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Herr Kruger

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Everything posted by Herr Kruger

  1. What's this about? Slap me with a link or info please?
  2. For Infantry, even if you could see every soldier you would still order them around as a squad, not as individuals. Hmm... all awesome ideas we'll probably have in five years or so haha... How about random forces on the map edges... say a tank friendly to you makes an appearance on one map side for two turns and then drives off or something.... might make the edges more interesting.. hehe
  3. I am in no hurry to have CMBB out yet, as I have not realyl been playing CM for long...
  4. Can I use a couple of vehicles with Volkssturm and still maintain my non-gamey reputation? Curious.
  5. That was surprising, from my recent battle against a human opponent...
  6. Are those the stock winter buildings? Haha.. um, what other winter building mods are there? I know I have different (not the original) buildings for non-winter settings...
  7. This is a winterized version of David Freed's Marder II done by my brother. Comments welcome... unreleased as of yet.
  8. I am using the second-newest version of CMMOS, ahve nopt yet got the newest b/c I'm not sure if I get rid of the older one or what.
  9. Pink tress?! Wha? Anyway, it's CM from one of my games... what did I do wrong? =( Edit : I see... I put .jpg instead of .JPG right? It's just a pic I thought people might like. [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]</p>
  10. Panthers move into position on a hillside.
  11. Thanks all for the replies.. indeed this question is "favorite" not "best" and was meant to help me learn about the different Axis guns a little bit and understand how some people like to use them.
  12. I recently lost one of my beloved Axis halftracks to a .50 cal, first time it's happened to me though.
  13. The rarity system is a GREAT idea.. consider this board has a lot of threads with people saying "Oh, I always face Pumas blah blah blah and only x number were made wah wah" so why not implement it? It's optional, it's there for you to use... if you want it.
  14. Minsc! "I God, Woodrow..." and welcome to the game, Boo.
  15. Hey, I was just wondering how hard do others out there press for those objective flags, especially in MEs. Do you not care if your men get decimated but you control the flags at the end or does your heart hurt when you see your little soldiers lying all over the ground? :confused:
  16. I certainly liked those screenshots a lot... I wish people would do that more, it's such a simple thing but I like it. Very cool.
  17. This will probably be my final post on this subject... ALL other arguments aside, your initial position is flawed, Kingfish, logically. In CM yes better experience equals, among other things, better markmanship however the reverse does not hold true, as a logic problem. Ie. "If A then B" but not "If B then A." Basically, I don't buy your logic (on this topic) and never will. We can easily argue back and forth about all the other factors, rationalizing the possibilties to fit our position, but my main point is that : being the best shot does not make a soldier the best soldier in his squad/platoon/company (necessarily) and should not warrant a higher experience level than the other units present, assuming he came from one of those units in the first place. Edit : Anyway for QBs, you can make your sharpshooters better or at least equal anyway. [ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]</p>
  18. You asked for my thoughts, I gave them. If you want an argument, I'll give you one of those as well. A "Veteran" infantry squad will have better markmanship that a "Regular" squad, that's all that pg. 78 of the vaunted manual means, right? Is there not more to being a soldier than being a great shot... like say, being a great shot under pressure, combat awareness, many many factors. I know you are talking about CM and not real life. My point is just b/c he is the best shot does that make him (the sharpshooter supposedly selected from whichever squad) the absolute best soldier in his squad? I say it definitely does not. I think all CM simulates is that in a "Veteran" squad all of the soldiers are "Veteran" ones, right? So that if you take out the best shot he should not necessarily be "Crack" or "Elite" and then when you mix him into a squad with maybe some "Regulars" the whole unit becomes a "Veteran" one. That is not how CM works, correct? Also, consider maybe he just became a sharpshooter... maybe he should suffer a penalty because he no longer has comrades around him in a cohesive unit?? Maybe all sharpshooters should be downgraded a step... Just some counter-points.
  19. My thoughts are : Combat experience does not necessarily mean I am a great shot, or even the best shot in my squad, platoon, or company. I can be cool under pressure, a good leader, and great at laying down suppressing fire on the enemy with a submahinegun, but this certainly does not make me the best shot, so I'd have to say your logic is not the best. Just my opinion.
  20. Wow, redwolf, do you have anything positive to say? Or is that your positive side? =(
  21. Oh my! I certainly did not know about different sizes and durations of smoke!! I'm so embarassed! I kind of did notice on-board mortar smoke seemed so small but never thought it out that big guns could offer longer-lasting smoke screens... dumbkopf!
  22. Wondering b/c one of my opponents used one against me and it does not look too good haha.. need a better one... suggestions? Thanks in advance, kind and gentle CM community.
  23. The original question actually meant towed guns... but we can split it into A) What is your fav towed gun? and What is fav gun, towed or not?
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