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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Do you think Prinz Eugen and his Finn compatriots made a trip to New Hampshire and put MasterGoodale (the maggot) out of his TNT-loving misery? Seems like a big coincidence that at exactly the same time Prinz Eugen told us he would be fulfilling some military obligations, MasterGoodale (the maggot) has completely disappeared. :confused: :confused: If this is the case, I think we all owe Prinz Eugen and all of Finland a big debt of gratitude!
  2. Oh no, it sounds like the Soddball is primed to make another scenario!!! :eek: :eek: As a veteran of Inferno and Kneiber Dam, and currently embroiled in Cheery Waffle, I can only hope Scotland Yard steps in and stops this utter madness. A hungover Soddball at his computer creating scenarios of death and destruction must be a violation of dozens of British laws. Not to mention a crime against humanity. Make the bad man stop!! GRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. Urefinger, good luck with your civilized thread. Some of us who post in the Cheery Waffle thread support you. Some may not. MasterGoodale doesn't seem to be conscious most of the time, so who knows what he thinks. I don't know if BFC will allow too many challenge threads like this on the forum. Personally I'm completely shocked that the Cheery Waffle has been allowed to congeal for so long. Maybe MadMatt is too disgusted to even go in to lock it. Or possibly MasterGoodale owns some "photos" of the BFC guys, which would explain a lot. If this doesn't work out, you are welcome in the Cheery Waffle thread. There you can challenge MasterGoodale to a PBEM and test your patience to the breaking point. Not actually in the game, just waiting for his next turn.
  4. I should have known wine was involved in this. Fun game is right. I've never seen so many crews running around. Every turn I lose another 5 or 6 vehicles. And do we care? NOOOOOooooo!!!!
  5. Mike, thanks for your most excellent sig line decision. :cool: Now I'll have to take back one or two of the terrible things I've said about you. I think now you owe it to all your "friends" in this thread to tell them exactly what armored cars and halftracks you selected. For the brave Allies I selected about 10 or 15 M-17s, about a dozen M-3 scout cars, and 16 Romanian ACs with 20 mm guns - I can't remember which German AC model it is. Anyway, they certainly got a nasty shock when Mike's armored cars and halftracks came into view. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: [ June 18, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  6. Not so fast, Teddy boy!! Check your mailbox for the turn I sent all of 10 or 15 minutes ago. And say "Hi" to the family for me. Tell them that since Diana departed they get very little coverage in the US any more.
  7. Coincidentally, that's also how long it takes Dave H to send turns lately. :mad: :mad: My Romanians are looking spiffy in their new Andrew TF uniforms, ready for the presentation of victory medals. </font>
  8. Hmmm... I've noticed the same thing. Even Snarker is getting a bit snippy (for no reason). Now that I think about it, it seems like these three guys get all grumpy about every 28 days or so...... Wonder what that's all about. </font>
  9. If you remember, I provided a whole list of excuses to you in the last thread. Just pick any one of them and assume that's why you don't have a turn. Even better, ask Paula to read them to you so you don't confused by the words of more than three letters. Or maybe she could draw you a picture. Maggot! :mad: :mad:
  10. Congratulations to Keke on a smashing 80-20 crushing of my Russian probe. On the bright side, my men did manage to capture one of Keke's Finns, which in itself should rank as a moral victory. Warning - NEVER play an uber-Finn commanding digital uber-Finns. :eek: It's just too much to expect of any mere mortal. I was so apprehensive of the anti-tank capabilities of his Finns that I was afraid to give my T-34s an armor-only cover arc. I expected to find German anti-tank guns and/or panzershrecks. Instead his StuG KO'd all three of my tanks, which could never decide what to target and ended up saving lots of ammunition by not firing at all. Keke made excellent use of the Finns SMGs and their ability to disappear in the trees. My Russians were typically sighting his infantry at about 15 meters, which is far too late to spot SMGs. Especially for rifle squads. GRRRR!! :mad: I did manage to cause quite a few Finn casualties, but my surviving attackers were about out of ammunition and almost all of my squad HQs were dead when the AI called the game. I'd like to try defending against Keke and see how he orchestrates a probe or an attack. He certainly could teach me a lot.
