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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Can you translate? Is this: </font> "Yes, I reluctantly accept your challenge, knowing only too well that I am doomed to utter defeat."</font> or is it: </font>"No, while I only have your sig for another 28 days, I would prefer to keep that singular honor and not subject myself to still another crushing defeat."</font> Personally I couldn't make it out. Axe, I'm going back to sleep now.
  2. Okay, I challenge you. Since I "lost" (surrendered) in our last game, that means I get to choose the rematch, right? How about a nice small ME lasting 20 turns on a small map? You be Allies, I'll be Axis. Yes or no, right now, Mr. god of war. HA, HA, HA!!! PS. NEW RULE: If you wimp out, my sig line goes away - immediately. Just like Calvinball, now that I've used this rule nobody else can.
  3. It's a Monday morning. GRARGHRARRGHRARGARGHRAHGARGGRARRGH!!!! Wow, I feel so much better now! Edited because some UBB codes don't seem to work. Is there something I've missed about the , , and codes, or does this forum just not support them? [ August 25, 2003, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  4. Becket, great link to Calvinball, the only sport with the level of anarchy we maintain in the Cheery Waffle thread. As anyone can see, we don't even spell Waffles the same way every time. Perfect!!! Anyone seen a Teddy Windsor or Shosties4th around lately? Our games are dragging, due to their absences. :mad: Axe, the only comic strip I would compare with Calvin & Hobbes is the immortal Bloom County by Berke Breathed. Opus the penguin will always occupy a special place in my heart. :cool:
  5. He'd have to return setups for me to do that. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. No, no, we were all yelling, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Now, I wish to take issue with this bit of the initial rambling post by Seanachai. He specifies two particular threads on the forum in this way: the Peng Thread or the Master Goodale abomination. As an open-minded individual, I occasionally have been known to peruse the Peng thread, especially in the throes of an excruciatingly dull afternoon at work. I have seen for myself that the level of erudite discussion in the so-called MasterGoodale (or more properly, the Cheery Waffle) threads is on a far higher intellectual plane than the guttural noises on display in the Peng. I consider this remark a vicious slander of the Cheery Waffle thread. It clearly shows that certain "special" members of this forum have spent so much time wallowing in the Peng that they can no longer appreciate discussion more sophisticated than a couple of preschoolers arguing over a new box of crayons. Oh, and Seanachai, I'm glad to know the alleged Nazi takeover of the forum didn't pan out. That was close. Who knows what web site could have been the next domino to topple.
  7. Now I've really done it. Becket, I apologize for not memorizing your profile. Actually I don't know if I ever looked at it before. I should have been able to guess, though. Anyway, a thousand pardons for the slip of the tongue. :eek: :eek: Please don't feel the need to take your revenge on my Russians.
  8. Becket, you should have plenty of time to memorize every detail of the map. Sometime late next year, while the rest of us are CMAKing all over the Sahara, Sicily, and Italy, you will still be waiting for the maggot MasterGoodale's Russians to appear. By then he and Soddball may actually finish their game. I forgot to mention that Stalin's Organ won a 60-40 minor victory in our PBEM. I figured he would show up here to brag, but apparently not. Anyway, the scenario we played was excellent and I'll be adding a review to the Scenario Depot today. Axe, I really liked the title you came up with for the thread you started yesterday. Hang on to it for the next time around. It grieves me to watch mike_the_wino and Becket grovel in their sig-line dispute. Neither of them has shown any signs of thinking outside the box and coming up with a blindingly off-the-wall justification for their point of view. Now they've dragged real attorneys into the Cheery Waffle thread, which should be an offense punishable by vivisection. Or worse. :eek: Have the rest of you noticed that a disturbing number of Peng regulars have taken up lurking on the fringes of the Waffle threads? Maybe you remember a while back when there was actually a thread on the General Forum asking people to please post in the Peng thread. I believe that through no fault of our own we have accumulated a whole collection of Cheery Waffle groupies. Is there some way we could charge them for the privilege of reading our deathless prose?
  9. It could be worse. Paula could be saying "29 sleeps until you get rid of that disgusting sig line about MasterGoodale, the maggot." You have to keep some sense of perspective about the importance of these things. On the other hand, I would have to agree with Seanachai that you are a useless pillock. Whatever a pillock is. Does his statement imply there is such a thing as a useful pillock? How would I recognize one if I saw it? How can you tell the useless from the useful? :confused: I know, I know, too many questions for a Friday morning.
  10. You and Abbott need to coordinate a bit better. Maggot.
  11. All the pictures of nice, evenly spaced road columns makes me wonder ... Is it possible something like a "follow" command has been added for CMAK? I hope, I hope... :cool:
  12. I assume you were talking to me, since you used the singular form "gentleman". Thank you very much. So how goes the big construction project? MasterGoodale, you maggot, this is the thread you may post in now. All the others are off limits. The burdens we shoulder to keep him out of trouble on this forum.
