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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Yeknod! I know I have mentioned this to you before... DO NOT sell any more of those damned Berli figurines. i will not stand of Evil being comercialized. Want to sell Buddy Jesus statues, fine, but leave MY domain out!</font>
  2. Nope. Not I. But I <U>WILL</U> mention this - SEND ME THE NEXT FECKIN' TURN YA' FLEA-BITTEN, MORONICALLY MISERABLE MISTAKE FER A MULE!! There. That should just about do it. AJ</font>
  3. Did someone mention Vegemite? http://www.vegemite.com.au/media/Vegesong2.wav Cheery Nobbits. Pathetic. I wouldn’t be cheery if I was eating it 10,564 miles away. I’m not 10,564 miles away so I couldn’t be eating it, as SOME suggest. And I wouldn’t be cheery even if I was a bit closer than 10,564 miles with a jar of Vegemite stuck on me nose, especially near Nobbits. Not that it really matters if someone mistakenly locates a jar of Vegemite by around half the circumference of the world. They would have to be very PARAMETERLESS to do that. I mean, being 10,564 miles wrong is all good and well for Nobbits. That’s why we put them there so that they can be wrong on the other side of world where no one will notice. And mistaking a jar of Vegemite for a jar of Marmite, far superior in every way to the tat that’s churned out 10,564 miles away, deepens me mood. Me, with me brain the size of a colossus and a chafing skin rash reduced to sorting out someone’s PARAMETERS and HEMESPHERES. Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  4. Another cheese sandwich, anyone? Cheese sandwich, anyone? Cheese sandwiches here. Ooh, I've found a cheese sandwich, who wants one? A cheese sandwich has just flown past me nose. I like cheese sandwiches, I keep 'em in me lunch box. I've started a cheese sandwich collection, who wants to see 'em? My cheese sandwiches have PARAMETERS, so many PARAMETERS that you could knock me over with a cheese sandwich. Cheese sandwich, anyone? I've just taken a picture of me cheese sandwich and yer can see em' as .jpg or .gif pictures but I don't like .bmp files 'cause me cheese sandwich ain't big enough but I don't care because my cheese sandwich is very special to me and I take it everywhere because it has PARAMETERS and not a lot of cheese sandwiches have PARAMETERS. Cheese sandwich, anyone? Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk [ April 25, 2002, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  5. Well, Joe, I didn't expect to have to tell YOU of all people of the only proper setting for a match under the Code Duello. Alas, I see the senility is returning, so I will of course explicitly state my desires, to wit: Medium map - NO RIVERS (I remember one of our more interesting maps!). If you MUST put in a river, make sure it has about half a dozen STONE bridges in it - none of this "My bridge is gone and I can't get up" crap. Weather: Clear. Ground Conditions: VERY DRY!! Time of Day: NIGHT Month/year: Surprise me. Points - oh, say 2500 or so. Troop quality - avoid the extremes (none of those accursed conscripts, thank you very much) Unit types - Me axis, me want 'splodey things, clankety things, and lots of flamey things. Some squishy things would be nice too. Donkey boy - He Allied - Let him choose some parameters, then you and spanielman get together and sort it out. Really Joe, was that so hard? I'm a REAL 'merkin - I want lots of bright and shiny and 'splodey and flamey and clankety and squishy thingies on a map that will burn like an Irishman on Bermuda in July, and I want to play a night scenario so that donkey kong and I can get close enough to each other to actually USE the splodey and flamey thingies. Steve</font>
  6. Oh, yes BTS, more Joe Shaws in CM. I wish to have a whole of company of 'em for ahem... "experiments". Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  7. Muhahahahahahahahahahahha... the pigs come later... muhahahahahahahahahahahaha Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  8. Can I take the part of Caligula? I promise to wear a toga every time I enter the forum. Regards Jim R.</font>
  9. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Sir Croda , I always read everything posted in the One True Thread . If only to scan for that one small mistake, the tiniest fault, in order to exploit the weakness of the poster. For it is in taking advantage of the blunder, that one may climb upon the shoulders of others. Forcing their heads beneath the morass, one may stand as a giant. Besides, I like to laugh at some people's spelling.</font>
