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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Did I hear this correctly? The LEADER of this board? Now our dear, right honorable friend MasterGoodale has been called many, many, many things in these threads. Most of which I really don't want to repeat. My personal favorite for him is Maggot, but that's just me. Actually I believe everyone who has ever posted in these threads has taken time from their busy schedules to call MasterGoodale something foul and revolting. As all good men and women of breeding should. However, this comment of yours really goes far beyond the bounds of good taste. To accuse MasterGoodale of being the Leader of this board, therefore automatically making the rest of us, including me, his followers, is just too much of an outrage to let pass. GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: Sir, I demand satisfaction! Since pistols at dawn appears a little inconvenient, a CMBB QB will have to suffice. I can send you a setup, or you can send one to me. Personally I prefer Attacks to Meeting Engagements, but as the challenged you will have the option to choose the battle. Scenarios are fine, too. Sir, I look forward to your reply. All, please note that mike and I have completed our epic battle in "Manstein Cometh". There will be many new widows in Germany and Russia tonight. Both sides fought to exhaustion, earning a draw. However, that was enough for me to shed my "Inferno" baggage after all these many weeks.
  2. If you are playing in the directly overhead mode, I think you are missing 99% of what goes on in CMBB. To see what goes on, you need to get right down with your troops and watch them. Otherwise you completely miss the nuances of the terrain and vegetation, as well as the combat itself. Not to mention the amazing sounds as the turns progress. To my knowledge there is no unit icon other than the three (or two, or one) man infantry units, the vehicles, the guns, etc. The only icons mark the last sighted positions of units. Come down out of the clouds and try managing a battle directly over the shoulders of your men. Try to model that with icons.
  3. Sorry for the delay, mike, I figured you and Teddy were still enjoying that great big hug! It's tough to hug with an empty seat between you! Axe, I wish I didn't believe your story. Does it seem to you that attorneys have gone far, far past the idea of defending clients to the point of attacking everyone and everything else. Maybe this guy should file a lawsuit against the hill, which was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's an open and shut case of geographic negligence. Who's responsible for that hill being there, anyway? This shattered family is now having to watch the spectacle of the deceased father accused of incompetence? The attorney who would plead something like that should be disbarred. Unlike Goodale, who's secretly a decent guy, this lawyer really is a maggot. You ought to post this case in the General Forum and let our own attorneys have a look at it. GRRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:
  4. Ouch, that's going to leave a mark! :eek: Axe, do you report the news, or are you a columnist? You have a real talent for expressing yourself. I'm trying to keep on your good side in fear of your poisoned pen. All right, who's responsible for this tirade from MasterGoodale (the maggot)? Did somebody get up on the wrong side of the bed this afternoon? Did someone find mold floating among his Fruity Pebbles? [ May 02, 2003, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  5. Okay Prinz Eugen, I will resend your turn. Mike, I have a turn to send you. Your KV doesn't seem to be vulnerable to anything we've tried. We're scurrying around trying to locate a silver AP bullet. If that doesn't work out, we're trying kryptonite next. Paddington, _UXcva, and Goodale (you maggot), if you want turns you have to send one first. If any of you fine competitors sent turns last night, I didn't see them, because we had thunderstorms. As anxious as I am to see your pathetic troops oozing their way toward my stalwart men of iron, I don't try mixing my computer with lightning.
  6. I have run two different virus scans on my hard drive, and neither picked up any sign of a virus. Have any of the rest of you had any indication of a virus on any turns I've sent? Mike, you would be the most likely, since Goodale and _UXcva are only good for a turn a week or less. Paddington asked me to resend a turn a few days ago, but I've had no more contact with that source of information. I don't want to send any more turns until I'm sure I'm not spreading some kind of virus. Help!! I suspect it's a curse from Goodale or Axe, but I can't be sure. :mad:
  7. Wow, a private message from an uber-Finn. Now my life has meaning! Prinz Eugen, have you ever seen the photos of your rusting namesake somewhere in the Pacific? Somebody posted them here months ago, and I don't remember where they are. I'd look, but it's lunch time, so you're on your own. MasterGoodale neglected to give the point values from our recently concluded game. It was: Good Guys 71; Goodales Russians 29. Taking the G away was actually Goodales idea, since he mentioned it in an e-mail back in mid-game. I thought it was an excellent suggestion, rather than just being added to the long and growing list of daddies. We'll see how long he can keep his Gs bottled up.
