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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. OGSF, what happened...did your wee spaniel bite you in the love spuds?</font>
  2. Dicemoan Received yer lame challenge in me email. As suggested, it almost got trashed. However, there's the fog thing. Fog is good for sneaking and crawling and lurking. And 2000 points of sneaking and walking around in circles is just, well, super. Oh, noted yer models. My, so much skill and time invested to stick all those track bits together. I suppose the mindless activity is worthwhile to eek out some sort of twisted pleasure until bits snap off or some crazed four-legged, hoofed, hormone-challenged monstrosity stamps all over 'em for donkey litter. What a sad, feeble existence you lead. Enough melatonin for me, Dicemoan? Idjit Yeknod
  3. Dear Yeknodathon, I seem to have misjudged you. Donkeys are reputed to be intelligent by four-legged standards. What went wrong in your case? Our game is a Meeting Engagement. If you want any chance at a win, you must at least attempt to capture the flags. Instead you have been skulking about for over a dozen turns near your setup area. Since you refuse to come out and fight, my gamey paras are more than willing to take the fight to your location. You have these choices: 59- Fight the good fight. Yek- Skulk around like you have been doing. noda- Withdraw all your forces off-map. thon- Surrender. Appendectomy- Failure to return files is not an option. Have a wonderful day, Sledge</font>
  4. Milady, you place me in a pickle here, for I am under strict orders to honor the Ladies of the 'Pool, and would do so in any event. I must, however, point out the error of your claim. Simply put: Bards never lie. If you were to read again the posts of the Übergnome regarding this matter, you would most certainly realize that you are sorely mistaken.</font>
  5. No, I don't. Everyday is miserable but today is just too awful to be miserable. I hate days. What a fine idea, I don't think I'll be sending turns to BodgedInBehind either. He's also miserable. His miserable advance is... well, pathetic. Idjit Yeknod
  6. The Evil One complaining of a little heat.... Tst Tst I would have thought a little bit of fire especially down your nose would have made you feel right at home...... BURN BERLI BURN I mean that in the nicest possible way of course... [Edited] Because I'm worth it....</font>
  7. I can't beleive you legitimised another dopey LGMB idea by giving it even a semi-serious answer. I too was thinking of suggesting that a "Lord General MB Memorial" award be given. But it had nothing to do with grogs.</font>
  8. I'm sure it was a wondrously articulate, elitists, snobbish, and caustic diatribe. Dambed I missed it. Speaking of missing - Yeknodathon: my e-mail system is suffering a conspicuous absence of a setup from you. If you got a message from some wanker called Eric Scurlock, or discus@peoplepc.com, that's me you Idjit. If you can pull yourself away from that Milwaukee Vibrator, crotch rocket, thumper, or whatever bucket of bolts you wish you could be riding, if it wasn't February, make your purchases or send a counter setup.</font>
  9. I agree that it was Cesspoolcide! I'm posting the poem again just for you Yeknod. The Donkey When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings The devil's walking parody On all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet. - G.K. Chesterton</font>
  10. Uh oh. Peng Thread deleted. Cesspudlians loose upon the boards. End of the world predicted. Film at 11. </font>
  11. Amazing, beautiful! Many thanks Dainius. And thanks to all the modders who share their skills and talent. Yeknod
  12. Nobbit, its truely bizarre, like lifting a kilt and seeing... yer, know me Liege must be a bit confused... I'll take 'im home. Idjit Yeknod
  13. ... well, a satyr is wellcome in my paddock, as long as it brought it's own booze and cleaned up the after the debauched communal frollicking... don't want it leaving any odd hairs... Yeknod
  14. *bang* *fling* *mutter* *mumble* where's me blasted Nobbit harness? *mumble* mutter* crash* Eh, what? Too much? Oh, don't talk to me about things being "too much"... too much unnecessary jolity, too much bleedin existence... *bang* *crash... oh, what's this: ummmmm Nobbit Management: A Guide to Husbandry, Culling and Disection... oh, not much anatomy after a good clubbing, not much anatomy before a clubbing... centre spread photos of the Nobbit in its natural habitat. Pathetic. Oh, Chapter 3: Identify Your Nobbit. Oh, suppose its useful. Aha, Appendix: Amusing Things to do with a Nobbit. Having a bleedin laugh. Amusing?... Eh?... What's this, no, that's impossible... Bwabwabwabwabwabwabwa, oh, gawd, that's a good one... right up its hooter... bwabwabwabwabwabwa, gawd, that deserves a honk-and-a-half, eeeeeeeyore, eeeeeeyore. Idjit Yeknod
  15. [As the labouring sun drains its last rays into the unwelcoming sod, a figure can be made out in the paddock having a bit of an emotional episode. Seems the closets are having a spring-clean] *mutter* *mutter* bang, crash *mumble* feckin, useless *mutter* bang twitcher jockeys crash *mutter* *mumble*.... (sigh).... feckin, "rat-a-tat-a-tat" *mutter* "rat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tat", oh, LET ME PUT THAT THROUGH A BLEEDIN TRANSLATOR... *crash* *bang* *bang* ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE *mutter* crash [ February 16, 2002, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  16. Quite right too Lawyer. I can only assume that OGSF, using what passes among the Scots for humor, finds his unutterably witty. We just find him unutterable. Witness his latest: It's almost Pawbroonish isn't it ... I mean without the Pawbroon charm. I wonder what he was trying to say? Amazing what a few weeks without meds will do isn't it. Joe</font>
  17. Dear YK2 Hiding, Me Lady, in me closet? Oh, no me Me Lady, no, no.. me closets are open to yer 24x7x365. Nothing to hide and just enough room for a trussed Nobbit. Idjit Yeknod [ February 16, 2002, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  18. Dear Carol Vorderman I'm a very special fan of yer Countdown show. I particularly like Mr Richard Whiteley's ties but I must say, I only watch it because yer nice and so good with letters and, of course, numbers. It makes me day to see you slap those vowels onto the board and do all those mental calculations in your head. Boy, and your legs ain't half bad too. No, yer see Carol, we're having a spot of bother. I'm not a number person meself and I was wondering if yer could come down here to add some, well, show-bizz number-crunching savvy to our problem... whatever it is... and I could inspect yer legs... well, forget about the numbers, just bring your legs. Kind Regards Yeknod
  19. Oh, that's spoiled the suprise... send me that turn again... I like fires, pyromania runs in me mother's side... gawd, what a childhood. Pleasant winter evenings as me mum would race around the council home lobbing gasolene-soaked solid fuel fire-starters at any combustable material. Ah bless, her, she never got the knack for matches... I can sniff the fumes now. If only she had a zook in a confined space... Gates-slut that was v. pleasing... lets try that again. Idjit Yeknod
  20. Oh, his he... er, attractive? I mean, single... in season... I'll wonder over. Idjit Yeknod
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