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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. Hey VJ, How about the first tcp/ip QB once we get it in our hands! For old times sake, eh? I'm not sure we will ever see the finish of the ROW tourney. I've been done with all my games for months. Your old Nemesis LD
  2. Also, you may have your visual scale set at above realistic. Move back to down to realistic visual scale and then see if the line passes between buildings. I usually play at +2 but have to remember to occasionally adjust for situations such as yours.
  3. Nazism is fascism. They are interchangable, one and the same. I think that was what he was asking and/or confused on.
  4. I'm in Chicago, shipments from BFC take two to three days. I know, the wait feels like forever. CM is the best wargame ever, hands down, period. Life as you know it IS over. And yes, mods ruined me too.
  5. How is Tourney III, Sec. 4 coming along? Just curious where everyone stands. I've had no tourney action for two weeks now (cuz i'm done). I'm getting the shakes.
  6. VJ, Ted, It is tomorrow, already have a prepaid reserved copy waiting for me! November is the Director's Cut release, with from what i've heard, approx. 40 more minutes added in!
  7. VJ, Ted, It is tomorrow, already have a prepaid reserved copy waiting for me! November is the Director's Cut release, with from what i've heard, approx. 40 more minutes added in!
  8. My girlfriend plays and loves CM. LOL, finally broke her of Red Alert. She has only posted once or twice here though. We always play against each other but I am sure she would play other people as well. I've been truly interested to see how she does against others. We both went to Rune's as well to get a sneak peek at CMBB and both of us are dying for it to be released. The guys we met there were amazed that she was so into the game and knew what she was talking about tactically. Any of your gf's want to play mine let me know! We could set up a battle of the females! Can anyone say catfight?? [ July 30, 2002, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  9. huge *HUG* Best wargame ever, Best most responsive software company ever, Guys it is truly appreciated. Just the fact that we were invited to Rune's house to get a sneak peak of CMBB has forever endeared you to my heart. No other game developer has ever done for me what you guys have. You guys are the GREATEST. Period.
  10. Tourney III Sec. 4 All my games are done. I know I'm not the one lagging!
  11. Double post. Don't know why that happens to me lately. [ July 12, 2002, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  12. Tourney III Section 4 Well, four down, one to go. Finished my battles with everyone but Hobo, and I think only 9 turns to go in that one. By the way, I'm 3 for 4, woohoo!
  13. LOL, Umm, yeah we can probably do that again!
  14. oh it is! my girlfriend and i both have alienware's side by side, networked, high speed cable connection. the tcp/ip battles in our house are fierce! lol. i like the soundblaster but have heard turtle beach is better. haven't had any problems with the creative card though. windows xp is a little weird with it sometimes, i have to occasionally go back in and reset for four speakers, but other than that, not a hitch. i love those klipch speakers, at least what i have heard of from them at the store. right now i'm using the cambridge soundworks digital surrounds and am very happy with them. nothing like gaming in full surround. we have been into neverwinter nights lately too and it absolutely rocks on our systems!
  15. Alienware Pentium 4 1.7g 512mb ram GeForce 4 ti4400 soundblaster live through 4 digital speakers. 19" monitor total war in my home! lol, i think cmbb will run fine on this one! [ July 08, 2002, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  16. Major Taktik There is a cover arc command, and a covered arc armor command. This does mean your AT systems will hold their fire on infantry if in a covered arc armor. They wait for only armor targets and will not engage infantry.
  17. Oh, Forgot to say, I could see his positions, and make out infantry?. Figured there were a couple of mg's and maybe a plattoon of men, interspersed throughout his defensive position. I really had hoped that my barrage and tanks would help in the charge. He did lie in wait and opened up on my poor charging conscripts at I think around 50m's. The whole rout took place in under a minute. Man, hearing those german mg's open up still gives me the chills.
  18. lol, Yeah, I human wave attacked a line of trees with many crater holes in front of it, (thought that might aid in covering my men on their charge) with three conscript russian platoons. I had previously laid an arty barrage on the position, moved my men up through brush and light trees, and had three t-34's about 800m's back firing with mg's and the 76.2mm guns on the german main line. Well, needless to say, my men up and charged (let me say here the yells coming from your men on human wave are truly amazing) what felt like a hornet's nest of mg's. They were cut to pieces, panicked and routed in one turn. I think I had one squad left cowering in a hole and absolutely useless. The mg's definately worked. We were playing timed turns so that greatly affected the way I moved on this battle. Wasn't really left with a choice on maneuvering and destroying single positions, but that was the fun of it. Hearing those mg's firing, my troops yelling, then dying was mind-blowing. After the battle, I was amazed that it was two or three mg's that did this in one turn. They will definately change the way you play.