  8. You don't say how large the map is, or how long your battles are, or what kind of battles (assault, attack, or ME). You must allow time for at least some of your infantry to go first, or your panzers will continue to suffer. In a time pinch, use armored cars to lead the way, but don't expect them to survive. Assuming at least one crew member survives the destruction of the AC, you'll probably find out where the anti tank guns are hiding. Leading with your armor is usually a recipe for you completing the game with an infantry-only force. Which I've done more often than I care to think about. Edited becaise your title was "assault fixed positions". That answers one question. [ May 01, 2003, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  9. mike, while in your drunken haze you probably overlooked the fact that when you send me a turn at 1 am, for me it's already 4 am. While I enjoy CMBB as much as the next person, I can't sit up all night every night waiting for a turn from you. I'm sorry to disappoint you with only one turn per day. I see this thread's patron saint MasterGoodale hasn't arrived yet to report on our PBEM. I will announce that he rejected my original setup for our rematch because he wanted his 1942-era Russians to have the same morale as my Germans. Personally I assumed he wanted more TNT to chuck. I'll never figure this guy out. The maggot! :mad: :mad:
  10. This news bulletin just in. Dave H and MasterGoodale complete their first PBEM game in one whole day less than four months! :eek: Our rematch has already begun (I sent a setup). I expect the rematch to finish around mid-September or later. My esteemed, moldy, and very gamey opponent, MasterGoodale, will be along in a week or three to give further details of our titanic struggle. Over to you, Maggot!
  11. There are some things I really don't want to know. :eek: Hope you get better soon. Is it possible to catch some moldy and nasty bug from MasterGoodale through this thread? Hmmmmm... Have you had the chance to post your Kneiber Dam scenario yet? I've looked at the Depot, but haven't seen it yet. Of course, I may be looking in the wrong place. Let me know, I want to write a review of Axe's gamey victory and my historically accurate, perfectly directed, flawlessly executed defeat.
  12. Stand by for an important announcement from MasterGoodale concerning the result of our first game. It could come any day now, depending on when he gets around to opening my turn. Maybe I should say IF he gets around to it. For our second game I sent him a Quick Battle (and isn't that title a cruel joke) setup for a Russian attack on 2,000 points of Germans in August 1942. He had some very specific criteria for the rematch, and I gave him everything he asked for. I suspect he'll buy a dozen or two KVs, with the rest in heavy artillery. I know how he loves to chuck his furiously molten Russian TNT. Anyway, the map is one I downloaded from Biltong's maps (I hope that's right). Back when Becket wanted to play on a certain map, I downloaded the entire set. If you haven't tried them, I HIGHLY recommend them to you. There is so much character on them that a normal QB map just doesn't have. Prinz Eugen and I are fighting on another of the maps. I'm defending a really well done railroad station from the Prinz's rotten elite German horde. Well, I should say at this point in the battle our "fight" consists of me shooting and him burning. But that could change on Turn 2.
  13. I received one also!! :eek: Being a glutton for punishment, I not only sent him my next turn in that game (in progress almost 4 months), but also a setup for our rematch. I wonder if having two games going at once with Goodale will mean I receive turns twice as often? Or half as often? Or never? :confused:
  14. Axe2121, you're an honorable (honourable?) gentleman. What in the world are you doing on this thread, anyway? :confused: :confused: Actually, I've just been lazy about changing my little penance from losing to mike in Soddball's deformed offspring named "Inferno". Personally I care just as much about Elk Grove now as I did twenty years ago. Once mike gets his yard fixed up so it doesn't resemble the desert of Arizona, I'm sure Elk Grove would be a great place to visit. Since I don't drink, the lack of pubs and liquor stores would not be a problem for me.
