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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Both Pz Platoon HQ's and Pz Co HQ are alive (as are all HQ's actually) altho, I lost the Pz Co 2IC from immobilization. So, you reckon I can just keep going? (What is the decision mission bug btw?) If I do need to reload, I have a saved file "ENDGAME" (saved at the end of mission #3) as well as a "SETUP" file that I created when I started setting up mission #4.
  2. I guarantee anyone who sees the MY WAY movie that they will be impressed by the depiction of Japanese fanaticism and the desire to win or die. Knowing about it intellectually is not like seeing it enacted on the big screen. It will definitely put players in the "right" frame of mind regardless of which side they play. (Yes, I am getting a % of box office net lol.)
  3. Looks like they were trying to fudge the numbers. Clearly they needed to invest more in the vastly improving "Other" weapons. And either the tanks or the ATG's were not doing so well, so they lumped em together.
  4. I see it is a completely new file. If I cannot use it and continue with my campaign since I am on mission #4, can you detail the changes so people can decide whether it's worth restarting or simply soldiering on. Thanks...
  5. The early scenes of the war in China are even more emotionally charged. An amazing "study of fanaticism" movie with a really good story and relationship conflicts (altho' that dissipates into the huge Normandy scene at the end). No one's heard of it cos it was produced by Koreans.
  6. I saw that (usually) as a bonus as then you knew something had spooked em to make them stop and you could replay that part to see what might be out there. With MOVE they'd normalyl keep going and you might never have noticed they're walking into a trap. This was especially useful in large scenarios. The trouble with HUNT is that the troops tire quickly.
  7. Suggest you use an online translator to get the majority done. I would be happy to help polish it after that (if you can't find fluent Italian-English speakers).
  8. If I patch, will it affect my current Conrath campaign game?? So far on mission #4 and doing ok.
  9. You are perfectly sane, sburke. Germans do have separate HMG ammo teams in the CMFI Aufklarung formations. Play "Conrath's Counterattack". Man, I can't believe there's been so much discussion on this and so much disbelief.
  10. Yes they do. I am playing with em right now. (Sheesh...)
  11. Speaking of "indentured Korean" troops did you see my post re the movie MY WAY which deals with their plight and also has production values and battle scenes much better and bigger than SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. Only prob it starts on the China mainland and doesn't get int island fighting.
  12. The Move to Contact order was very useful (more so that simly MOVE) as you could use it for long distances and just forget about the guys knowing that if they came under fire they would stop (and HIDE) if so preordered. I'd like this back as well.
  13. Looking better and better... (And I had no interest in Pacific Theater at all...)
  14. Yes, I don't have to turn off trees at all anymore, and anything that reduces clicks AND improves the look of the game is a grand slam.
  15. That's a 2nd question. Unfortunately I have not designed any games. But, am playing CMFI scenarios and plz be reassured that there are German MG ammo bearers in the game.
  16. I think you can afford to use less circumspect and diplomatic language and just bluntly say what you mean to get your point across more effectively, Jon.
  17. Apparently CM2 models damage to buildings (that we can't actually see natch) and hence it is possible with said damaged building to see and fire into and out of when there is no obvious aperture.
  18. One of the biggest problems is with WEGO when the troops don't have the AI to take appropriate action, and one minute of bombardment can wipe em out before you can issue orders.
  19. That's an issue all the way thru CM2. Some aspects appear to be modeled to high fidelity, other aspects are completely fudged.
  20. What I miss is the long range combat that was typical in the desert (and East Front). I would like to think that 88's and lightly armored TD's like Nashorns, Marders etc would come into their own. But, am not sure if the engine handles long range combat well. CM1 did not. The 88's were useless as they were so inaccurate at 2Km+. Maybe one has to make em Elite to get them to perform close to historical.
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