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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. +1 to Wodin's point. Verisimilitude is what gamers want. "Realism" is what military trainers need. But, it's hardly ever "fun".
  2. Re SlowMotion's query: "How should selectable waypoints be improved?" Although we can now move waypoints we still cannot click on any line or waypoint to select that line and that unit. I am hoping that eventually, this (CM1) feature will be reintroduced as it saves a lot of time - especally in larger scenarios with lots of units. Currently a player has to go back to another part of the map (sometimes quite distant in a large map), locate the desired unit, click on it, then go back to where its waypoints end in order to move the desired waypoint. A few seconds multiplied by perhaps dozens of units adds up over the length of a game. I am hoping that eventually, this (CM1) feature will be reintroduced as it saves a lot of time - especally in larger scenarios with lots of units.
  3. If you like the era and subject, you should get all the games. Silly to hamstring yourself. It's a pain to install or reinstall either way. But, the game is worth it.
  4. After I turn 60 I suspect CM2 will become too complex for me too.
  5. Re CM1 command delays: "I think this is one of those issues where folks have kind of a rose tinted glasses vision of how it actually functioned." For what it's worth since I still play in large CM1 tournament campaigns (at WeBoB in case anyone is also interested) and I find Command Delays to be quite appropriate and they add to the challenges. It really makes an HQ's command attributes important. In playing CM1 it seems that Command Delays are more realistic than not having Command Delays. I have never understood why it is more realistic to be able to instantly change the orders of every unit on the map and have them instantly obey. Sure the CM1 Command Delay system was not ideal. But, I think CM2 "threw the baby out with the bathwater". Having said that, I would put Command Delays behind other issues like selectable waypoints/lines and LOS problems re the very few things left in the CM2 system that still need improvement.
  6. "The only thing we can't do right now is impose delays on the AI, but considering it is playing by a fixed set on instructions from the get go it is essentially how folks think the Russians should play." Agreed. I still play CM1 tournies and find that command delays add a lot of C&C issues that "feel" much more realistic than the CM2 "everyone on the map can instantly respond to orders" system. Am not holding my breath that BF will bring back delays. But, I never understood the rationale for eliminating command delays. (Maybe it was a requirement in CMSF when they were hoping to use CMSF for training sim defense contracts.)
  7. Regarding paying for a Campaign Pack, perhaps that could be part of an upgrade package that we already pay $10 for... except how about the upgrade costing (say) $20 if it included some campaigns? If the campaigns were part of an upgrade pack then presumably the campaign scenarios could be made so that they would not work with the previous version of the game. And one can't copy and swap upgrades. So, BF would be getting a secured/guaranteed payment for making those extra campaigns from everyone who bought the upgrade - and that wold be the vast majority of us. There are some mediocre campaigns out there and some xnt ones. The xnt campaigns I recall had their scenarios have relationships to each other (storyline) with branching options and also included logistics issues like ammo use discipline/economy, reinforcements and resupply. Getting that balance just right seems very complex, and am not surprised that xnt campaigns can take 3+ months (or a lot longer) to develop and test. Right now there seems to be an abundance of scenarios available. It's the paucity of campaigns that is apparent (for those of us that prefer campaigns to standalone scenarios).
  8. Thanks. You 2, mate. Let us know if you have any problems following the above as that could be helpful to know... (Just wish I could make my AVG stop hating CMSF and breaking it every chance it gets.)
  9. "They'd be taking the risk of spending a lot of treasure to make a pack of stuff with the expectation of selling it, when the content they would be selling is freely copiable..." Yes, that is the big problem. Otherwise, if we have to pay $10 for upgrades, it would definitely be worth paying (say) $20 for a well-made campaign pack of at least 5 campaigns of at least 5 scenarios each. There seems to be tons of user-made scenarios available for all the WW2 CM games now. So, Campaigns is where the shortage is. Perhaps BF could put their emphasis on extra Campaigns being made for each game release and let scenarios be taken care of by users(?)
  10. Really good point from Vark: "The problem I see is the ability of the Soviets to be far too flexible, tactically. Gone are the crude but workable command delays, so what to stop a Soviet rifle company/ tank platoon reacting with unhistoric rapidity to a flanking attack?" I don't expect to see command delays return any time soon. But, they were useful in simulating command and control issues.
