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Everything posted by Steiner14

  1. Dead it looks indeed. Without sun and shadows i find this terrain hardly readable. Grass? Nothing greener than grass in spring.
  2. As long as the FRG doesn't demand the stolen german newsreels (and not only the newsreels) back, black channels will try to make a profit from it. But Romano Archives gives a slight impression, what has been withheld from the public and what extremely cut and quality wise degraded stuff has been spread for decades to create a certain intended effect.
  3. Nope. I meant in reality a cover arc in conjunction with hide would equal to an ambush. Only my wishful thinking it would work that way in CM.
  4. Never noticed that they stay prone. :eek: Very cool trick. Do you also have such a wonderful solution for ambushing ATGs?
  5. Please not another command. If there is a cover arc and a hide command, IMO this IS ambush and should work as ambush. A hide command without a cover arc means all heads down and only minimal spotting - very similar like it is now. And a hide command with a cover arc of a unit that has not moved, also means ambush, but should give the unit a huge camouflage bonus, if it is in woods or bushes.
  6. This is not my impression. I had a infantry gun hidden in woods and foxholes and it was spotted from a moving infantry (not even hunting) from 200 m. But it happened in CMFI v2.0. Dunno how big the difference in v2.x1 would be
  7. And if it would should show some nice infantry and vehicle action already on the preview pic, it would make more people interested in downloading it. It also should be mentioned in the instructions, that the Z-folder should be moved before testing, otherwise mods could impact the measurements. I think it would also be good, to have list of the parameters to fill out. I'll start with an example list, maybe others want to correct or update it? FRAPS RESULTS: minimum - maximum - average framerate: HARDWARE Manufacturer + model: OS: CPU: RAM: Graphics card (overclocked?): Graphics memory: SETTINGS Screen resolution of the game: In game model quality: In game texture quality: Shadows on/off: Shaders on/off: GRAPHICS CARD SETTINGS Anti-aliasing: Texture filtering: VOLUNTARY ADDITIONAL DATA
  8. I think it would be very hepful, if two saved games (one medium and one large scenario) with a 1 minute playback would be put up. With a fixed camera position (e.g. locked to unit) with Fraps quite objective measurements should become possible.
  9. They call themselfes tolerant and are stupid enough to even believe that.
  10. The western alliies were the reason, why their nations became occupied by the Communist criminals again. Especially the tenthousand Cossaks that received the word of honor from the British Army not to be deported into Stalin's and Tito's hands and as soon as they had laid down their weapons becauseo of this promise, the Brits and the war criminal Churchill immediately deported them into Stalin's, the praised liberators, hands. And you wonder why nobody has ever heard of them again? :mad: The fighting in the occupied nations in the east ("liberated" in New World Order Orwell speak) continued long into 1948 and beyond despite the incredible fierce communist terror. It's absolutely logical, why the story of these true patriots is unknown and untold in a world where the globalists have prevailed over the idea of independent and souvereign nations.
  11. That's exactly the problem, not the benefit: to achieve good results against good players, they must be used, if available. More commands and possibilities force players to use the tools delivering better results. A different thing would be to make these additional commands an option valid for both sides like FoW levels.
  12. I hope they will never make it. Already very much micromanaging possible and with formations it would become even more. One of the attractions of CM is, that the player does NOT always has available what he would need and he has to cope with the shortcomings.
  13. The "democracies" secret services check the high ranking officials several generations back, the US president's security service is famous for that. The Marxists liquidated millions (including their families) during peacetimes and could become Ally of the democrats. But Hitler followed the vision of the Volksgemeinschaft and therefore everyone who showed his loyalty to the new Germany (a declaration of war against Germany in early 1933 naturally excluded a certain powerful group of that) was accepted and his past was forgiven. Former Communists even could become ambassadors. Indeed a radical cleansing... While Lenin and Stalin liquidated all reactionaries, and Röhm, chief of the SA, was for a cleansing of the Reichswehr, Hitler wanted to avoid this and reached everyone his hand who honestly wanted to help building up the new Germany. It's very simple: if Hitler would have done at least partially what the Anti-NS-Propaganda is claiming, the biggest betrayal in military history would have not been possible in that dimensions.
  14. On the snowy pic the soldiers are not wearing gloves. Please, give us gloves it's damn cold!
  15. A really beautiful map, but even for my untrained eye for graphics on an old laptop display, the graphics in CM are underexposed, have too much color/saturation(?) and way too less contrast (contrast of the medium levels is missing, while the compression of dark and bright levels into saturation of black and white are missing, too; this makes for the flat washed out unnatural look). If you look at real photographs, areas in shadows are much darker overall (nonlinear compression of darker areas towards dark), while surfaces in the sun are much brighter overall (nonlinear compression of brighter surfaces torwards brightness). If there is no contrast compensation possible at the GFX-driver level, I'm wondering if at least shadows could be darkened and the sun be brightened?
  16. With the biggest betrayal in military history on the german side, because of the not carried out political cleansing after Hitler had taken power, all the achievements of the german soldiers and scientists were like drops in a bucket full of leaks.
  17. Hardcore javier, do not forget, you are not allowed to use single Jagdtigers but only in full formation and you are not allowed to use them as support weapons in combined attacks. They are intended for smashing tank concentrations on the operational sized scale. Good luck.
  18. This sounds almost to be too good to be true. I'd be interested if this is only the result of a little parameter tweaking or if the MG-model has been improved or if a bug was found? From what you guys are reporting, suddenly quick changes of the MG's positions should become a tactically important thing, if these weapons now are the deadly threat for infantry they have been?
  19. WOW. Has a dream about realism in CMx2 come true?
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