  13. Definitely the 2,000 point battle. Same map, fewer units makes the battle much more interesting - to me, anyway. Does that mean I agree with my Right Honourable friend from upper Toronto? GRRARRGGHHHRAAGHRRAR!!! :mad: :mad: Congratulations to my friend from New Zealand, Stalin's Organ, for a victory in our game. He conducted a depressingly suffocating defense as the Russians against my Germans in the scenario Protopopovka. One good thing about it, I've now had some recent experience in knocking out British tanks. I'm sure that will pay off in a big way in CMAK, when my Italians take on Monty's boys.
  14. Actually I do. Most of my other PBEMs are in the last couple of turns, except for the restart against Becket. You're serious about playing me so you can finally win, aren't you? It's okay with me. Send it along and away we'll go. Maggot!
  15. I'm sure you must have. So do you remember which one of your posts that was in? I sure haven't seen any signs of it around here, Traveller man!!
  16. Whoa there, let's not get carried away. A lot of times widespread diseases show up first in the elderly, who tend to have weaker immune systems. On the other hand, with your normal blood alcohol level hovering at about fifty percent, I don't imagine you get sick very often. Any bacteria would be pickled before anything could happen to you.
  17. Were you testing us? Seeing if you could get away with a word beginning with "n"?
  18. Mike_the_wino, not to worry you, but I just read about a suspected outbreak of SARS in a nursing home just outside Vancouver. Patients and staff have the symptoms.
  19. If it takes him 10 to 12 posts to find each new thread, I wonder how long it would take him to find a thread in a whole new forum? </font>
  20. As soon as I saw this, your alleged "credibility" was gone. Nobody is going to believe that you read this whole thread. I'm not sure many of us here believe you can read at all. Canada sounds like a great choice for you. Dorosh and Axe gain you, while the rest of us lose you. Looks like a win-win to me. Are there sufficient liquor stores for you in Squamish, whatever that is? Do they ferment whale blubber or sealskins or moose antlers or hockey pucks or what??
  21. Play infantry-only battles. Play against me - I'm making everybody look good.
  22. Yeah, who could have foreseen that happening?? I figured by this time he's have moved on to something else, like pulling the wings off of flying ants, instead of sticking with Combat Mission. Looks like we're stuck with the fury maggot for a long time. GRRrrrr!!! :mad: :mad:
  23. Axe, as much as it pains me to admit this, I was in serious trouble against the maggot. Although I still held some of the dozen or so flags when I surrendered, he simply had too many Russians. Instead of putting all his 4,500 points into expensive armor, as I expected from his earlier games, he bought four M-17s, two JS IIs, and infantry. Crowds of infantry. Mobs of infantry. Hordes of infantry. :eek: Oh yes, and one airplane, which dropped one bomb and damaged the gun on my single Tiger on turn 2 or 3. :mad: I had based my defense on facing a charge of Goodale's massed Russian armor. I had purchased one 88 PAK and two 75s. I also had a lot of AT mines to hide in front. When I saw the map I knew I could be in trouble; it was heavily wooded and hilly. My HMGs and AT guns and FOs could only see two or three hundred meters at the most. The German advantages in long range fire and artillery evaporated. Also I had sacrificed mobility for static defensive weapons. When his infantry arrived and I kept pulling my defensive lines back further and further, he was still attacking single squads with one or two platoons. I pulled my infantry back from their foxholes to trench lines, but we were about out of ammunition, with additional fresh Russian infantry still moving up to the point of contact. So my deteriorating tactical position, coupled with other factors, caused me to throw in the towel. I have to admit, if we had continued I could easily have been wiped out. Which doesn't make it any easier to see that obscenity of a sig line. I suppose it makes the maggot happy.
  24. So you're 38 years old and you want to fight the entire European theater at CMBB scale. A scale which keeps track of every tank, every truck, every halftrack, every jeep, every rifle, every machine gun, every panzerfaust, and every man. It even keeps track of every tank round. Incidentally, this game also plays out at real time; one minute of game time lasts one minute. If you're serious, you should listen more to your friends. :eek:
  25. Instead of just talking about this guy like he wasn't even there, why don't some of you really good players take it upon themselves to give Poor Old Spike the thorough whippings many apparently think he deserves. I've played him several times, and he has usually demolished me. I don't play ladders, but I suspect you have to win most of the time to reach the top, which he did accomplish. It's obvious he really loves this game, from the research and the writing he has done on other websites. His posts here are inflammatory to grab people's attention quickly, and he certainly does do that. I don't remember what caused him to get banned initially, and that's none of my business anyway. If Matt doesn't want to allow him access to this forum, that is of course his right as a moderator. I don't think his being banned here is a justification to pretend that he's not a strong CMBB player. For whatever that's worth. :confused: :confused: :confused:
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