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Everything posted by rleete

  1. I'll let you have a pre-ban AR-15 (new in box) for three grand. I'll throw in the steel penetrator rounds for free. Maybe you can get lucky and get a front penetration of Boo's cranium.
  2. I think you're just looking to get banned. Posting in such a rude, arrogant manner, and all. Welcome back, grog. I knew you couldn't stay away! Any further info on the pic? Location, for instance? Unit of the "dudes? I see no insignia.
  3. Yeah, that would be me. Web page is in my profile, but hasn't been updated in quite a while. Gpig, tracks for the Tiger are a bit more complicated, but I'll be using pressure treated deck boards. And I have to make almost 200 pieces.
  4. See? I'm not the only tank-psycho out there. But at least I admit that I'm building for me, not a child!
  5. I've read it half a dozen times, and it still elicits a chuckle. The ultimate last word on gameyness, to be sure.
  6. Shut your haggis hole, you skirt wearing pole tosser. If you can't be man enough to pose the challenge yourself, I'll think all the less of you. Which is very difficult to do. And get a real assult rifle, like a good Ami should. Bolt action is for lame third world countries. Like Scottland.
  7. Only once, olde "Senile tea". And that as Abbot, since our very own Shaw had abdicated his post. With the disapearance of certain royal personages, and further reconcilliations, I was unsure if it was an appointment of convenience or of merit. That which is given but not earned has no value. You, above all, should know that. The other was in private discussion, and was mutually agreed to be far too soon. As are most recent elevations to kaniggit, in my not-at-all-humble opinion. Make 'em a knight, give 'em a shiny new banner, and off they go into the wild blue ether. Many to never be heard from again. Not that that's a bad thing in some cases... We shall settle this amongst ourselves, like men of honour. Granted, that may be a bit difficult, considering the parties involved. But I'll try to stoop to your level, as hard as that may be on my back. Now, get off the ice, and check your e-mail. Damn manic-depressives can be so trying. Yes, pot, well met. This is kettle. Nice to make your aquantance. Bloody pommie. Because this very place was founded by the lazy. Always looking for the easy cheap-shot. Being a WWII forum, your collective past haunts you still.
  8. So, the crusty, decrepit ponce finally climbs out of his self-induced pity-party long enough to post. Oh, joy. {gack, why us?} Whatsamatta "Seany-babe"? Can't scrape together enough coin (from the public dole, no doubt) to get another bottle of ritalin? And, after numerous episodes encouraging every outerboard tosser to post in our beloved MBT, gripes that we don't entertain you enough? Well, tough pancakes, you aged freak. YOU never fufilled your part of the bargain, as an instructive kaniggit. At least not to this poor squire, enough to make me show any loyalty. Serves you well, I say. Then some pipsqueak pipped (or was it squeaked? It's so hard to tell these days.), and Senile-tea said: "This is how you speak to an Olde One of the Peng Challenge? To a founding entity?!" To which I add: damn right Gnome. You're lucky we don't dangle you from a noose just for the spectacle. Wouldn't even need much rope, from what I hear. We finally get a SSN that shows some cajones, and you think it's here for your entertainment? It is a damn relief just to not have to wade through a page and a half of Aussie tripe. I side with Hiram Sedai on this one: entertain us, old man. But leave the girlscout sing-alongs back in your pedofile past, and try some wit, if you have any. I won't be holding my breath. Note to YK2: whining about percieved outerboard offences will get you little sympathy from this crowd, Lady of the Pool or no. After all, the MBT (long may we reign chaotic) is/was FOUNDED on French bashing. A mighty solid footing, if you ask me. Although your countymen do sometimes make it too easy. [smiley deleted to preserve traditions]
  9. How's about this little ditty: "Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, nunt, nunt, nunt, nunt (clap, clap, clap, clap). Yes, it's The Chicken Dance! You lot of buggerers should have this one rattling around in your heads all day. No need to thank me, it's a public service to keep you off the streets.
  10. Yes, me too. Just a short inturruption to say that plans are definitely on, and I will be in London somewhere twoards the last week of September this year. Andreas, our pal Justin has agreed to let me buy the first round. All you other London buffoons are expected to join us. Details posted as the date draws nearer. We now return you to your regular programming.
  11. Turns are out, mostly. If not, suffer. This means you, law-dog. I would like to know: since our on-again, off-again, on-again Justicar is back, do I get to keep my title? What about separation of church and state? How do we reconcile conflicting decisions? I'll tell you right now, that if I'm to be the drain clearer, and he's going to sit and "manage", you can have it back. Joe can use that trident thingy of his instead of waving it around like some sort of spiked crop.
  12. Hmm, didn't know NMBLA had a chat room. Learn something new every day. Edited to add: Boo, please keep your disturbed dreams to yourself. [ February 11, 2003, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  13. And such an eloquent typist. I could hear the slurring, even across the web. Now, that's talent!
  14. There you are. Listen you sometimes king: I've tried and tried to clear the drains, but the resident GRUE keeps dumping the contents of the chipper in them. Toxic sludge, I tell you. You see we can't even flush out the latest fluffies anymore. If you are to rule, you have to support the infrastructure! I'm supposed to escort you to the "annointing" (where is that piss-bucket?), and you're still wandering about aimlessly. Is that noxious cRAP "music" distorting your sense of direction? Then you go on to disparage my Lord. Ah, well, one out of three isn't so bad for the first month in office. Keep up the good work, carry on, as you were, etc.
  15. I was appointed Abbot of the Drains, you sniveling toad. Quit whining appeasment, and go back to your place. The ceremony is sure to start any moment. Why don't you hold your fowl breath, and count down (from one million, by prime numbers should do it), hmm? You'll note that the drains are flowing quite freely now, Joe. Apart from all that "outlaw" crap you keep tossing in. As befits a tosser of your stature, I imagine. Boo's lend-lease clankys are making gooey piles of my men. Too bad all the russian armor is smoking on the other flank. I hold the flags, come and get them, Sasquach. [serious]P.S. Sorry about the kitty. Believe me, I know how that sucks.[/serious] MrSpkr's hampstertrupen rush in like the crazed SS of yore. Better call up the 16-year-old reserves, you're gonna need 'em. Anyone know how to use that "sewer movement" thingie?
  16. Dorosh posting a question about uniforms? Who are you, and what did you do with the real Michael?
  17. Lord Seanachai! There's another newbie troll on the outerboards whining about not enough blood and slaughtering helpless prisoners/civilians. Time to get on your high horse and get stomping. I expect at least two locked threads. Extra points awarded for bannings, of course. Papa Khan will no doubt be along soon to crow about his gamey use of +2.1 Armor of Ricochet. Seven brave crews manning BT-7 tin cans bruttaly murdered. He shall be made to pay.
  18. Seanachai? Where are you? Isn't this where you step in to get yet another one locked?
  19. Juts thought I'd point out the fact that it was I who lurred Papa Khan back into the MBT. No need to thank me, Seanachai, I do it for your own good. [ January 29, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
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