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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Of course, armour sloping will affect the penetrating power of the .50 cal. Yeknod
  2. Yes M'(former)Lud, Croda! Now we're talking bidness*! Pehaps we could perform a Gnome-ectomy or at least a Gnomus-interruptus. What in tarnation* was he thinking? Was it his intention to, as one of the characters in the play J.B. stated, "Blow some air into this Lilliput of crap, pretense and bull sh**!"? Gawd, I hope not. A plot that devious, that nefarious, is even below your standards M'(former)Lud Croda. Not much below, granted, but why split hairs? *(in keeping with the slope-headed Texas theme)</font>
  3. Yes M'(former)Lud, Croda! Now we're talking bidness*! Pehaps we could perform a Gnome-ectomy or at least a Gnomus-interruptus. What in tarnation* was he thinking? Was it his intention to, as one of the characters in the play J.B. stated, "Blow some air into this Lilliput of crap, pretense and bull sh**!"? Gawd, I hope not. A plot that devious, that nefarious, is even below your standards M'(former)Lud Croda. Not much below, granted, but why split hairs? *(in keeping with the slope-headed Texas theme)</font>
  4. Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker. Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy. MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices. Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption. AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure. I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  5. Boo_1: I plinked, he plonks. He is, therefore, a plonker. Boo_2: bother, we've made contact. I shall run away just to annoy. MrSpkr: we've made contact during the setup. He's got crack armour and me hatred for Joe is raging. Not yer flamey, incandescent rage but yer slow, measly, simmering rage that swills and festers in the bowel. I hate 'im with me darkest crevices. Diceman: the quire is abroad. I cannot confirm or deny the full circumstances - me promise of confidentiality stands - but certain letters suggest degenerate moral corruption. AussieJeff: has dissolved. I shell the empty continent and it gives me pleasure. I wish to insist that me turns are sent with greater rapidity. There is a certain slacking of standards among me opponents. Please adjust. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  6. But, if what you say is true, then how would they refer to the donkeylike animal, big ears, reputation for stubborness etc? I think that you are trying to make a joke, yes? I am not an expert in these matters but there would seem to be a clear difference between an anus and a hairy quadraped with a liking for carrots. </font>
  7. Probably not. It's tough for them to knot a rope since they haven't evolved opposable thumbs yet.</font>
  8. Interesting subject! If moralilty is modelled in the game (I like the idea of rejigging victory point conditions) then its likely that it will be subverted to the tactical level. Just some observations and questions: Perhaps being humane transcends tactics? Sort of brings a new dimension to pre-game negotiations. What does it mean to turn morality on/off in the quick battle generator? Brilliant game but I'm sometimes disturbed when I allow myself to remove the abstractions. An average game represents 30 mins. How many of the little pixels remain intact after we gamely throw them around screen? Life seems fragile in CM and death seems indiscriminate. Yeknod
  9. You!! I don't know who you are but I'm not going to acknowledge you until you develop a frontal lobe. And don't think this is acknowledgement, you pupal simpleton, this is just autonomic response.</font>
  10. You!! I don't know who you are but I'm not going to acknowledge you until you develop a frontal lobe. And don't think this is acknowledgement, you pupal simpleton, this is just autonomic response.</font>
  11. What can be said when all is misery. One can only stand and chew and watch dogs fall over. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  12. What can be said when all is misery. One can only stand and chew and watch dogs fall over. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  13. Oh, a consequences peddler. Shove off, sunny, try the grog-shop. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  14. Oh, a consequences peddler. Shove off, sunny, try the grog-shop. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  15. You clueless pillock, if you'd checked just a TAD more carefully you'd have seen that the exit zone was fairly clearly marked as Enemy Exit Zone. Now let's see if I can make this just a teensie bit clearer since your former Liege (and well rid of him you are too) obviously neglected to school you properly. There are TWO sides in any CM battle, do try to pay attention lad, this is important stuff. The first side would be YOUR side, a.k.a. the Friendly side, a.k.a. the Good Guys, a.k.a. (in YOUR particular case) the LOSERS! The second, or other side would be your opponent's side, a.k.a. the UNfriendly side, a.k.a. the Bad Guys, a.k.a. (in MrSpkr's case) the WINNERS, a.k.a. {here's where it apparently gets tricky for you) THE ENEMY. Now ... if it is the ENEMY Exit Zone then the ENEMY would have to exit through it to gain points. YOU gain points by killing and/or destroying ENEMY units. You gain NO points by exiting anybody of your side though I encourage you to see if you can gain points through the destruction of your own units. Hope that helps, Joe</font>
