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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. I think CheeryThreadMasterGoodWaffleAle has gotten hooked on mortar golf. He gets to chuck eighteen holes worth of his specially blended molten furious TNT, and nobody chucks any back. Come to think of it, I like that idea, too. He didn't even notice this had slipped to page 2 again! :eek: [ January 14, 2003, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  2. All right, MasterGoodale and ParaBellum, it's time for both of you to quit playing "Mortar Golf" and get back to the business at hand. :mad:
  3. Almost to the end of page 2. :eek: Time for a swift kick back to page 1. Edited to add this - Since the Peng thread was apparently deleted some time today, does that mean that the infamous MasterGoodale thread has become the current longest-running thread on the forum? The Cesspool has been supplanted by a pool of boiling, furious TNT? The King is dead; long live the King!! God save us all. :mad: :mad: [ January 10, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  4. There I was, reading and enjoying the latest installment of this wonderful AAR, when I ran across this line from MasterGoodale: "The germs are fleeing amidst the horror that is my daily hell." This is, to say the least, disturbing. It's so dark it sounds like a quotation from Poe or Lovecraft. MasterGoodale, after you finish posting the AAR, you might seriously consider getting some help. But only after the final installment of this gem of an AAR. :mad:
  5. I'll get the turn out tonight, you big marshmallow! In the terrain you selected, I'm expecting to run into Julie Andrews and the von Trapp family hiking out of Austria.
  6. Actually, if you check the other forums, especially the General Forum, you'll find that EVERYTHING gets discussed and argued. Usually in both incredible and ridiculous detail. Some of the threads look more like legal briefs.
  7. It seems like he's going soft on us. He's using the old words, but he doesn't seem to have the passion he once did. Maybe the problem has been reading his AAR and the message about his sick baby. I've been forced to conclude he actually is human, instead of some Big-Foot or Yeti wannabe.
  8. You have not yet seen the official Ninja web site? :confused: You will find this site quoted regularly on all of the BFC forums. This site is cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet!
  9. The really frightening thing is that I think he could do this with no problem! Probably right here on the forum. GRRR!! :mad: :mad:
  10. This is from CMBB, but it shouldn't be much different from CMBO. In a recent PBEM quick battle, my opponent had 13 Panzer III J (short), with a 50 mm L/42 main gun. His closest tank was just over 1,000 meters from my pillbox. I counted 80 shots fired at the pillbox in the first minute (some of his tanks were not within LOS). There were about 20 hits, and 7 "firing slit penetrations". So, at the range of over a kilometer, almost 10 percent of his HE shots with muzzle velocity of 550 meters/second found the firing slit. Needless to say, the pillbox only lasted about 45 seconds. It was no more than an expensive target, and has pretty much soured me on spending the money for a pillbox in the future.
  11. Let's see, this was sent December 19. Three weeks later is January 9. Packers lose first ever home playoff game January 4. Plenty of time for CMBB on weekends.
  12. These guys actually have plans, and stick to them! I thought that was declared a gamey tactic a long time ago. Now I'm seeing what it was like for the early members, waiting for the first CMBO AARs to be posted. As someone else said a while back, the money we pay to BFC is actually for membership on this forum. As a bonus, they toss in a pretty great game.
  13. To aka_tom_w, your experience shows that the sense of self-preservaton isn't as strong in the game as it normally is in the real world. It's difficult to imagine a real tank commander saying to his gunner, "Ignore that 88 mm gun pointed directly at us about 30 meters away. Target the tank 200 meters away which hasn't spotted us. Oh by the way, it's been good to know you, because we are dead."
  14. I'm sure the BFC guys would agree this game is not perfect. If it was, there sure would be no reason for them to work on the third installment. On the other hand, if there is another game which comes close to providing the experiences of relief :cool: , surprise :eek: , disbelief :mad: , and frustration that CMBO and CMBB have, I haven't found it. I've been playing for well over a year, and I'm playing more now than ever before. I give it a 9.99 out of 10, until another game raises the bar of perfection.
