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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Even better would be the ability to use the mouse wheel to scroll through the saves/scenarios. Then just a double click to load it would be ideal. While we're at it, would be great to have the ability to delete save games from within the game. As it is now you gotta navigate to the folder manually outside of the game. This is already in the game but is loss at the higher difficulty settings. It's the main reason I play on vet level. A unit's kill total is very much requested, especially since it was there for the older CMx1 games. The more detailed stats you mention would be nice though. It would certainly be easier to add than the often-wished for RT 30 second or 1 minute rewind feature. Since this is the only negative thing about playing in RT, missing things all too often. I think this would be huge, practically making turn-based obsolete, at least outside of PBEM.
  2. What's it all matter, the world will probably end before we ever see it released.
  3. Wow, this looks amazing, I can't wait to watch my PC blow a gasket running this monster.
  4. Well, based on your previous posts, you implied there's no difference between an individual marking his weapon with his own beliefs and an arms maker doing it. Which I think most would disagree with, including myself for the reasons I already posted.
  5. Thanks for asking since you clearly missed it. It has nothing to do with a soldier wanting a god on his side in war. It's wrong for the head of a arms maker to put their own beliefs/prayers on the weapons of any nation. Especially if that nation is open to all religions and non-believers. It's called freedom of religion. Not to mention since Afghanistan/Iraq is so highly religious, there are Crusade/Jihad undertones to something like this. Which is exactly why the military put a stop to it. Not too bad for "the west" that you said hasn't grown out of "invoking the gods". http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/01/21/rifles.bibles/index.html
  6. Well of course this goes back to ancient times, that goes without saying. It's been that way since religion was invented. There's nothing wrong with a soldier marking his weapon with whatever religion he chose to believe in to feel justified to kill. It's understandable and a very ancient way to think. It's different though when a soldiers weapon is already marked for him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't have to be Catholic or Christian to join the US military. The classic phrase of "separation of church and state" come to mind.
  7. So then where's the religious markings on weapons from WWI, WWII, or Vietnam. Interesting we start putting this crap on weapons when we're fighting Islamic countries.
  8. What's the deal with arms makers putting religious markings on their guns? I recall an incident here in the US about a batch of M4s that had a scripture reference on them. I guess making tools of death make you a holy roller apparently. I was happy to hear some soldiers refused to wield these... ahem "holy" weapons. This just feeds into the extremists narrative that the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are a "crusade" against Islam.
  9. I can't read any of the text, the pic is too small.
  10. Well June 6th has come and gone and we had only two threads about a release/bone request, not bad. We did manage to get Steve to come out to calm us down. Now everything can return to normal.
  11. Who in their right mind would want to be in Emrys sig? That's the last place I'd wanna be. :eek:
  12. How about the Panzerwurfmine, or was this weapon only employed on the East Front? I remember this guaranteed-kill AT weapon from CMBB. This is by far my favorite way to take out a tank, if you can manage to get the tank hunter team close enough.
  13. On a semi-related note, just had the two man crew from a KOed BTR do buddy aid on some wounded from a HQ unit. They dropped their pistols and grabbed an AK and RPK with ammo. Will we ever get the pistol model/skin + animation for it?
  14. They should announce the new title as: CM:When It's Done
  15. What a dumbass, your suppose to chew before you swallow. :eek:
  16. This just in, Runyan watches Sex in the City, everybody point their finger and laugh.
  17. I want full-bore-gore all the way baby! I want limbs flying through the air and when they hit the ground we get to hear a loud bloody SPLAT! I want organs spilling out from those stomach shots. I want the pink mist for head shots! I want soldiers screaming MOMMA while trying to put their insides back in. I want to see the 50 cal do realistic damage like severing limbs or cutting the body in half! Oh and one more thing, I want all of my troops to have a warface!
  18. Yeah but come on, the average American has no clue about the other dates you mentioned. But everybody knows what June 6th is, it's the big one. Besides, the game is based on it. Oh and IIRC CMBO launched in early June!
  19. Haha, my first try and everybody got wiped out before the first reinforcements arrived. This is a down and dirty fight for sure, I love it. Completely forgot about using my mortar and could of placed my units much better. My 50 cal Humvee and BTR got KOed fairly quick. The ANA are essentially useless. Gonna try it again... Nice AAR snake eye, keep it up!
  20. Ditto, this is what I did back when the Brits launched. Besides, it's only ten bucks more. Bottom line, if you dig CMSF then this is a pretty easy decision.
  21. You get all the improvements to the core game for free in the updates/patches that the modules launched with. So basically the modules add more units and scenarios/campaigns to play. Most consider the Marines a must-have since they add the most units, especially for the Red side.
  22. Just downloaded and will give it a try. For anybody else looking for it, it's found in the Marines/scenarios section here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=513
  23. What the hell is wrong with you, that is far too street for these here forums.
  24. To me, it doesn't really matter what it's referred to or described as. It's just another level of fitness in the game for a total of three.
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