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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Question: In reguards to the MP40: I have seen both in fiction and non-fiction stills and films this SMG being held and operaterd in two diffrent positions. One is to grip the pistol grip and the magazine, the other is to grip the pistol grip and then support the weapon from underneath between the mag and the trigger guard (much like holding an Uzi). My question is which way did the German military instruct it's troops to use this SMG, and which way was applied most often by the men in the field? (I normally see them holding the mag, not supporting from below) I'm just wondering.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dave H: Ready for Round 2?<hr></blockquote> Da!!! :cool:
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tom: But this mod has also benefits for the allied soldiers: you can take vegetables from the field ( it was VERY hard to change the CM sourcecode for this feature ) and throw it in direction of the enemy. If you hit , your platoon get´s a moral bonus ! Next thing to come: wandering trees and talking bushes...stay tuned. :eek: <hr></blockquote> Sweet. :cool:
  4. I've never seen the AI unbutton anything on it's own; even my AFVs.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rommel22: Those vegetables do not look historic, no carrots and no ratishes. C'mon at least try! <hr></blockquote> I agree. All of the reference material on this suggests that most european nations did not switch from wheat to veg fields until the post war period. Many axis and allied TC were worried durring the war that carrots and potatos would jam up their road wheels and leave them immobile amongst swarms of crazed rabbits. Nothing was more dreaded by tank crews than the horrific "rabbit tank rushes" such as those that took place in '44 in Normandy. Many tank crews were nipped to death when caught in veggie fields positioned between the bocage.
  6. Okay, now I must try this one out even though my favorit scenarios are small to medium with no more than 40 units to give orders too. Where can I download Blood and Steel? I didn't see it on the Depot's lists.
  7. Mine is a Dawn/Dusk file (though you could rename it to any backgrond sound file of course). Cap'n Wacky is working on mixes of that particular file with some of CM's original sounds. Right now he has daytime snow ambient (mixing both the original sound file and the one I was sending out), and night ambient (mixing the original BTS "crickets w/shell fire" with the mod I was offering). All of these background sounds sound very good in the game (although I personally prefer the "crickets only" at night. If you want my mod, just drop me a note at: DBURCH@bak.rr.com As for Cap Wack's files, you'll have to ask him for them as I was just a tester. I don't belive he has begain to post them to the general CM community yet. :cool: [ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>
  8. Will we be able to blow bridges with demolitions in CMBB?
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord Dragon: Germans 19 (vader's jester) sorry man, ted asked <hr></blockquote> Oh, the shame of it all! *hangs head low-whimpers to self* 3 Churchills? Hey, I thought you had 2 Cromwells. Must have overlooked the #3 tank. You did a good job with those BTW. You kept them in good positions where they had decent fields of fire without exposing them to my AT assets very much. [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>
  10. Is a very light snow going to be applied to the trees? They look excellent, but slightly out of place to me. I think just a sprinkle would blend them well with the ground. Man, I've never been this excited about a mod before! Whoever you send it to to host it is going to have server overload! [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord Dragon: still cheering for you to win though! <hr></blockquote> Sure you are.
  12. Everybody please disreguard what Ted says on this forum now. It appears he has started up his crack habbit again.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: Isolated units live dangerous, even the teethy bazookas.<hr></blockquote> Tell me about it. I just finished 'Para Recon in Force' against another player. He moves a platoon of Brit AB away from a victory flag he just captured from my defenders, but runs over and dosen't see a shrek team of mine that he didn't hit. I'm thinking I have a chance to score an easy flag grab with my AT team. Only, when I scoot them closer to the flag, I find that he has left a Piat team behind. The two AT teams duke it out alone (the whole fight lasts like 24 seconds), and he is left with one man to hold the flag. Normally AT teams don't seem to inflict much damage on infantry, but when you have two of them facing off at 10m (and isolated), it gets bloody real quick. [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]</p>
  14. Bump it so I don't have to hunt for it to read it! Thanks for the complie of data! :eek:
  15. Cap, The mixes sound quite excellent. Althogh I prefer the sound of the crickets alone (it makes it feel more like night with BTS's original sound file), I know there are others that would put that file in thier game. I am however using #00005000. Well done.
  16. To the bump, to the bump, to the bump, bump, bump! To the bump, to the. . .well, you get the idea. Time for round 2 to start newbies! :cool:
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: I am the walrus Coo Coo Cachoo...<hr></blockquote> Heyyyyyyyy, we've come to snuff the walrus! OH YEAH! You know that we ain't ever gonna die! Oh, no, no; you know we ain't ever gonna die-e-eye!
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: You never noticed that? Really? <hr></blockquote> Yeah! Really!!! I just got a new rig to play CM on a couple of months ago. My old PC was a clunk'n PII 350 with a 8MB Voodoo 2 card. As a result, playing anything other than a small to small/medium battle was frustrating! When I got the new rig, I've been playing CM all the time ever since. I've basicly opened up the game to myself, and am enjoying it (an noticing things) much more than before. :cool:
  19. I just noticed something for the first time! (And I've been playing Cm since it's release!) I'm playing one of Wild Bill's Operations (Stolberg). I've forced the AI to abandon one of his Panthers after flanking it with two Sherman 75s and a zook team. I then order one of the Sherms to target the Panther to "brew it up" so the Germans can't put it back into action on the next battle. I watched as the Abandoned Pather went from a barrel-down graphic to a half-knocked-off turret to show it had been knocked out! I never realized CM graphicly modeled abandoned and knocked out AFVs diffrently! Cool!
  20. I could not locate them either. Just background sounds and music. Probably on the full version. MoH will probably be very similar to Half Life in that it will get modded to hell and back.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ParaBellum: Give it to usssss! Give us our precioussss....<hr></blockquote> Damn it ParaBellum! I told you not to slip on the mod! Now the allies of the Dark Lord know where your are!!!
  22. I was only able to get the file through to CMHQ. Tom showed interest, but I couldn't get the file to him due to e-mail size limitations. Hope CMHQ posts it!
  23. We're on the second page. Time for: Sir Bumps Alot.
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