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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. All the above points are valid. Am simply noting that the US for example has really applied itself at keeping up combat training since Vietnam. Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan and probably a few other undeclared locations etc. The Turks may have training that keeps them in xnt combat posture. But, one just doesn't know until the balloon goes up. Am not trying to say anything negative about our Turkish allies. My point is simply that making assumptions or having hubris about capabilities has tended to result in historical upsets. Am glad we're discussing this stuff. Hope we may see some scenarios on this.
  2. Ok, so they haven't been at war for 60+ years. Long time... If that is correct then their officer and NCO cadres are untested. Am not saying they suck, am simply saying that we don't know...
  3. When was their last war/battle? If it was a while ago, history may not be a good indicator of the future (like stock market). Waaaaait... if some brilliant designer (hint) made a CMSF campaign re Turks vs Syria or vs ISIS, we could find out...
  4. Yeah, North Africa with its long ranges and highly mobile/maneuver warfare. A tanker's war.
  5. It sounds like he was in the DDR? If, so what else could he say?
  6. You need to go into the savedgame folder and delete manually.
  7. Dennis: Wonderful! PS: Is this exactly the same as the version we testers have, or do we need to d/l this latest version?
  8. All I was every hoping for from the original CMC effort, or any new effort, was a Close Combat style Operational-Strategic map for moving "Divisions" and perhaps specialized units.
  9. Probably need to make clear if posters are talking WEGO or RT play, as that makes a lot of difference. I think in WEGO using HIDE in ambush is very hard unless in coordination with others per slysniper's tactics. In RT of course it's dead easy to ambush using HIDE.
  10. I can't be sure but I vaguely recall discussion that HIDE command was subtly altered in a recent patch/update so that troops were more likely to respond to enemy entering its arc. Otherwise, using HIDE is often suicidal. The annoyance is when you have troops on HIDE on one side of a wall and a tank target stationary on the other. Despite the noise and vibration, they generally won't ambush (or they used not to).
  11. Possibly the road itself may be the problem(?). It isn't flat or at the lower level.
  12. Logically, AT ammo would make a small hole. HE is blast only. General would seem to be what one uses vs lightly/non-armored vehicles. IIRC the manual recommends General vs buildings. Walls are buildings(?). Interesting to test to see how the game handles em.
  13. ditto here. I appreciate the enormous amount of work that goes into scenarios and esp campaigns.
  14. Wow... I never knew that this forum was ONLY for user-made scenarios vs BF made scenarios. So, you're saying we need a new forum?
  15. The conversations are amazing re their mundaneness. Interesting to see the glacial pace of action and attacks. Make me think most CM2 scenarios are way too rushed.
  16. The thought of going on Steam (for any game) and having to deal with childish rants like this entire thread is hardly inspiring. I suspect this is a "game" to see how many forum pages this stuff can take up. I recommend simply disengaging from discussion as otherwise we are all "enablers". Anyone who has a good idea backed up with evidence re how CM could be better marketed should be contacting BF directly and let them analyze the data.
  17. I think that most of the mods needed exist. (I think I read that someone is doing Turkish camo uniforms?) I think we just need some Turkish markings on the M1 tanks, and the Dutch YPR’s as they seem similar to what the Turks have. Not sure what other vehicles they use. I don’t the small arms are a big deal. Most have similar performance even if not the correct model/shape. This could really bring CMSF back to life.
  18. Blazing: I will check into it. Have to check and ensure no negative consequences. I hate loading stuff into my clean system.
  19. I saw on the news that Turkey has moved up tanks to Syrian border, so... They looked like old M60's - but am pretty sure they have M1's.
  20. "thus put a greater strain on the players´ machines..." Even more encouragement to upgrade. Well, I hope you do a test just on one edge.
  21. I think we already have some some Pacific theatre mods and scenarios. The interesting stuff is what happens on land, so not sure why modeling water and the amphib landings themselves would matter other than eye-candy.
  22. "I'd love to hear the reasoning explained in dollars and sense (sic) by BF completely." All you have to do is contact BF directly. I am certain they have nothing better to do than explain their business strategies to you. And then you can have a lively and spirited discussion with them as you convince them of your concepts.
  23. Plz do not give me reasons to NOT upgrade my system hehe.
  24. Turkey is dragging its feet on getting involved in the fight vs ISIS. They see Assad as the primary enemy and do not want to do anything to help the Kurds. It occurred to me that since Turkey is equipped (IIRC) with mostly US equipment, CMSF would be a ripe source for scenarios and campaigns involving Turkey vs Syria and Turkey vs ISIS (or even the vs Kurds). I think we may already have a Turkish uniform mod. We have Kurd-like UNCON mods. And we will soon have ISIS mods.
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