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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Only if you really mean it, Dave. I don't take kindly to jokes. You know, the whole "no sense of humour" thing. ... Let me know when and where.</font>
  2. I am pleased you enjoyed it Becket . It is in final play testing currently. I also am awaiting the AAR from Ed's website . A few small changes are noted and it will be released as "Road to Moscow" to The Depot hopefully late next week.</font>
  3. PLEASE don't ever do that again. I once sat through an entire University of Tennessee football road game, where they completely overmatched the non-conference opponent, and I heard that song enough to last a lifetime. If George Bush and John Ashcroft were to announce that they have banned "Rocky Top" as unAmerican, I would probably have to vote for the GOP next year. THAT'S how much I despise that tune. GRARGHRARGRAHRGHRARGRARHGRARR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh, and MasterGoodale (the maggot), say goodbye to the sig line honoring your victory. Tonight's the big night. Since you have stopped sending any more turns on our current game, my sig line now reverts to me. So, Cabron66, up for a short PBEM?
  4. Seanachai, your religious debates in the Peng thread are of no interest here. Next time please wipe your feet before dropping in unannounced. There's no telling what other contaminants you've picked up discussing movement in snow, close air support, the price of cheese, John Ashcroft, and any other subjects you've been posting on. Actually, I'm seeing those sitcom kind of sparks flying between you two big lugs. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Oh,oh, gotta go watch Bill Maher.
  5. Becket, before you end up dangling at the end of a rope someplace, tell me a little about the storm. I know the federal offices were all closed in DC Thursday and Friday. How much rain did you guys get? Any wind damage? I heard some guy in western Virginia saying their rain guage had measured over 16 inches of rainfall. I'm assuming the district didn't get that much, because that would have been a real disaster. :eek:
  6. Axe, it's great to see you back. I trust you and the wonderful Mrs. Axe have had a lovely interlude. Did she catch you staring off into space, planning your next PBEM move? I'm sure she will eventually adjust to this particular condition of yours. Okay, a quick summary of the mighty Beat Dave Like a Rented Mule, or BDLRM tourney, which unfortunately contains no snow. MasterGoodale's Soviets are in excellent shape, but he's stopped sending turns. He has infantry inside the central factory, and more infantry advancing on my right. We've finished 15 turns. Did I mention the maggot has stopped sending turns? GRARGHRAHGRRAHGRHHARGH! :mad: Teddy Windsor has completed 14 turns. He has assault guns, tanks, artillery, infantry, and probably some air strikes all falling on my Germans at once. I'm hoping to salvage something from this, but he's rolling over my poor troops with a vengeance. Mike has some armor on the road northeast of the factory. Right now it is shelling the factory. He also has some infantry making an attack on my far right, but it has been stopped by HMG fire. We've played 9 turns. GrumpyBear has finished 4 turns. So far one of my AT guns took a potshot at a Soviet armored car on the road through the woods northeast of the factory. That's the only Soviet I've seen. He keeps talking about doing a human wave attack, so I suspect he may have lots of infantry. Mike_the_wino has completed 5 turns. He's got a KV and some T-34s shooting up the factory. I actually KO'd a T-34 on the hill with the easternmost VL! He has a couple of infantry squads there, too. THumpre has only finished 2 turns. I have spotted "light armor" northeast of the factory so far. 86smopuim has finished 4 turns. He has some infantry near the eastern VL, but that's it. He's told me that he has more bodies than I have bullets, so he may be very infantry-intensive, too. With CMAK coming out soon, I don't know if I'd want to start any more PBEMs of CMBB for a while. However, if someone really wanted to play, I could probably do one or two more BDLRM games. My turns are very easy, and get much easier as the game progresses. [ September 19, 2003, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  7. There be a spellin' mistake in ye olde post too, Mr. Soddball Silver. ARrrhh!! is spelled GRARGHGRRAGGRAHGRARGGRAHRGAR!!!. Twenty lashes with the cat, ye lubber!! :mad: :mad: :mad: That would be cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet!
  8. Please go away and send mike_the_wino back. He was a gamey, drunken, good for nothing maggot, but he was OUR gamey, drunken, good for nothing maggot!
