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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. PiggDogg, you're not the only one who is surprised. My theory is that Matt has decided to waste a single thread for this particular group, especially MasterGoodale (the maggot). That way he cuts down on the moronic, incoherent, pointless, rambling, insipid posts in all the other threads on the forum. You know, a repeat of exactly the same choice he made for the "special" people who are the regulars in the Peng threads. I'm awaiting turns from Teddy Windsor, _UXcva, Prinz Eugen, Shosties4th, Becket, and Stalin's Organ. That is unless you sent a turn to me after 10pm EST last night. If that's the case, you'll have to wait for about 10 hours or so for me to get home.
  2. MaterGoodale (you maggot), this sounds like a painfully accurate description of YOU!! No wonder you describe your Russian pixels like that. For you, this is reality. This is what you see when you look in a mirror. How tragic. How fitting. :eek: [ August 15, 2003, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  3. double post...curses! :mad: [ August 15, 2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  4. Finally a subject I know something about. I worked for the Defense Mapping Agency from 1974 through 1994 as a cartographer. Maps for the US Army have the elevations in meters. We would only show the elevation of the highest hill in an area, which depended on the scale of the map. Trust me, there are many, many, many peaks with four digit elevations. Since these mountains are at very high elevations, there haven't been many opportunities to hear them designated by number in war movies. Also, many of them do have names. There are also "peaks" with two digit elevations, and even single digit elevations, in particularly low-lying areas. The Florida Keys are a good example. The reason for the standard three-digit designation is that it covers the range of the entire Earth between 100 meters (328 feet) and 999 meters (3,277 feet) above sea level. Most of the populated dry land falls into that range. Map grog!!! :eek: :eek: [ August 15, 2003, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  5. It is peculiar, since the entire complex has no VLs, but every other jagged and inaccessible peak has a flag. If you had seen the setup zones, you'd know why the Russians needed to move immediately. Talk about, shall we say, unusual placement. It appears the power failure has taken Axe offline. Personally I think the authorities need to determine his whereabouts yesterday afternoon. Do you think it's possible his editor had to actually use him to cover this story? :eek:
  6. I'm seriously considering suicide now, after reading this. If it wasn't for the kind, positive reinforcement I receive here from Soddball and others, my demoralization would be complete. Shosties4th, glad to hear things are looking up for you. Be thankful you have no online stalkers. Ready to slaughter some more Russians? Becket, I had no idea Germans could spot infantry in trenches at 500 meters. I suppose your men simply look through the mountains to see my brave Russians. I suspect the barrage was grenade bundles your men tossed 5 or 6 hundred meters. :mad: Mike_the_wino still must be comatose somewhere in Vancouver. Do they still shanghai crewmen for tramp steamers? With any luck he may regain consciousness in an entirely different hemisphere, and possibly even a different year. Teddy Windsor and I continue to pummel each other in Cheery Waffle, first edition. Our flags must be changing hands back and forth, as the game insists on turn after turn after stinking turn. He did create an extraordinary explosion this turn by shooting an immobilized flame panzer with his gamey T-34 at about 20 meters. My tank generated a really spectacular fireball. Cheery Waffle 2.0 with _UXcva continues as well. He too just shot one of my flame panzers (continuing a theme of all my PBEMs) with some gamey Russian tank. I haven't lost units nearly as quickly against him as I have against Teddy. On the other hand, I haven't destroyed much, either. Prinz Eugen seems to be attacking me in a game where he knows which VL is real, but I don't. I would have thought the factories at the railway station would be the important feature, but apparently a clump of scattered trees 200 meters away is the key geography of this battlefield. He thinks his armored cars and Pz IIIs can take it away from my infantry. He may be right. :mad: Stalin's Organ continues to bludgeon my Germans with his British Russian tanks. He now has infantry chasing all my dismounted crews. Believe me, my army looks like the Germans at the end of "The Battle of the Bulge", walking home. All the rest of you are maggots of the worst sort, and deserve everything that happens to you. To be truthful, so are the ones I mentioned. MasterGoodale, you fury maggot, it's 37 days and counting until this hideous sig line disappears forever. Enjoy it while you can.
