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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. AMEN to that!! Oh, did you mean your Russian troops? Sorry. So have you and Mike_the_empty_wine_bottle loaded the patch yet? I want to finish capturing your men and burning down his town.
  2. I don't eat Twinkies. They taste like styrofoam. :eek: Send me a turn. My armor, which seems to have knocked out every T-34, wants to resume delivering our special carry-out TNT to your machine gun nests.
  3. My battle with AleGoodMaster continues to look very much like a rout of his Russians. I think the big surprise he warned me about was his FO popping out of his foxhole and being cut down immediately. SURPRISE!! Only a few small patches of trees remain for his surviving infantry and tank crews to hide in and await their imminent capture. Mike_the_wino and I continue to look for each other in Soddball's masterpiece scenario. So far Mike has managed to set a patch of woods on fire. I hope to chuck some flaming TNT at a more substantial target very soon.
  4. Allow me to bump this back to page 1. Quite a compliment to BFC to receive this kind of recognition. Excellence does have a way of being discovered. Congratulations! :cool: I haven't seen it yet, but I hope to before the weekend is over. Jeanne, thanks for getting the word out to more people.
  5. And waitin' and waitin' and waitin' and waitin' and waitin' and waitin' and - well, you get the idea. If you would quit sniffing your TNT-soaked boxer shorts for a minute, could you possibly remember to SEND A TURN!!! I've got Russian machine guns to kill!! Russian tanks to knock out!! Russian infantry to capture!!
  6. Goodale, I think you're overlooking something. Take our own little battle as an example. You have managed to shoot off tons of artillery at my Germans, and so far you have managed to eliminate a total of ONE unit - a 2 man flamethrower team. Now you're out of artillery, and my reinforced battalion is closing in to finish off your Russians. GRRRRRRRR!!! As I see it, the game you really want to play is a QB where you have about 10,000 points of TNT chucking Russians, and your opponent has about 1,000 points of German trucks to serve as targets. You want your artillery falling on the helpless Germans every minute of the entire battle. Right? If you give the German 5,000 points so you can indulge your pitiful TNT fetish, there will be that many more German tanks around to roll over your mortars and FOs. All of your TNT, no matter how psychotic, is not going to win the battles by itself. Short of tactical nuclear weapons, that is.
  7. Well, remember it was Mike_the _wino and Goodale_the_hopeless who couldn't figure this out. Luckily neither of them is allowed to handle sharp objects. Unlike certain other threads I could mention, anyone is welcome to jump into this little slice of purgatory and receive their baptism of flaming, tormented TNT. GRRR!!! :mad: [ February 04, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  8. Blood and Guts? I read somewhere that BFC is supposed to add that in the upcoming Pacific Theater version Combat Mission: Nanking to Nagasaki, which is due to be released next February 30'th. PS. BFC, thank you for this omission.
  9. Do a lot of people die shooting pool? Or do you mean a lot of people drown in a swimming pool? :confused: Oh, I'll bet you mean war is a lot like the Cess Pool in that "other" thread. You mean self-indulgent, inhumane, devoid of a positive purpose, too awful to talk about with anyone who hasn't seen it for him/herself? Now, I have heard the analogy between hand grenades and horseshoes (Close only counts in ...). I've also heard that "Love is a Battlefield". I must admit war and pool is a new one for me. Next you'll be telling me war has layers, like an Ogre, or an onion. Or a cake. Or parfait.
  10. Goodale, quiet down and try to focus for a second. You really don't want a "blizzard of limbs and organs" exploding around you. The idea of this game is to make the other player's men get caught in a hail of flaming TNT. Not your own. Repeat this to yourself as often as necessary: "My men blown up = bad. Other men blown up = good".
  11. Just be careful not to accidently eat the photos. By the time you get finished fooling around, the pictures will be smeared with food and splattered with TNT. You'll also probably be finding the faces of Napoleon, Joan of Arc, and Julius Caesar in them.