  15. It seems to me that to be an "Attacking Defender", you have to make your unit selections as though you are in fact the attacker, not the defender. When I defend in QBs against attacks and assaults, I pick a great deal of static defensive units: bunkers, mines, wire, pillboxes, roadblocks, trenches, anti-tank guns. None of these will be of any potential use on the attack. Also I think for many players these are considered very BORING choices. I know some of the "unofficial" rules sets, like Fionn's, do not allow ANY fortifications. I suspect that the players who favor being "Attacking Defenders" select lots of AFVs for their defense. They would prefer to launch a pre-emptive strike instead of waiting patiently for ambushes to develop. I wonder how an officer who has orders to defend specific locations explains having major portions of his force cut off and eliminated half a kilometer in front of his defensive line. This tactic reminds me of John Wayne's civilian construction men in "The Fighting SeeBees", ruining an ambush by charging into the attacking Japanese. They wanted to "get at" the enemy. It also reminds me of the excellent book on the American Civil War "Attack and Die", which detailed the exorbitant Confederate casualties from continually taking the tactical offensive.
  16. Because when this thread isn't on the first page, MasterWaffle has this nasty habit of starting a new thread. That's the reason this thread exists, to keep him from spreading throughout the forums like some kind of virus. I'm not sure if anyone has told him there is more than one page to each forum. GRRR!! :mad: :mad:
  17. If it's the battle he is supposed to be sending to me, he must be letting it age for a while. :mad: :mad:
  18. You can't find people whose minds work like that just anywhere. We are indeed fortunate to have MasterCheeryGoodWaffleAle's presence on this forum, before his keepers discover his secret lair and lock him away again. :mad: :mad:
  19. There are some members who posted in the now-locked "Gay" thread on the General Forum who may want to discuss this with you. Especially one calling himself BulletRat who has some strong opinions on this behavior. :mad:
  20. (Deleted) There have been some strange posts on the forums before, but I never thought I would see the day when members tell the world they are stealing from Battlefront. I vote we turn Master Goodale loose on them! :mad: :mad: GRRR! :mad: :mad: Molten TNT is too good for them! (Andreas, you are correct.) [ December 23, 2002, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  21. Sorry for the confusion. I simply looked at NebelRugen's profile and saw the occupation as student/pizza driver. Judging from the spelling in the post, the student occupation has room for improvement. I was simply wishing NebelRugen more success in the other half of the occupation category!
  22. NebelRugen, after wading through your post, I hope you have more success as a pizza driver than you are having as a student.
  23. Actually, my father spent World War 2 at the University of Pittsburg (courtesy of the US Army) and then in flight school. About the time he finished training the Army decided it didn't need so many pilots and discharged him. So far I haven't found anything in either CMBO or CMBB to duplicate what he "endured". Since he is 80+ years old, can we assume you are in the same age bracket? Since you did use the words "myself" and "endured" in the same sentence? I do have an uncle who was at Anzio, and my late ex-father-in-law served in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Neither of them would EVER talk about the war.
  24. He reminds me of the original King Kong! Will we have to call in aircraft to stop him? Preferrably aircraft loaded with - yes, molten TNT!! :mad:
  25. As this has turned into the 50 and over thread, let me barge in, since I'm also 50 and still wondering what I want to do when I grow up. Skunkle, congratulations on finding what is, in my mind, the single finest representation of WW2 era tactics available. From the very first time I saw the CM:BO screen shots on the BTS web site, I knew this was the war game I had dreamed of. All the miniatures and board games I had played for many years lost their appeal. The intensity of those 1-minute periods when all you can do is watch, and hope for the best, beats any die rolling by a long shot. When you get comfortable with the game and want to try a PBEM, I'd be glad to play. Although I have CMBB (which is great), I'm keeping CM:BO on my hard drive for a long time, too. Welcome to the madness.
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