  15. I have another hypothesis I'd like to propose. People in Finland and Canada (and let's be fair, Minnesota) live in climates where the temperature hovers around freezing in summer, AKA late July. The sun is below the horizon for about ten months of each year. To pass their time in the frozen darkness, they drink heavily, play computer games, and spend time commiserating on internet forums. To justify their miserable existence, they tell each other how "intelligent and charismatic" they are. In the meantime, those of us who live in more temperate climates actually go outside from time to time. This necessarily reduces our time available for two of these three activities. I'm not sure how Finland and Canada can both be neighbors of one ugly country. Of course, as an American my knowledge of Geography is by definition a little shaky. For all I know they share a border somewhere near Elbonia.
  16. What is it about this thread that is attracting so much interest from CM players in Finland? Does everyone in Finland love chucking molten TNT? Or is it the opportunity to go GRRAAGGRRRAAGRAGGGRRAAAA!!!! and post mad faces? :mad: :mad: Whatever it is, I will be writing my congressman to demand an investigation of the totally inappropriate influence citizens of a nation near Russia have on this thread. Near Russia, I tell you! Practically in the back yard of the Kremlin! How's that fit with your Communist conspiracy? If I end up getting ripped apart by both Paddington and Prinz Eugen, then I'll really get upset.
  17. Setup sent tonight. Let me know what you think. Your high quality Germans attacking my low quality Russians. :cool:
  18. Axe, you lying gamey Canuck, you're leaving out the parts about your Germans being equipped like the mobile infantry in Starship Troopers. And I mean the book, not the joke of a movie. I think it was your battle armor and nuclear weapons that gave you the advantage in our little tussle. Don't worry, the time will come when I feel like taking another real beating and we'll have at it again. Come on all you tough talking girlie-men, who has an opening for a PBEM? Any takers? Or will I have to look elsewhere?GRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:
  19. Finally, a post that makes a little sense. Okay, I'm finishing a game with mike, finishing one with Goodale (the maggot), and playing _UXcva and Paddington at the rate of about two turns a week. My game with Becket is on hold indefinitely. I have agreed to a rematch with Goodale (the maggot), which will require only about one turn each month. Anyone else available for a PBEM? Someone I haven't lost to yet? I know that narrows the field a lot! I play either side, any weather conditions, good troops, bad troops ... it makes no difference. I can lose with the best, or the worst. Somebody send me an e-mail and/or set-up, so I can chalk up another loss in a few weeks.
  20. I can't speak for the others, but the only way your Russians chucked any hot bitter TNT at my German supermen in our turn was by tossing it back over their shoulders. It's hard for your Russians to chuck TNT accurately as they bravely run away. :eek: By the way, do you have any pictures of your "MasterGoodale's fury maggots"? Do they chuck molten TNT like you? I'll bet they came with the mold in your basement! Have you raised them as pets?
  21. Since the 1.03 is just a beta patch now, are you maggots going ahead and upgrading? I was planning on waiting for the actual release of the BFC-approved 1.03 patch. I think my game with MasterGoodale actually started out as a beta CMBO game, and we have converted software about 10 times. Both of us are stubborn, though. He refuses to surrender and to send turns, and I refuse to forget we have a game in progress. In a way it's kind of nice; every time I receive a turn from him it's like starting a brand new game. Come on Goodale, we can finish this game before the end of the year. I'm hoping that means before the end of this year. Paddington, where are you hiding? Are you becoming a Goodale clone? Watch out for the mold!
  22. Oh, don't be so modest. You do fine disgracing yourself on your own. Jas :mad: n </font>
  23. I'm blushing! Thanks Axe, I will add your name to this list as well. If any of you people want to play a cheating, good for nothing, no-turn-sending PBEM loser, then don't ask Axe. If on the other hand you want to play a Canadian gentleman who always promptly returns moves and carries on a conversation with wit and good humor, Axe is your opponent. Of course, he will also cut your heart out in a second without batting an eye, but we all have our little foibles. I'll second Mike the wino as well. If we could just keep him away from the merchandise, and out of Las Vegas. Anybody who is routinely knocking out panzers at 1,000 meters with plain old T-34s is a dangerous opponent. I played Veteran Gamer/Headshot/Poor Old Spike several times before he went exclusively to the ladders. He's a very tough opponent and I'll bet anybody here that he will get turns back faster than you will.
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