  11. Thank you. BTW: I have a "no zeltbahn" mod (for non-SS I think) of yours dated 7/20/2011. Should that be deleted?
  12. Don't envy you. I have to do same thing as my AVG keeps deleting the .exe files. This is what has been advised in the past: "If you have a CMSF module, then you do not need your base game license key (ever again). That's because when you activate a module with a module license key, the base game is activated automatically as well. There is no need to license the base game separately if you intend to install a module with it. For Windows Vista and Windows 7 users we recommend running the installers by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator" from the popup menu. The default directory for Battlefront versions is usually '\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force' for 32-bit versions of Windows and '\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force' for 64-bit versions of Windows. Please double-check where you install the game and ensure that modules and patches install to the appropriate directory. A new folder/directory in the game's actual directory would be an incorrect location to install a patch to. Most patches will replace the main game executable and you should get confirmation that the patch installed properly by looking for this version number at the bottom, middle of the main menu screen. Here is the correct way to reinstall CMSF and its modules (as of patch v. 1.32): • Install CMSF, do NOT license it if it is a Battlefront version. • Install the v. 1.10 patch for your distribution (Battlefront or Paradox). This step is sometimes not needed if you have the Marines module, but bundles that include the Marines module may not have all of the necessary files that are part of the v. 1.10 patch. • If you have the Marines module, install it now. • If you have the Marines module, launch CMSF and use the Marines license key to activate (this activates both CMSF and the Marines module). • If you have the British Forces module, install it now. • If you have the British Forces module, launch CMSF and use the British Forces license key to activate it now. • Install the v. 1.21 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.21 patch again and make the correct selections. You must install the v. 1.21 patch BEFORE installing the NATO module. • If you have the NATO module, install it now. • If you have the NATO module, launch CMSF and use the NATO license key to activate it now. • Install the v. 1.31 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.31 patch again and make the correct selections. • Install the v. 1.32 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.32 patch again and make the correct selections."
  13. You make the assumption that all our skill levels are the same. Even if most of us had the skills and time, or enjoyed doing the WORK required when we are trying to find relaxation, it would result in largely mediocre product that would upset everyone. Then we'd be hearing "Why don't you roll up your sleeves and learn to program so you can make the game better." The game needs to expect to be judged on the same level as any other professional entertainment product. It is not in CM1 territory any more. And sure, if BF doesn't want to support CMBN or CMFI anymore, let's move on to East Front. I do worry that there is a growing problem of fragmentation of the customer base. But, let's hope for the best and see what happens in the next releases.
  14. +1 re Mr X's comments. Nobody expects us to volunteer to improve Bill Gates' Windows OS - even if we had the ability. Just because we like playing games doesn't mean we either have the time, talent or even enjoy making mods or scenarios. Our contribution is the hundreds of dollars we happily pay sight unseen for new product. Why do we regularly get the "Time to roll up your sleeves and contribute" guilt trip? The reason we customers are paying hundreds of dollars for a CM2 "family" of games is so that we can spend our leisure time doing what we enjoy - playing. If some folks have the talent and enjoy producing mods and scenarios for free, that is wonderful. But, expecting untalented or time-stressed paying customers to additionally volunteer to do work they may hate in order shoulder the burden of keeping a game series going is not viable.
  15. Brilliant work Saferight. The chicken wire netting looks 3D as if it stands out from the helmet. Thank you...
  16. When you consider it takes experienced designers months to make a good campaign, I can't understand why anyone would want to play their own campaign. CM1 campaigns took several weeks to design and those used the same map. I was sick of what I made after that amount of time spent testing etc. +1 to buying professionally-made and tested campaigns (and mods for that matter). Gaming (for some of us at least) is supposed to be a leisure activity.
  17. Will foreseeable future CM evolutions still only require single core machines? ie: will run better on a fast single core rather than (say) a quad? Am trying to decide what to have in a new machine.
  18. My laptop has a 240GB SSD and seems to run at least as well as my much more powerful desktop. I am planning to get at least one SSD for my new desktop plus a TB VRaptor as backup. Most things run well on a conventional HD. But, I will use the SSD for the OS and demanding games. But, am really curious re SSD drawbacks. My computer builder (XI Computers) tell me that SSD's are much more reliable these days. Perhaps your bro has to use very large SSD's?? Maybe there are problems with those??
  19. Xnt news! Am really looking forward to the larger maps and scenarios so we can have an almost operational feel where mobility and reserves become important again like in CM1. That's what I have always missed in CM2.
  20. I thought that an SSD would be superior in all ways - just more expensive esp in larger sizes. Any other drawbacks re SSD's that makes you prefer a Vel 10k?
  21. Make sure it has a Solid State HD. That speeds things up enormously.
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