  7. Good citizens of the Cheery Waffle threads (and yes, MasterGoodale, you too), I wish to point out to each of you that your honor has been besmirched in a thread on this very CMBB forum. Actually I'd like to rub your noses in it, since I can't reach you to swat you with a rolled-up newspaper. If I may quote: Bah! Putting knowledge and facts in the Goodale thread would be like putting Michelangelo's David in a dog kennel. After they found they couldn't eat it or fight with it, they'd simply lift their legs on it. The Peng Thread, on the other hand, appreciates knowledge and facts.</font>
  8. My apologies for diluting your thread. I place all the blame squarely on Seanachai. Actually the analysis you have performed is very interesting. I am curious why you only researched the German battles by troop type, but not the Soviets. Any chance of a follow-up on the Soviets, since by your figures they are in 407 of the total 446 scenarios? :confused:
  9. Just couldn't leave this touchy subject alone, could you?? Sir, for that remark I'd normally challenge you to a CMBB QB, on behalf of bean-counters everywhere. However, I supect that you, like the rest of the denizens of Minnesota, have a difficult time using a computer keyboard now that winter has come again and your hands are encased in mittens for the next 10 months. That reminds me: Is it true that in Minnesota the decimal system never caught on, because everyone wearing mittens could only count to 4? Just curious.
  10. Great joke, GrandMasterGoodale!! Abbott, before you start something you may come to regret, ask Soddball how many days he and the Goodale glacier have been playing their game. :mad: :mad:
  11. The very best way to find a friendly PBEM is to ask one of the astoundingly civilized gentlemen in the famous "Cheery Waffle" thread. You will find that we are CMBB afficianados who play for the fun of playing. We don't get our bowels in an uproar when our brilliantly conceived plans go flying out the window because a tank bogged or hit a mine. If you're interested, I'll be glad to provide you with a set-up. Send me an e-mail if you're interested. The real plus about the Cheery Waffle thread is then you too can heap abuse on MasterGoodale (the maggot) where he will see it!!
  12. You are kidding, right? MasterGoodale's sig changes come at a rate that makes his move returns look positively swift. Any word on mike_the_wino from BC? Have there been reports of a province-wide wine shortage? With any luck the residents will toss him into the forest fires. Of course, his alcohol-saturated carcass would probably explode like a fuel-air bomb. Hey, maybe they could use him to put out the fires!!
  13. Oh man, not first thing on a Monday morning!! That's disgusting. Actually, it reminds me of something MasterGoodale (the maggot) might say. :eek: Some PBEMs are almost at a standstill. Becket, Shosties4th and PrinzEugen are in a dead heat for the MasterGoodale Memorial Turn-a-month Award. Teddy Windsor and _UXcva are keeping the turns flowing in Cheery Waffle 1.0 and 2.0 respectively. I may still have an AFV or two that hasn't bogged, hasn't had the gun damaged, or that Teddy hasn't destroyed. I'm doing much better so far against _UXcva, but he's keeping all of his armor hidden so far. I feel confident with both Keke and Prinz Eugen leading my German troops. How could I lose with a couple of Finns around to break Russian guns over their knees? My scenario against Stalin's Organ is in the + of a 40+ turn battle. He has managed to kill every German tank I had. His so-called Russians are still puttering around in Valentines and Matildas. If it wasn't for his T-34 and his KV, I'd swear he had British instead of Russians. We may split the control of a couple of VLs, but I'm sure he's way ahead on points. It's amazing what a cliff in the wrong place can do to the momentum of an attack!! Especially one of my attacks! :eek:
  14. Please, please can I drive the truck?? Can it be a 16-wheeler, rolling downhill on the interstate at about 85 mph? With a full load of something really heavy, like steel girders? Or maybe he could get hit by a train instead of a truck. Since the previous thread is already locked, I'm glad Snarker went ahead and started this one. I'd have preferred a simple title change on the last thread, but it wasn't to be. :mad: I don't think Poor Old Spike is a "scum bag at CMBB". I played several non-ladder PBEMs with him back in his Veteran Gamer/Headshot days, and he came across to me as a well-read, interesting guy. He did a lot of analysis of the bang-for-your-buck of CMBB units. I don't remember what his falling out was with BFC, and it wasn't any of my business anyway. MasterGoodale, he can teach you a lot about the game. Just know that his turns will come back to you minutes, or at most hours, after you send yours.