  12. Abbott, our GoodMasterWaffleCheeryAle will break out into a nasty rash at the suggestion that he play any side but the Soviets. There's something about Russian TNT that is a big turn-on for him. Either that, or he has a peculiarly masochistic streak that loves seeing his troops slaughtered by Axis TNT. Or maybe it's both!
  13. You won't see us, either, unless we literally run into each other. I think it's obvious - this scenario is a game of chicken with our trucks attempting to run each other off the road. Maybe all of the TNT Soddball mentioned is continuous minefields lining all the roads. First truck to leave the pavement loses!
  14. Trust me, there isn't a player on this forum who isn't still learning from past mistakes. Some of them in the all-too-recent past. Like yesterday. Great job on your first AAR.
  15. This is odd. When I tried attacking a couple of KV-Is with some light Italian tanks, the only sound I heard from each of my turrets was a huge explosion. Must be a bug in the game or something. :confused:
  16. I think you have captured the essence of infantry tactics in this very elegant statement. Taking your time as the attacker makes all the difference. As a corollary, make sure you allow sufficient time (turns) in the battle. Don't expect your troops to advance a kilometer under fire in ten minutes.
  17. Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Soddball: This is to inform you that opening the setup I received from Mike the Wino was much like removing the mask from the Phantom of the Opera! The horror! :eek: Everything about this scenario shrieks "Run Away!" The overpowering sense of gloom and doom. The maze of roads through the dark woods. The buildings, which have all the subtle charm of Alcatraz. The units, which I suspect you have created exclusively for this game. The only familiar unit so far is a truck. In summary, I can't imagine the dark images swirling through your fevered brain which spawned this monstrosity. I suspect it has something to do with prolonged exposure to AleMasterWaffle and his hellish TNT. Seek help immediately. Sincerely, Dave H
  18. NOOOOOO!!! There are TWO of them?? That's the single most depressing statement I've ever seen on the internet. :eek:
  19. I'm discovering in our game that "chucking some hot TNT at a whole gaggle of you maggots" and actually hitting something besides the ground with the aforementioned TNT are two completely different things. But that's okay, keep on chucking! So here are all of these CMBB players, including me, waiting for turns, and what do I find in another thread? MasterGoodale is off in another state visiting his GRANDPARENTS!! :mad: Here we are wanting to play the game, and you're off uncovering some photos which may have historical significance. Sir, where are your priorities? Have you no decency? I feel very let down that you would delay the hail of flaming, possessed TNT for such a humanitarian gesture. :mad: I suppose everyone, even a quasi-legendary figure, can slip up once in a while. Please don't let this aberration become a habit.
  20. I thought the 7.5 rating for Control was a bit harsh, but overall an excellent review. The last line "...Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin easily stands as the modern king of wargaming." pretty well sums up my feelings, too.
  21. Leland, if only the old Defense Mapping Agency could have hired you instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars on computer-driven mapping systems that didn't work this well. Seeing the acronyms DFAD and DTED sure brought back memories. This is outstanding work! Congratulations. :cool:
  22. Guess I'm not eligible since we're already in the middle of a "battle" chasing mountain goats all over the map. So how well do the engines of your T-34s operate 15,000 feet above sea level? Since I haven't seen one move yet, maybe not too well. Any time now I'm expecting to run into Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. Talk about your TNT chuckers!! :mad:
  23. Halfway down page 3? :mad: :mad: This is definitely living dangerously. I guess MG was too busy finishing his AAR to notice. So now this thread takes a flying leap back to page 1.
  24. Did you guys remember to give orders, or were you just clicking the "Go" button? :confused:
  25. I think the so-called "plumbing problems" were internal. Note how his prose just flows again, as if a massive clog had been snaked out. But no AAR, no turn, no nothing from the wilds of New England! Imagine my surprise to find a turn in my e-mail this quickly. I take back at least one or two of the bad things I may have said about MG. [ January 15, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
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