  11. Maggots, I'm back again! Think of me as a close relative of the common cold! I went out of town to my lovely niece Alison's wedding yesterday. No, I didn't happen to run into MasterGoodale (the maggot). Although I see there are those comparing my turn rate to his - you know who you are, Keke. :mad: That reminds me - I learned long ago in Boy Scouts that mold only grows on the north side of tree trunks. Now think about all the moldy waffles living in the more northern parts of the Earth itself: Keke, Paddington, Axe, Nippy, Prinz Eugen, Soddball. Coincidence?? Looks like a pattern to me. Turns are already out to every single one of you gamey slackers I have the misfortune to be playing. That is of course with the exception of MasterGoodale, who hasn't sent me a turn since Thursday. I expect a new turn from him sometime before summer begins officially; with luck that will be summer in the northern hemisphere. Keke has informed me that, as I suspected, all males in Finland have compulsory military service, and that he is an officer. That will be my official excuse as we wrap up his thorough demolition of my Russian probe into Finland. He told me I needed more scouting. What good does scouting do when an entire veteran squad standing on top of a Finn body still can't identify it as more than "infantry"? :confused: My squads typically spotted his defenders at 10-15 meters. I think any half squads, anti-tank teams, and sharpshooters would have been killed instantly without gaining any information. Instead my whole squads were killed, but not before I located his defenders. Small consolation.
  12. Jim, MTW2 is not the one to seek if you are looking for the best CMBB players. Although he (it) managed a close major victory over me, he (it) was losing by about the same score to Beckett. Although I have reluctantly retained my sig line honoring his "accomplishment" lo all these many months, his (its) loss never seemed to merit a permanent display. Since both games involved Soddball's "Inferno" scenario, very little can be discerned of his (its) tactical expertise. MTW2 disappeared shortly after our game ended, apparently done in by another member whose name sounds something like this, "tyke_the_rhino", who happened to have a lower member number. There was a brief outburst the first time I attempted to change my sig line, but I think that was a cry from beyond the grave. I'm afraid MTW2 has gone to that great big video game in the sky.
  13. Soddball, I agree with you. Those Canadians have been dimming our glory for far too long! Something must be done about this huge lurking menace to the north. It's high time we saw some "regime change" in Ottawa. Maybe an American invasion similar to the one so graphically portrayed in "Canadian Bacon".
  14. Is the groom developing cold feet? Your quote from Homer doesn't sound so thrilled about the idea of a wedding. Neither does asking us to show up dressed as elephants. I should have said BRIBING us to show up dressed as elephants! [ June 13, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  15. Ummm, would you believe my house is covered with mold?? How about that ants have invaded my house?? What about my daughter was sick and I couldn't play?? Maybe my wife grounded me and wouldn't let me sit down at the computer?? My boss made me work long hours and I didn't have time?? I was busy in my yard?? I was drunk?? It snowed too much?? There was a thunderstorm?? A giant asteroid collided with the earth?? Rabid skunks overran the town?? I moved to Canada?? Aliens kidnapped me?? I was on the phone?? I was in a meeting?? I was at church?? I was in the bathroom?? I was watching TV?? I was posting in the General Forum?? I'm just getting warmed up. Crow, take your time. Maybe we can try a CMAK PBEM when it comes out. With any luck BFC will make it flexible enough so the Americans can fight the British and Commonwealth. That's the game I'm wanting!!
  16. Me, depressed? I should say not! :cool: I thought I had returned your most recent turn. Maybe you sent one last night after I shut down for the evening. That was probably about 4 or 5 am your time. :eek: My gallant Russians continue to plod ahead, ignoring the mortally wounded bodies of their comrades, and the mortar fire falls like rain on your forest-elf Finns.
