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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Hmmm. I do, so does that make me a CAD geek? And a jump from 20 bucks to over a hundred seems a bit steep for just adding on some camo schemes and a few details. The basic shape was there all along. I bought one for the Tiger1 (Tiger .zip pack), as a resource for overall dimensions of the tank. I suppose model builders would use it, too. At the time, it was only done in Panzer grey, and then later modified to add the various camo schemes. I use one of the pics on my website (hey, I bought it, might as well get some use out of it!), but I've no idea what else besides games it would be good for. It is a bit much just to have a pretty picture for a game, and the files are fairly large as well. No, just tanks. Oh, and a couple of steam engines.
  2. In that case, think stocks/pillory. Audience participation, donchaknow. We'll sell the rotten fruit, say a buck a throw? Mix in the occasional rock (jagged, of course) for added impact. Why just watch when they can be a part of the event?
  3. Aussie. That way, you've said cheap, easy, probably drunk, and in need of being hosed off. I'm feeling generous, so we'll leave out the parts about impure thoughts regarding farm animals and the criminal lineage.
  4. Their prices have gotten out of hand. I bought one of the 3D Tiger 1 packages a couple of years ago, as a reference for my project. I think it was 20 bucks back then.
  5. "But Honey, I really need those new socket wrenches. You promised..." Whiney enough for you?
  6. Just consider it a case of great minds, parallel ideas, etc. But I posted it first.
  7. While I see your point, and even kinda-sorta like the concept, I also see it being used in such a manner so as to change the entire face of the game. If you get into a distinction between oil and mines, don't you have to differentiate between the types of mines as well? Coal vs. iron ore vs. titanium, etc. Oil was a strategic resource, but there are others not even represented, and it could get to be a mess. For instance Speer comented after the war in his book that he didn't understand why the Allies didn't devote more bombing raids to the hydro-electric dams (the Ruhr?). That alone (he said) would have had more of an impact than some of the carpet bombing of the city centers. So, now power plants, too? Then what about civilian manpower? Food stocks? Probably a bunch more I can't think of right now. It opens a whole can of worms, and I would rather play a WWII game than a "grab the resources" game (Warcraft is only one example, but there are many more).
  8. Why is that? Is a more experienced soldier assumed to be a better shot, putting more rounds on target, vs. just spraying lead?
  9. How does that make a difference? The bullets are more experienced, so they know which way to go? I'm not trying to be funny, I really would like to know.
  10. "Mister" Moraine? Man, you are just begging to get a kick inna fork. SSN is Scum Sucking Newbie. i.e. you are.
  11. You had to edit that drivel? Getting more like Old Foul Joe every day!
  12. Let me see if I got this straight. Seanachai travels to another region. He meets several long-standing members of the cesspool. He induldges in food and drink with said persons. Not a damn one even attempted to poison the bastard! I am deeply saddened by this lack of initiative.
  13. Isn't "mister" a title used to convey respect? So, I was right the first time.
  14. You do realize the acting justicar is Lady Moraine? Insulting the law may be bad for your health.
  15. Only when it is dalem doing it. BTW, what is it with you guys and nested quotes? Don't any of you mental midgets know how to edt?
  16. Dear Sir Berlichtingen, Begging your pardon, but you really need to work on your posting style. You have become far to verbose, damn near rivaling Seanachai in his exuberant prose. This is not becoming one of your stature, and quite a disturbing trend. As a loyal follower (and hopeful imitator) of your once curt and cutting posting methods, I am dismayed by your apparent disreguard for historical continuity. Beside which, you have resorted to unseemingly quips such as posted above, giving rise to doubts as to your true calling. One would have thought that religious comments such as "amen" being beneath your notice as underworld spokesperson. I look forward to an improved and decidedly evil persona projected in this fine forum in future posts, Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, rleete (cesspool agitator)
  17. Oh, goodie! New sig material! Hey, wunwinglow, I'll be glad to play you, and give you newbie pointers as we go. I had a veteran player do the same for me, and it really helped me get the hang of it. Of course, he kicked my butt all over the map, but the pointers were worth it. My email is in my profile.
  18. Boo, didja git da crossbow? And some arrow type thingies (technical term) to shoot, too.
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