  10. From this belly I form me honk and with sinews wrought in fisted knots a roar will cleave the Earth you tread, so slight, so dainty so barely stroked, it pleads for gnomes and lesser folk. And with me trumpet, with me wail I'll smite the billow from yer cheeks and dry the spittle that bears the sound of empty prattle and half-laments. Me rash is true, me ears erect, I stand to take yer flopsy blows and in this paddock, this Albion dear, I build this pyre to rest yer head and bake yer toes to Sister Sledge. [sigh] ... I care not for marriage or lineage but I do demand that you woo me on yer knees. Now, that said, to matters. Me second. I seek someone given to fairness, dispassionate consideration, lofty intellect, calmness in the heat of battle and unparalleled communication skills. Me Liege, swift and shiny boot, OGSF, will be me second to counter this shifty brood of... tripod sniffers. Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk [ April 19, 2002, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. [And as the sun sun slides beyond our realm and the dust settles in little piles across the paddock a figure can be made out erecting a rather large sign with flashing lights, wind chimes and various colourful streamers.] Honk, honk, honk, heeeeeaaaawwwwww, eeeeeeeyooooorre, MrP ng, MrP ng needs a Priest, a Priest, a Priest he needs! Honk, honk, honk, eeeeeeeeeyooooooooore Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk [ April 18, 2002, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  12. I'll have 10 to 1 that Iron Chief makes a contribution in the Bren Tripods Redux thread to tip BTS over the edge. Mass grog extinction. The thought is so enticing, I might do it meself. Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  13. Noba, sorry to disappoint you but Mace would never lower himself to keep company with a bovine like yourself. Persephone P.S. Yeknod, where's your crayon?</font>
  14. Oh, boquets and delightful ones at that. I suppose they're much better than weeds or thistles or the odd nettle but one can't be too sure in these matters. Well, if you insist, and I'm sure you do, I shall call you, D_Pleted Geranium on the account that you lack quite a lot in almost every possible way. Petal for short. Never had a geranium. Are you tasty? Worthless asking really, I think I know the answer. Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  15. Übergnome! When you rewrite the rules for the MBT be sure to include this one: NO DISCO IS ALLOWED IN THE CESSPOOL! OK, I feel better now. (That is one point for me Yeknod). Persephone</font>
  16. Is this a disco? I hate discos. Let me guess, Berli throbbing to the Bee-Gees Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk. Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around since I was born. And now it's all right. It's OK. And you may look the other way. We can try to understand the New York Times' effect on man. Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive. Well now, I get low and I get high, and if I can't get either, I really try. Pathetic. Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk [ April 15, 2002, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  17. Received a letter from somewhere near an airfoce base: Dear Auntie Yeknod Feel much better after the steroids you kindly sent. I do wish I can come back but as you said, its best for all concerned that my chest recovers. Funny 'ole steroids, they do make me laugh! Just a few more days to go. Must thank you very much for all the wonderful support. Do you think Joe has missed me? I doubt it knowing that, in your capable hooves, this enforced absence was necessary to sort out my mind and regain a semblance of moral integrity. I shall never slap on a latex rubber rabbit suit ever again. I don't know what I'd have done without you, and I'll do anything you ask without question, as Joe requested when I first departed Thanks again, Mr Nibbles aka the Wandering Quire Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk
  18. Seany-babe?! This is my liege you're talking about here. The Bard is above your station, you miserable, mad mule. Try macerating your head, you assidious ass. I am here to defend his honor (okay, point taken. It isn't much of a defence, either) from the likes of you! More lurking and less droning, if you please. If not, you know the drill. I'll give you a hint: it starts with SOD OFF . </font>
  19. Now, now, Fiona, it is not merely tradition, but a requirement....or so I thought; of course, I am just an Outerboarder so take that with a grain of salt. For what it's worth, the Outer Board hates you too. Seanachai, I thought you were merely being self-effacing when you called yourself a worthless git. I see you meant it. I realize that weeks of waiting for a turn from a 'Pooler is also tradition, but pleeeez.....</font>
  20. Ooooh shiny ones! How about a pachyderm. I have a special place in my heart for pachyderms.</font>
  21. Pork chop cutlet. Tender-loins. [aside] ahem, word of advice... someone's pretending to be the Justicar... ahem... not a good idea to be, well, intimate, know what I mean *wink*? See, er, they go "missing" *wink* Eh, *nudge*, bit suspicious that, things going missing... I personally blame undeveloped Quire schooling skills... don't get the calibre of Kanniget these days. Amateurs, you know, lowering the standards. Chicken breast, Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk.
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