  17. In a shocking development, the late mike_the_wino turned up again yesterday, after all right-thinking people had decided that his maggot-infested body was buried somewhere beneath his newly landscaped yard. Apparently the thought of losing his recognition in a months-old sig line was enough motivation to reanimate the decomposing corpse. This just in: not only has mike_the_wino emerged from certain death; he has also somehow converted the file in Car Wars to v 1.03!! According to eyewitnesses, he required "two computers and enough liquor to fill an Olympic sized pool". Once again he bravely faces the onslaught of mighty Allied armored cars, scout cars, and halftracks with his overmatched Axis assault guns and tanks. Way to go, mike (you maggot)!!
  18. Crow, this thread is full of halfway competent players, and right now every one of them is beating me like a drum. So feel free to join the club. If you would like having a small PBEM to get your feet wet, send me a setup. Since I've had a couple of PBEMs disappear into the v 1.03 void, I could squeeze in something well below the divisional level so beloved by MasterGoodale (the fury maggot). Once you're infected with Cheery Waffles, mold, ants, and fury maggots, there is no turning back. Just remember to treat such fine, upstanding CMBB players like Axe, Mike_the_wino, Soddball, Keke, and especially MasterGoodale (the maggot) as the witless schoolchildren they really are.
  19. *raises hand* errrr, yes I have. It's pretty good if you are after running about blowing a few things up (so the vast amonts of TNT chucking you are after is more than catered for). However among other things Tigers have been referred to as extremely gamey in the BF1942 community so I can't see you being too happy with that MG! :mad: Oh yeah *coughs* ggrrrrrrggggargragargragrgrrgrggr!!!! Sorry! I'll try that again!! GGRRRRRRGGGGARGRAGARGRAGRGRRGRGGR!!!! /legs it before he gets collared </font>
  20. Teddy, since I posted this before 8 am, my brain was obviously still wrapped in a fog. I am, of course, the Axis player in Soddball's extravaganza. My problem was squeezing in so many King Tigers among the Hummels, Brummbars, Sturmtigers, and Panthers. Not to mention all the FOs and AT pillboxes. That leaves the question of where to put all the 88's, panzershrecks, and paratroops. That's why I didn't get my setup back to you last night. With luck it will be back to you tonight. Unless it storms, which is happening again today and is forecast for the rest of the week. Soddball, don't tell us any more about this thing until we get through it. I know you want to spill everything to the world, but hold on a bit longer.
  21. That engraved axe embedded right between your eyes is sounding better all the time. :mad: :mad: :mad: I really need to talk with Paula about you.
  22. Have you guys had the experience of typing out some long, extravagant post with tons of literary references, witty jokes, humorous anecdotes, and blindingly sharp reasoning; but then losing it when you clicked the "Add Reply" button? :confused: No, probably not for you cretins with your single digit IQs. If you had experienced this, caused by carefully counting up the graemlins in your post and missing one embedded in a quoted post (say the :mad: Jason is using in his name) you would be really ticked off. Anyone know why BFC picked eight as the cutoff point? Is there some computer juju about having no more than eight of these icons in a message? MasterGoodale (you maggot), can't you fix or do somefink?
  23. You people HATE cheese??? :eek: :confused: :eek: What are you, some kind of Canadian and/or Alaskan weirdos? Somebody like Robin Williams played in "Insomnia"? It must have something to do with the northern latitudes. Maybe you're too close to the magnetic pole. Cheese is the true food of the gods, the very top of the food chain, the ultimate peak of the daily food pyramid. No day is complete without lots and lots of cheese. I can't speak for "Cherry Waffle", but Soddball has sent "Cheery Waffle" to Teddy Windsor, who has sent it along to me. As the Allied player I'm already stumped with the bizarre unit mix, set-up areas, and terrain. I can't figure out where to even start my units. Nothing seems to have a particularly advantageous place to begin the game, except in another set-up area. Would I have expected any less from Soddball? NO! [ June 11, 2003, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
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