  15. When you said "Dynamic probability in computer games sucks", and then went on to give examples of that behavior in CMBB, I assumed that meant it was unacceptable to you. My apologies if I misinterpreted your post. I suspect that when the new game engine is released, there will still be complaints. If BFC managed to develop a perfectly 3-D holodeck, where we could play Combat Mission in perfect virtual reality, someone would still gripe when their tank gets hit or when their tank bogs. I also suspect the men in the actual tanks felt about the same way when something went wrong. The "Why Me?" syndrome.
  16. ['nzn], you're absolutely right. It's a travesty that this game works the way it does. I suggest we switch to a more realistic WW2 computer game (simulator). Can you tell me what that is? :confused: :confused: There aren't going to be major changes in the game engine until CM2 or whatever the rewrite is called these days. CMAK will be using basically the same programming as CMBB. If this game behavior is unacceptable to you, well, there's always Tetris.
  17. I have to admit, MasterGoodale (the mold maggot) and his command of the English language have people dropping by who never showed their faces in these here parts before. Maybe they heard that mike_the_wino and Becket are gone and that Soddball is working up his Traveller game. Seems like an excellent time for strangers to come nosing around. Please don't hold MasterGoodale's rantings against the rest of us. He's had a difficult time these last 31 years. My apologies for the sig line. It's a bit much, for normal people. For MasterGoodale, it's the epitome of restraint.
  18. Wow, how educational. All these brand new words in the thread that nobody ever saw before. Okay, kiddies, recess is over and you perverts (or preverts, as Col. Bat Guano would say) can save your potty mouths for somewhere else. :eek: MasterGoodale, how about a title edit? I don't think there is an adjective form of pus, and the word you chose is getting people stirred up. I think BFC has given us a lot of latitude in these Cheery Waffle threads, and I'd hate to see the franchise go out of business. If people are grumbling here, you can bet they are saying something to the moderators. What's it going to be, a thread or no thread? :confused:
  19. Well then don't read it. Maggot!! MasterGoodale, unless you were lying when you filled out your profile, I just noticed that we missed your birthday!!! :eek: Happy belated birthday, you TNT-chucking, face-melting, GRRARGHRAARGHRRRAGRHG-yelling, ant-ranching, mold-farming, vomit-cleaning lunatic maggot!
  20. I'm surrounded by infants. Anyway, I'm a firm believer that you're only as old as you think you are. I see a lot of people much younger than me who look broken down already. Personally I'm still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe I've got Peter Pan syndrome.
  21. Do you think maybe they won't come back? I just made the mistake of looking up the word "maggot" in my dictionary. Did you know the word is Scandinavian in origin?? It says the word is akin to the Old Norse mathkr, and also the Old English matha. Now, it makes sense that so many members of MasterGoodale's Brood are from Finland and England. They invented the term for maggots! :eek: Hey, if any of you illiterates haven't noticed, our very own English maggot Soddball is planning to start a Traveller PBEM. Read all about it on the General Forum. Could be a fun experience. Somehow I suspect lots of fire will be involved. Apologizing for the sig line.
  22. Friends, I'm paying the price for surrendering to MasterGoodale (the maggot). This is the unveiling of my new sig line for the next 45 days. I think I'll just skip posting until fall.
  23. Point Size: 1000 or less Force type: Random Force Chooser: Human Nationality: Random Terrain type: Anything that doesn't look like a big tennis court Atk/Def/ ME: Anything except MEs, which I think are as artificial as chess and checkers Year: Random Weather: Random Any particular reason you don't want to play scenarios online? Are you worried about the dreaded IMBALANCE? I like scenarios because, unlike the super duper elite units picked for QBs, you may have to use less than top-of-the-line equipment and troops. Personally I get a kick out of using Green and Conscript troops to see what we can accomplish.
  24. What, you doofus, me surrendering to you isn't a proper victory? I gave you my password; if you want to finish playing the 15+ remaining turns, be my guest. That way you can slaughter every one of the Germans. You can unleash your molten TNT on them and melt all of their faces. They're all yours to torment to your black heart's content. Becket, send me the next file if you can. I seem to have deleted our game when I converted to 1.03. I agree the map had some really bizarre potential for mayhem. Maybe now I can finally find enough flat land for a squad to occupy. Axe, you've caused a lump in my throat; and probably a bleeding ulcer in my stomach. Reading your post is like looking at baby pictures, reliving the birth of the phenomenon known as MasterGoodale. A particularly evil-tempered, deformed baby, yes, but still a baby. And look how he's grown in only a few short months. He has people on every continent who will never meet him, but despise him anyway - as he so richly deserves.
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