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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. ...and he makes the backhand defensive lob to get this thread back on Page 1. Now what about some news of the battles??
  2. Switched to from dial-up Juno to cable when I moved in August. Took me 5 minutes to download the v1.01 patch. I'm a believer.
  3. Why continue to play with someone who tries such an obvious cheat? Rather than changing code in the game, it seems much simpler to end any game where your opponent pulls a stunt like this. Then don't play that person any more. It's not like there is a shortage of honest players.
  4. Poor little guy, just pokes his nose (snout) out of his cage for a second and gets swatted with a newspaper. He didn't even growl at us.
  5. That would be me. I was certain something awful had happened. Either a wannabe was posing as you, using a simple declarative sentence, no TNT, no melted faces, no GRRR, and no smiley faces. Or, even worse, you were turning mellow on us. Glad to see it was but a momentary lapse.
  6. Can this be the real thing? Something seems to be, well, lacking.
  7. This is wonderful. We all know that the first step on the road to recovery is to admit that you have a problem! Let me be the first to congratulate you for making this confession. Unlike most of the members of the forum, I believe there is hope that someday in the distant future you will beat this sad affliction. We all (well, at least a few of us) are pulling for you. [ December 03, 2002, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  8. Ah, like a breath of fresh air. What a difference he makes. So how are the big PBEM battles going? The world wonders.
  9. But thanks for the reminder of what's been missing from the thread. :mad:
  10. Still playing both. The Western Front is the one I'm much more familiar with. Although I'd pay $100 today for a CMBO updated to CMBB standards. But like everyone else, I'll have to wait a while for that. So CMBO for familiarity, and CMBB for the best game. Thanks for the reminders of some great computer games. Road Rash on the Sega Genesis was crazy. I spent more time running after my bike than riding. VGA Planets was a really great experience, the first game I played using e-mail. There was a group of us at work playing, so we'd talk about it for hours at work, then go home and make our moves. Empire was the game I played all night when I bought my first PC (a 386). [ November 29, 2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  11. Hi, MasterGoodale. I feel like I'm attending an AA meeting. :mad: [ November 26, 2002, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. Same here. Getting CMBO was like getting all the Micro Armor ever made, with the computer to handle everything and me never lifting a paintbrush. CMBB is even more of the same. It was a much greater jump from the previous games to CMBO, than from CMBO to CMBB. The "Best" game? MULE was the first game I could actually play with another person, instead of just the computer. Besides, the whole game was incredibly silly. It was COOL, and by COOL I mean TOTALLY SWEET. The perfect game, or the closest I've seen.
  13. Picture taken 5 seconds after passenger says, for tenth time "Why don't you just pull over and ask for directions?"
  14. I've seen the very same thing, and far too often to be an accident. Seems like a serious problem. :eek:
  15. I think that might be a good idea. Playing CM:BO will at least let you play with American units which may be a little familiar to you. Also, the Allied voices will be speaking English, unless you use the French or Poles. It may help you get your bearings a bit, before diving into CMBB. I am currently playing both Combat Mission games as PBEM (and wearing out my single CD drive). I hate to completely give up CM:BO, but there's no doubt to me that CMBB is the superior game. Once you get used to the game a bit, and you're ready to try the very best part of the game, send me an e-mail and we'll play by PBEM. There's nothing like playing against another person.
  16. Who let him out of his private thread? Maybe he means he hoists a Cheery Waffle to the patch. As we all do.
  17. Music options? Have I missed something? Other than Oddball's Shermans in Kelly's Heroes, I don't recall music figuring in ANY battles in WW2. The last thing I need when I'm listening for firing on the far side of the map, or armor approaching, is some techno soundtrack blaring. Thank you, BFC, for not sticking in a feature just because the conventional wisdom says every game needs music. I was sorry to see the reviewer marked the game's sound component down substantially for lacking background music. Other than that single feature, I thought the review was very accurate, and well deserved.
  18. Are you referring to the first message in this thread? Or are you referring to the MBT itself, the one, the only Peng Challenge Thread? Of course, you're correct either way.
  19. I agree. I also think my tanks should get extra lives for killing enemy units. That's how it worked in the old arcade games. BFC, please fix.
  20. I'm really not sure I understand what you mean by burning through CM:BO. Did you play each scenario on the CD once vs. the AI? Did you play and win each scenario once? Did you try any of the Operations? Have you created and played any Quick Battles? Have you by chance looked at any of the over 1000 scenarios for CM:BO available for download at different web sites? Have you tried playing against another player in PBEM? I can promise you that a scenario you won easily against the computer will be a whole different story versus another person. CM:BO isn't a game with levels you have to beat to advance to the next. It's more like a construction set containing hundreds of unique units, different times of day and weather conditions, and an AI intelligent enough (especially when defending) to push you to get better in your tactics. Don't be in such a rush to "finish" the game. Try some scenarios at night, or in the rain or snow. Try a PBEM with somebody. You'll find you've just scratched the surface. And then you'll also have CMBB, which is more accurate, has more units, new armies, new terrain, larger maps, etc. etc. etc. [ October 04, 2002, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  21. My first guess at what RA meant was Real Alaskan, which would scare almost anybody. But then I looked at his profile, and I think he means "Residential Assistant". That means he is a professional authority figure for a group of college kids away from home for the first time.
  22. Extreme. Found out how extreme the FOW is after not 1, not 2, but 3 gun hits on the KV-1 in The Iron Roadblock. It just kept torching panzers. My "attack" was about like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs attacking Muhammad Ali.
  23. Thank God! Too bad we've had so few imitators. Sadly, it appears we're in the process of losing this distinction.
  24. Gentlemen, I brought a similar subject up a few weeks ago. I was told this had been discussed previously, which turned out to be sometime in January 2001, if I remember correctly. Bocage seems to be a terrain feature that required some compromises with reality. Anyway, the behavior I ran into was when Universal Carriers not only drove directly through bocage, but did it in reverse! While I'm aware the Allies, particularly the US, did fashion plows so many tanks could bull their way through the bocage, I don't think carriers had the horsepower. Evidently many tracked vehicles could drive over the earthen bank portion of the bocage. However, in such close quarters the life expectancy for pulling a stunt like that was pretty short. Too much chance of bogging, added to too much exposure of the light tank bottom armor, made this a highly risky business. But since the Allies did eventually overcome the obstacle, all of their fully tracked vehicles get to cross bocage freely. The Germans, being on the defensive, were not interested in plowing holes through the bocage. That's why German armor never gets to cross it. It was definitely a feature favoring the defender.
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