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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Good job man, just watched first 10 mins of Dar Sud video. Is it just me, but I keep wanting and trying to move the camera around as if I''m playing. Hehe! Btw, 3 mods I consider must haves... Pinetrees Icon Bases: http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4115/details Scipios Unit Interface: http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4104/details Scipios Weapon Interface: http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/4112/details The neon green weap icons just look way out of place for CMSF.
  2. Ditto here, thanks to your beloved CMBB, I knew very little of the Eastern Front before it. Now with dozens of books under my belt, I still can't get enough of it. It's certainly my preferred front in terms of gaming and reading. So I'm very much looking forward to CM2: Bagration.
  3. Then the question that remains is........ .... the blue pill or the red pill? :eek:
  4. Yeah go check out my genius post, I nailed it with a spam stamp right outta the gate. (2nd post) BOOYAH !
  5. I had a feeling that kind of response was coming, Economics 101, Business 101, and good old fashioned common sense. Hate it when they get in the way. You know, if I ever won the lottery I'd invest in BF in an effort for world domination.
  6. Add me to the list of wanting an upgrade to the file interface management. Well, basically everything Ken mentioned is worthy. Btw, Steve mentioned not having the ability to hire new programmers to make these interface tweaks/changes. But there does seem to be much more people working with CMx2 (Brit devs, Afghanistan devs, maybe more?). So wouldn't this kind of an update be possible?
  7. I could be wrong, but is it the same team working on NATO that did Brits? If that is the case it be pretty difficult to churn out another module in less than 5 months after Brits. Or is there a second team? (not including Russian team making Afghanistan) But I somewhat recall Steve saying NATO probably wouldn't get out the door til sometime after the Normandy release.
  8. Oh boy, the stench of the Peng just lingers on and on and sometimes spreads. :eek:
  9. Speaking of cows, will there be cowbell? The game will be completely broken if we have no cowbells in it.
  10. Yeah I think rooftops, ones with the proper walls protruding up, should essentially be treated like elevated trenches. At least in regards to small arms fire.
  11. Finally, something to get us excited over, thank you very much. Lets see, I spot a M3 HT, M4 Sherman, M4A1, Priest, Wolverine, and a Stuart. Did I leave anything out? Ok, so now that you broke the ice sorta speak, any chance you can give us a list of vehicles that are confirmed? How about just one more screenshot? I'll buy ya case of beer. Come on now, you know you wanna bust out a screenshot of that Panther. Do it!
  12. Ok wrap your heads around this one, infamous double slit experiment. Quantum physics anyone?
  13. I believe you Martin, but it's not good enough. You guys are gonna have to add full-game replay to prove it.
  14. Gonna hold you to that one. Hell, I'm half tempted to make that my new sig. Seriously though, any room for another beta tester?
  15. It would all have to be done manually out of the game and a third person would be needed to edit/add units to the map. First somebody or a group would need to make a point system document for all the units in game, a good bit including Marines and Brits. Which is of course agreed upon or will become the standard. (good luck getting wargamers agreeing on points for each unit) Then it would go something like this: 1) Two players agree on a map and send their units chosen document to a third party. 2) Then the third party checks to make sure units listed fall under the chosen point limit and then adds the units to the scenario. 3) Third party sends out scenario to both players and there you have it. A real QB in CMSF. Well, maybe we would need to change the name to Long Process Battle(LPB) instead of QB.
  16. I threw together a group on Steam for anybody interested. I figured alot of people may already have Steam compared to X-fire. We had a Red Orchestra battlefront group awhile back. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/battlefrontgamers
  17. Played original TF Thunder cam and now most of the way through the Semper Fi cam in RT mode. It's my preferred way of playing. It's a trade off really, you lose the ability to replay the turns from all angles, thus not missing anything. Compared to RT where you can pause the game at any second. Vastly increasing reaction time to god-like speed when things go bad. You can literally react to something the very second it happens, but sometimes even then it's still too late. Take some getting use to though, gotta keep a sharp ear for incoming fire. Constantly mistake rounds cooking off in AFVs for incoming arty, AT guns, or RPGs. Then somewhat frantically zoom all around my units looking for impacts/dust/smoke.
  18. Time to kick open the gates of the new CMN forums too. Oh and while your at it, throw up a big sign saying "NO PENG ALLOWED!". You guys are losing too many customers due to the stench of it. Since you guys are obviously not gonna get this out in late 09 like you were hoping to. Is it safe to say first quarter 2010? :eek:
  19. Just to confirm, this scenario is still not fixed in 1.20. Who was responsible for fixing this? Tell us now, so we can publicly shame him.
  20. Nice, and in less than 20 mins from when I posted. Although 1.7 million is much higher than I thought it would be. But then again I was pretty much clueless and haven't done this stuff in well over a decade. Thank you!
  21. Ok, I'll spare the details and get right to it. 8 separate rolls all fall into the 1-19 range out of 100. What are the odds of that? Anybody know of any number crunching sites out there? Where all you gotta do is plug in the numbers and it spits out the results for you. Since I don't know how to use the calculator for this.
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