in times like these can be real PITA in western democracies.
    After the war it´ll be really interesting to know about Gepard and PZh2000 success rates. Same for other supplied western weapon systems and oncoming Challenger, Leopard and Abrams tanks. 😎
  2. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Almost unbelievabe story, but there are some proofs on video at least with captured. 
    Yesterday general Valeriy Zaluzhnyi told to Mark Milli, that UKR troops have conducted some actions to stabilization of frontline on Donbas and retaken several recently lost positions. 
    This guy tells on of this action in Bakhmut area. Recon squad of Luhansk Border Guard Service spotted that large group of Wanners and "regulars" (later turned out these were attached mobiks) came to position and prepares to assault actions. Commander of recons evaluated the situation and all risks what will be if Wagners  advance and made decision to attack them first in the night, having only five men, including commander himself. Afer Wagners relaxed and many of them probably go to sleep, the group attacked them, using NV sight and silencers on rifles. As result they eliminted 20 enemy soldiers, 19 were injured and 3 captured. 
    This is a thread with this story
    And short videos of operation and interrofation of two captured + photo of third captured

    The man with yellow tape on eyes is Wagners convict, he sat in jail for drugs, so, lol, he was a medic-rifleman in own unit %) Though, his words slightly differs from the story in twitter. He told their detachment had 151 men, but on this section of front they had 60 men. And in trench they had 15 (not 42 like in twitter thread). 
    Second POW is mobik from some motor-rifle unit from Kazan', Tatarstan Republic.  He names number of his unit m/u 61225, but Google doesn't show such unit. In Tatarstsn was established three "mobiks" motor-rifle regiments.
    There is interesting thing - Russian TG opposed to Prigozhyn, contest his claims, that in radius 50 km from Bakhmut only Wagner is operating, no MoD units. But this TG claims that in assault of Soledar participated units of 51st VDV regiment of 106th VDV division. And more, this source claims that "mobiks" of this regiment were attached to Wagner units for evacuating of wounded and were threaten by Wagners they will shot if they can't evacuate wounded Wagners in time and they will die. Wagners also take away humanitarian aid appointed to 51st regiment. So, when these mobiks get vacations, they often break own arms and legs to themselves in order don't go back to Wagners command again.
    So, looks like Wagners got own "slaves" - mobiks of VDV and Tatarstan motor-rifle units %)

  3. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just to highlight some positive provision by the German government, there's now 34 Gepard in Ukraine. 
    Plus Grid help :
    And also some practical Swiss help, even if it's just denying access to reserves:
    and, Wot Armata Doin'? 
    Sweet F-all,  it seems. No real surprise there. 
  4. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Here is extended to the west map of artilelry shellings. So now we can obviously say, Russians made attempt to bypass Vuhledar from west, but their movement to the north from Shevchenko, small village in 5,5 km SW from Pavlivka was heavy shelled by arty and stopped, though Russians claimed in first two days their forces seized some ground between Prechystivka and Vuhledar. So we have direct clashes area 15 x 8 km 

  5. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Due to info from LostArmor, Russian military medicine not so bad and the rate of resqued lives and personnel, who return themselve to units after average and even heavy wounds is enough high. Main problem for Russians was first aid on battlefield and evacuation. At the beginning of war they had obsolete personal medical kits, but now situation with this became some better. Their volunteers like and Ukrainan also buying TacMed kits on the West and train personnel how to use it,.
    But Russians have other problem, which probably began to undermine their morale. Evacuation from battlefield. Not only wounded, but also bodies. Not a secret, that for Russian family from deep province, 7 millions RU for death is fantastic money. But this money they can get only if the body exists. So now we can see such posts in TG:
    ... People don't want go to combat, because know, that likely their bodies will not evacuated, so their families will not get compensation (we can give X and Y places were about 30 men lay already three months, and their families are without money, because their men are MIA). 
    ... Some commanders of midlle level were "missed in attacks" (you can understand this as you want) during combat as "accident" or "enemy fire". And only thanking to this, soldiers didn't go [to combat] and didn't acomplish "disposable task"
    In Ukrainian army the family, who has a MIA soldier continue to receive his salary for frontline service - 100 000 UAH per month (2500 $ - this is very good money for Ukraine) until the fact of death confirmed. In that case the family receives 15 millions UAH (375 000$) 
  6. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes, but on northern side of river there are only the farm, elevator and dachas of Pavlivka, whole settlement is on southern bank. 
     There was an opinion Russians want to eliminate potential threaten to their railroad and logistic ways around Volnovakha.
  7. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Maryinka now. Satellite shot. 
    Black earth in the middle is a frontline