  9. So does this mean the "fame" of MasterGoodale (the maggot) isn't confined to this forum? The way Poor Old Spike mentioned him, it sounded like everyone on the other forum should recognize his name immediately. What an absolutely depressing thought!
  10. Dave Read what you have posted......... Are you feeling okay? Did Nugget send you some wine? Maybe you were concerned about the passengers on the bus? :confused: :confused: </font>
  11. MasterGoodale, you non-pus-spelling maggot, where are you hiding? You're 15 turns into what was supposed to be a quick 20 turn battle, and you stop sending turns? Would it kill you to actually keep sending turns until a battle is finished for once? I'm willing to find out. I hope you didn't get run over by a bussssss. Maggot.
  12. Yeah, I saw his question in the Cover Art thread. "Why do Soddball and I play Combat Mission and post in this forum?" The thread was locked before I could deliver a spectacular reply for myself. :mad: I'm sure Soddball has his own reasons for the things he does - peculiar, I'm sure, but reasons nonetheless. I'd expect nothing less from the demented Englishman. I'll have to think about this. Maybe I should be flattered to be singled out like that. Obviously something I've said struck a nerve. I wish I knew what it was.
  14. Jim, you know it doesn't make any difference which side I take. I'll manage to lose all of the armor immediately, or maybe sooner. You could save some time by going ahead and setting all of my tanks on fire before we start, and I'll run the crews around for a while. Since I'm getting clubbed by Soviet tanks in all of my BDLRM scenarios, go ahead and send me the Russians. I'll show you how flimsy those KVs really are.
  15. I really like the direction this thread is taking right now. I am in total agreement with Jim Boggs and Soddball that it most definitely is MasterGoodale's fault! The rain yesterday - Goodale's fault. The crabgrass in my front yard - Goodale's fault. The Hitler Youth in the General forum - Goodale's fault. The Olde Ones of the Peng thread - Goodale's fault. Mike_the_wino/nugget/squire's drinking - Goodale's fault. I think I can live peacefully from now on knowing that whenever bad things happen, it is Goodale's fault!
  16. I think Combat Mission has done a wonderful job of condensing the reality of combat to a manageable time frame. Somebody (Jason C??) posted an AAR of an actual battle that stretched on through an entire day because of all of the real world delays not experienced in CM. A CMBO version of the same battle would probably last 20-30 turns at most. Personally I only play PBEMs now. Playing against the AI has become sterile by comparison in my opinion, because there is no give-and-take with the computer opponent. I take as much time as I need for my turns. This isn't a remake of Doom, so I don't feel there are (nor should there be) any time constraints on a commander. FYI, I really, really dislike the so-called "Real Time Games". I'm annoyed that these games claim some kind of extra helping of realism because they are not turn based. What a crock!
  17. Who's the good Brit?? :confused: Oh, you mean Soddball? Did you notice it only took him 9 minutes to find that little comment, blow his top, and then to post? Very impressive, I must say. It must the result of years of practice. This whole issue of superman-like HQs sounds like people are using them to try taking out armor, and the tanks aren't killing the HQs fast enough. Or is there something I've missed that makes HQs so indestructible?
  18. I wish! My experience has been that my HQ can be totally engulfed within an entire friendly platoon, but enemy infantry will always target the HQ first. My HQ must be as glaringly obvious as an FO in the back of a truck two kilometers away. Sorry, couldn't resist using Soddball's pet peeve.
  19. Sounds to me like a Russian HQ versus a German infantry squad at 350 meters will be a serious mismatch. The HQ will have rifles, but most German squads will include a LMG. At 350 meters, the HQ should be totally outgunned. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. Could you be a little more specific than just calling the HQs "over powered supermen"? Are you testing their firepower, their morale, or what? :confused:
  20. Please don't go giving the maggot still more excuses for his "delays" with turns. Actually, in our little brawl he has been very punctual about returning turns. None of his past three-week or longer disappearances. I suspect it's probably because he's winning. The fury maggot triumphant!
  21. I really love this guy Axe. His priorities are solidly in the proper order. 24 hours after his wedding and he's sneaking back in for a quick fix of the Cheery Waffle/MasterGoodale thread. He makes me so proud!! Sorry, I'm getting so choked up that I can't go on.
  22. Talk about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire! Is there a safe subject in the General Forum today? Guess I'd better look.
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