  19. Sorry everyone, Was out of town for the last three days, but am back now and will try to impart my impressions again as I remember them. Concerning the covering arcs, one other thing I remember but don't think anyone has posted, you can plot the distance as close or as far as you want, to be used way more like an ambush. ex. you can plot your first point out 25m if you want or pull it all the way out to 250m, etc. This way your guns will not open up until someone or something moves into your arc. Way cool.
  20. Also, One last thing. Never ever has a computer game company that I love so much shown such devotion and credit towards it's fan's. They listen, things we asked for have been put in. They invite us to their houses to see the game. How many companies have done that for you. Steve, Charles, Madmatt, and Kwazydog all take time to listen and respond to us. Nowhere have I seen a company with such devotion. Just my two cents. [ July 05, 2002, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  21. Wow, I don't see how BFC can win on this one. If they release a product too early that is buggy or they are unsatisfied with everyone will whine and yell BFC please fix or do somefink! If they wait til they are satisfied and proud of their accomplishment everyone whines and says the wait is too long and they are being teased. Hmmm. About the secrets, they are nothing earth shattering or paridigm shifting, just some cool tweaks that really add to the immersion of the game. I think it's cool that they want some surprises in the game so you all can be as blown away seeing things for the first time, playing it yourself. That's the fun of getting a new game right? Some are very subtle as well, as Rune said, some people won't even notice them for long after owning and playing the game. Just really cool little neat things to be discovered when it's released. Now put yourself in my shoes. I've seen the game and have to wait just as long as everyone else. I think I'm more teased than any of you guys. So everyone just relax, wait, and know that what is being released is far superior to CMBO and far superior to any other computer wargame on the market. Also, lol, yes my girlfriend did want to stay longer and was actually trying to get us too. "Sure," she says to Rune, "we'll just have one more beer." lol. Believe me I wanted to stay too but i had to be the responsible one for the day. As to us being some kind of special "club", I think that is really unfair. We just happened to be lucky in that we live close (about 3 miles in my case) and it could have been any of you, and any of you would have done what I did and jump at the chance to get a sneek peek. I feel like I won the lottery! Again, huge thanks to Tim and BFC for giving us this little taste. I think you guys are great. Steve, take all the time you need, what you are doing is priceless! Truly impressive. And Tim did mention the hours being put in, so take it easy on these guys. They are busting their asses. Few more impressions of the game if you all still want to know. The sounds are really great and Rune said they aren't even all in yet. The difference between mg34's and 42's is noticeable. The stacatto and intermittent burst times are really cool. The russian uni's weren't done yet so we played them in blue skins, lol! Their rifles and smg's were in though. I didn't really notice the tracer textures being all that different but I don't know if they were the old textures, new ones not being implemented yet. Tank platoon command and control was cool and does add to the game immensely. All the new commands are really great too, Advance to contact, Seek hull down, human wave etc. Wait till you hear the russians yelling when they go into human wave mode, wow! Oh, and the Maxim's do have wheels. Didn't see any schreks though so I don't know if they have been changed either. All in all it was a great experience.
  22. Report, My friends, I have seen the promised land and it is good. Believe me, CMBB definately does NOT SUCK. It was very amazing, and definately a huge thanks to Rune for his hospitality and giving us the chance to get a peek! Now, on the secrecy thing, Tim told us it was more for all of you to get the same drop jawed surprises we got today on our first game. The doodads are awesome! Seeing your troops move through 3D wheat fields is quite an experience. Another thing is the MG's definately do not suck. The new covered arc command is awesome and totally will change the way you play. I think i can tell you all that I human wave attacked with three platoons of conscript troops and all three platoons were utterly repulsed by two, yes two german mg's. Ok, enough for the moment. Feel free to ask what you want to know and I will tell all I can! Again, Tim, thanks, you rock! And thanks to BFC for giving clearance for us to try out the best wargame yet. You will not be able to go back to CMBO once this one comes out. Can't wait.
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