  8. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Only judging this by what he wrote about Germany, this is flat-out & utter rubbish (to say it friendly)
  9. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to _Morpheus_ in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Novator was able to survive Lancet attack. Not too bad for Novator - keeping in mind that it doesn't have much of armor 
  10. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Indeed, battlefield area of Vuhledar doesn't limited by 10 x 5 km zone, as I wrote above. Arty and UAVs of both sides reach in more distant places
    Volodymyrivka village + more 3 km East of the wide
  11. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    UKR serviceman from Bakhmut area
    We can keep against mathe...kers infantry of any quality and quantity, to slay them by dozens in close clashes. But when enemy barrel artillery, tanks and mortars 120/82 are disassembling unimpeded hour by hour our positions, feelings of powerlessness and anger make you crazy. It's can't be expressed by words. 
    This is likely about losing of Krasna Hora village. Though other sources say the village was abandoned two days ago, Wagners just secured terrritory before claimed next success.

  12. Like
    RockinHarry got a reaction from NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Well done, bud! Reminds me I´ve at least half a dozen hurtgen forest area maps in various stages of completion. Still got to check CMBN V4.04 patch to see if BFC has fixed the pillbox vulnerability bug. Likely not I guess. That one got me stop further working on related missions. Even did the job for the glorious BFC hamsters investigating that bug (thanks for nothing guys) and figured its most likely cause. BFC didn´t find it worth investigating and fixing it. Well... half a dozen missions scrapped. Thanks again. 🍻

    Hm..... wasn´t there another solution? 🤔 I recall something right now... https://community.battlefront.com/topic/135382-custom-3d-models-and-mods-compilation/?do=findComment&comment=1962034
  13. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Special Report From The front: Autumn 1944.

    Got some rail cranes, Cheers JM Stuff.

    Belgium Autumnal City map.

    Found a way of making deep trenches...
  14. Like
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    RockinHarry reacted to quakerparrot67 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    some shots from the german/belgian borderlands...

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    RockinHarry reacted to quakerparrot67 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    some from the ostfront...

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    RockinHarry reacted to quakerparrot67 in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    my recent haul of east-front shots...

  20. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Battle for Berlin Artwork

    Battle for Berlin Artwork

    Battle for Berlin Artwork
  21. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Battle for Berlin V2.1
    After feedback from the BF community I have updated and put right a few issues on some of the scenario maps including:
    Set up of the forces was wrong on  some of the maps. Now fixed.
    • Missing Axis troops. Now fixed.
    • Mission Objectives missing on Kroll Opera House. Fixed.
    • A map was missing completely called Assualt the Reichstag. Fixed.
    • Plus some other minor issues fixed.
    Put all these scenarios in your CMRT Scenarios Folder and click yes to replace.
    If you note anything that looks wrong, please contact me and I will look into.
    Thanks Spike (Warts and All) for all your help.
    New scenarios coming soon. Thank you for your time.
  22. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    I was reading that the Germans cleared areas in the forest to make kill zones...note the Dragon's Teeth in the distance.

  23. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Hurtgen Forest, i'm really enjoying getting back to making countryside maps.

  24. Like
    RockinHarry reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    No it's only a QB at the moment, may turn into something bigger?????
    Heres the map

    The map has some great vantage points allowing for foo's etc.

    The Siegfried Lines Dragon's Teeth

    Some nice rocky textures...

    Some Ruins...

    and some mossy textures...Work in progress, I have made it more muddy since these screens. Cheers
  25. Like
    RockinHarry got a reaction from DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    ROFL 😂
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