  16. You clueless pillock, if you'd checked just a TAD more carefully you'd have seen that the exit zone was fairly clearly marked as Enemy Exit Zone. Now let's see if I can make this just a teensie bit clearer since your former Liege (and well rid of him you are too) obviously neglected to school you properly. There are TWO sides in any CM battle, do try to pay attention lad, this is important stuff. The first side would be YOUR side, a.k.a. the Friendly side, a.k.a. the Good Guys, a.k.a. (in YOUR particular case) the LOSERS! The second, or other side would be your opponent's side, a.k.a. the UNfriendly side, a.k.a. the Bad Guys, a.k.a. (in MrSpkr's case) the WINNERS, a.k.a. {here's where it apparently gets tricky for you) THE ENEMY. Now ... if it is the ENEMY Exit Zone then the ENEMY would have to exit through it to gain points. YOU gain points by killing and/or destroying ENEMY units. You gain NO points by exiting anybody of your side though I encourage you to see if you can gain points through the destruction of your own units. Hope that helps, Joe</font>
  17. That was MY exit zone, that's right, MY EXIT ZONE, and now its gone, vanished, snatched from me heart. And now I feel... *sniff*... empty. I spy yer little ways; yer wheedling and picky intrigues to drive me from me Liege. Jealousy or envy I care not... *sniff*... the matter is clear... the Code Duello has been perverted for yer own broody and seething ends. I expected better, Joe, much better. Yer've fallen in me estimation and I worry for yer quire. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  18. That was MY exit zone, that's right, MY EXIT ZONE, and now its gone, vanished, snatched from me heart. And now I feel... *sniff*... empty. I spy yer little ways; yer wheedling and picky intrigues to drive me from me Liege. Jealousy or envy I care not... *sniff*... the matter is clear... the Code Duello has been perverted for yer own broody and seething ends. I expected better, Joe, much better. Yer've fallen in me estimation and I worry for yer quire. Yeknod o' tha Thistle
  19. Charge one! He keeps NOBBITS. Charge two! It won. Yeknod o' the Thistle
  20. Charge one! He keeps NOBBITS. Charge two! It won. Yeknod o' the Thistle
  21. Oh, right, so the endless hours of chosing the exact spot for each thing was all in vain? All me picking ups and putting downs and shifting, nudging and dragging is all wasted? Me intricate and sophisticated artistry wrecked in a matter of seconds? And then I received the other file and suddenly its night and me setup zone extends to bleedin Alaska and the exit zone mysteriously wonders over to the opposite side of the map and then I have to read me notes and then everything looks squiffy and then I have to pick something up and put it down somewhere else and go through the whole tiring, excrutiating bother. Pathetic. Of course, I blame the Justicar. The endless stream of emails, counter-denials, wild accusations, shifty buck-passing and... *sigh*... general panic reveals someone wracked with guilt. Oh, how the seachlight of truth picks out another WITH NO PARAMETERS. Me Liege is blameless and was merely the innocent handler for duff product. Yeknod o' tha Thistle. [ May 12, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  22. Oh, right, so the endless hours of chosing the exact spot for each thing was all in vain? All me picking ups and putting downs and shifting, nudging and dragging is all wasted? Me intricate and sophisticated artistry wrecked in a matter of seconds? And then I received the other file and suddenly its night and me setup zone extends to bleedin Alaska and the exit zone mysteriously wonders over to the opposite side of the map and then I have to read me notes and then everything looks squiffy and then I have to pick something up and put it down somewhere else and go through the whole tiring, excrutiating bother. Pathetic. Of course, I blame the Justicar. The endless stream of emails, counter-denials, wild accusations, shifty buck-passing and... *sigh*... general panic reveals someone wracked with guilt. Oh, how the seachlight of truth picks out another WITH NO PARAMETERS. Me Liege is blameless and was merely the innocent handler for duff product. Yeknod o' tha Thistle. [ May 12, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  23. Really? Where is he then? Hasn't been around here for a while now has he? That's the problem with Squires these days, no stick-to-it-iveness. Do we really want another absentee Knight? I think not. Let him show up again, and proclaim that he won't just run off as the whim strikes and I'll support the motion, otherwise my duty as Justicar is clear. Joe</font>
  24. Really? Where is he then? Hasn't been around here for a while now has he? That's the problem with Squires these days, no stick-to-it-iveness. Do we really want another absentee Knight? I think not. Let him show up again, and proclaim that he won't just run off as the whim strikes and I'll support the motion, otherwise my duty as Justicar is clear. Joe</font>
  25. Sorry to disappoint you, but they're anatomically correct.</font>
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