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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. My grandfahter was a Légion Etrangère company CO in Tunisia, then a member of Juin's staff in Italy and finally staff officer in the 1st French Army (France, Germany).
  2. I don't think french customers would be particularly annoyed by the presence of Vichy troops.
  3. The attacker "activates" a flag at the beginning of the game, the others are bogus (their possession doesn't count in the final score). The defender doesn't which one is the "real" flag.
  4. Hmm...Despite my recent "upgrade" to 125MB memory i had the glitch again yesterday.
  5. I've just started it as PBEM. I'm playing the Americans. SPOILERS The very first turns the germans attacked in a place where i expected them : near the central fords. an ambush from engineers combined with naval gunfire stopped them until now. I think we managed to immobilize a PIII with the arty and to destroy a gun HT with rifle grenades. Dead or wounded panzergrenardiere are lying on the river shore and others, panicked, run everywhere or duck as 155 mm shells land exactly on top of them. On the opposite bank, a couple of .30 MGs are giving them hell. But i can alredy see more panzers approaching... [ January 04, 2004, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  6. I've just started it as PBEM. I'm playing the Americans. SPOILERS The very first turns the germans attacked in a place where i expected them : near the central fords. an ambush from engineers combined with naval gunfire stopped them until now. I think we managed to immobilize a PIII with the arty and to destroy a gun HT with rifle grenades. Dead or wounded panzergrenardiere are lying on the river shore and others, panicked, run everywhere or duck as 155 mm shells land exactly on top of them. On the opposite bank, a couple of .30 MGs are giving them hell. But i can alredy see more panzers approaching... [ January 04, 2004, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  7. ...zip file at CMMOS corrupted ? I can download it but not not open it ! Thank you for your help
  8. It was set at 95MB i have changed it to 125. I will let you know. Out of curiosity, how does one know what is the maximum limit supported by the system ? [ December 31, 2003, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  9. I didn't change any BMP. I've seen it on smalish maps, uniform (desert) maps and the completely flat Bir Hakeim map. No programm running on the background. I'm not sure it's a memory problem because my comp can run smoothly even the largest CMBB maps without effort.
  10. I feel less alone (BTW modifying the camera angle doesn't correct it)
  11. Sometimes when i load a game the map displays blank parts (instead of the normal bmps). It can be brushes tiles, for example, or vehicules, or smoke. It happens randomly, when i reload usually it disappears, the normal graphics are back. I've a Nvidia 4600 with 30.82 drivers on my XP system. Never had this problem with CMBB. I have anti-aliasing running. What is strange is that it is very random and is solved if i re-load the same file... Any idea ?
  12. I've just noticed they have 10 men ! What is the organisation difference with the later (CMBO type) 1944 platoon HQ ?
  13. But Line of Defence map is so small that you can area target every bush with the guarantee it contains a dozen of GIs...
  14. In different levels of FOW, does the difference stand only in the unit naming (platoon HQ instead of infantry ?) or also in other infos like the earlier exact placement of a MG instead of a sound contact ?
  15. According to me CMBB doen't need to be modded too much. A few AndrewTF's or MikeyD's cosmetics is sufficient.
  16. Definitely my favourite demo scenario since CMBO. We ended it with a draw as germans in PBEM (51% Allies 49% Axis) 7 tanks, including 1 gun damaged, left for the latter, 1 gun damaged Grant remaining on the US side, but still some GIs inside the Mosque. The 20mm HT were rather effective at giving trouble to the Grant TacAI with nasty multiple side penetrations.
  17. Clone cd + Daemon Tools works. No more CD handling.
  18. MikeyD your russian tank mods are outstanding my only regret is that colors don't match together; for exeample the latest T34-85 (44) mod has a nice dark green color which isn't the same as your lighter tone IS2s.
  19. Lou, Seems a smart solution. I'll give it a try. Monty i considered this possibility but i would prefer to limit the hardware if possible. Sergei your solution unfortunately isn't compatible with PBEM Helper which i use to play CM. Thank you to all
  20. It really depends on the situation. It ranges from nothing (just hitting go) to one hour or more.
  21. Good question BCBF but unfortunately i don't have the answer. Maybe stealh infiltrations of the ennemy were the cause of the fall back ?
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