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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Actually, to the uninitiated this could appear to be the case. However, upon closer inspection, you will discover that several of the regulars here also post on the Peng thread. Not that there's really anything wrong with that, once you get beyond the stomach-wrenching and nausea it causes. The most significant difference between the threads can be found by comparing the first post in each thread. In the Peng, you will find RULES, in the Cheery Waffle you will not. Game, set, and match to the Cheery Waffle. :cool: :cool: One other difference, we use lots and lots of smiley faces, unlike the grumps in the "other" thread. Actually Seanachai has visited a few times. When he discovered that mike_the_wino makes him look like a teetotaler, he slunk back to Minnesota in crushing defeat. :eek: Maybe we could work out a trade of MasterGoodale for Seanachai. Unless they are really the same person. Has anyone ever seen them together? Hmmm.
  2. Axe, you need to add another 100 miles or so to get to Jeffersonville. How much is that in kilometers, something like 5,000? And mike, since you went to Canada on vacation, your trip wasn't in miles, it was in kilometers. What a doofus!!
  3. FYI, be careful who you call "gent" in this thread. Most of them are really semi-literate maggots. MasterGoodale is worse. It sounds to me that you have a total grasp of the Bizarro world that is the Cheery Waffle threads. Personally I am very happy to hear that you have found no redeeming qualities whatsoever here. For a minute there I was concerned that we were drifting away from our ideal. It's really an existential thing.
  4. Come on Axe, don't try to impress us. We all know that "Where's Waldo" was pushing the envelope of your reading comprehension skills. With Mastergoodale (the maggot) away for a few days, Jim Boggs dealing with the real world, Keke out rounding up his herd of reindeer, mike_the_wino in a gutter somewhere, and Soddball getting his Traveller campaign started, this thread has been far too quiet. I need a yawn graemlin. Oh, and 86smopuim, I'll get a setup ready for you. Maybe I could get Becket to convert the setup he did for MG and me so my opponent could select his own forces, while I would have the same ones you gave me. Is that possible, Becket, without too much effort for you? :cool:
  5. My Russians were the ones who were downright groggy after your gamey German artillery and smoke came down on top of them. The only problem with taking one of these hills is that afterwards you have to climb back down the cliffs and steep slopes before you can climb up the steep slopes and cliffs to reach the next one. So much for the defense being able to react, too. GRRR!!!! :mad: :mad:
  6. Have any of the rest of you maggots noticed how quickly the old Cheery Waffle threads get locked when a new one starts. I think someone is keeping a very, very, VERY close eye on us. So how about only using words without the asterisks in them for the time being. I've been having too much trouble figuring when you mean "fork" or "flak", anyway. I knew something had been missing from these threads for a while, besides Jim Boggs, that is. Of course, it's Keke, with his smug attitude (which he's earned by crushing some of us). I hope he hasn't run off with some other software for a summer fling like another uber-Finn mailman/soldier did this year. 86smopuim, I wouldn't risk your extra large sig line, either. It would be a real pain to make a change come out to exactly the same number of characters. On the other hand, you could always change it to something besides a "Dirty Harry" knockoff and some cheesy Monkeybutt quotes.
  7. Excellent title, Snarker. Nice color scheme, too. Sort of a lime Jello look to the background. Or maybe it's a particularly garish strain of mold. Whatever, it's home for a while.
  8. I call a number reversal rule - I'll extend my sig line 09 days if I lose to you, and 54 days if I surrender like last time. Maggot. Aren't Calvinball rules great??!! Axe, ready to kick off a new thread?
  9. You're right, this was a banner week for the normally inert MasterGoodale (the maggot). I personally received one whole turn from him. :eek: There may even be a second turn awaiting me at home, no doubt sent last night while we were being pelted by thunderstorms and a couple of inches of rain. Anyone heard from Shosties4th lately? After his posts about his medical problems I'm pretty concerned about him. Becket, that map you used setting up the game between MasterGoodale and me is devilish. The setup areas are really problematic for the defender, and probably the attacker as well. I'll see how this goes with the maggot, then I might want to use this setup to resurrect my tourney against all comers. :cool:
  10. So Axe, is everything in a state of readiness for your big day coming up very, very soon? You will be posting pictures of the wedding and reception, right? All of us wish we could be there, but I think I read that the border had been closed once the Mounties finally threw out mike_the_wino. Oh, and Abbott, this map Axe and I are playing on is really tricky. The trees and the terrain make it feel like a labrynth. Excellent work. Now if you just had the Germans armed with nothing but light tanks, my Russians would be in good shape.
  11. Your description immediately reminded me of the scene in "Stripes", when John Laroquette ordered the mortar crew to fire their mortar. I can imagine this kind of behavior really happening in the pressure cooker of combat.
  12. No, I'd say it's more like the "recklessness" at the kickoff of Operation Cobra that sent General Lesley McNair on to that great War College in the sky. Good luck on achieving any consensus on the "most successful tank buster" of WW2. About the only things I haven't seen mentioned are the air, surface, and submarine attacks on convoys carrying tanks. To my knowledge no tank on a sinking ship ever managed to shoot back at the attacker. I contend that makes the navies and air forces the "most successful" tank busters.
  13. If you have an HQ unit with little or no modifiers, keep them away from the guys who do the shooting. Let them stay back with a reserve, to be used as a last resort. It's always aggravating having an HQ with no modifier except for a +2 command radius. They have to stay far behind the lines, or they latch on to units all over the battle. GRRR! :mad:
  14. Becket, you have to forgive MasterGoodale. Any time he gets into higher math (any number greater than 13, which is as high as he can count on his fingers), he has to take his shoes off. Well, you know what the floor of his basement is like. So cut him some slack, he does the best he can. Sad, isn't he?
  15. Thank you so kindly for that mental image, immediately after lunch. No wonder the mold, ants, and mice love your place so much.
  16. Oooh, oooh, I get the first shot at this. Oh, you poor, poor thing, you waited for THREE WHOLE HOURS and only a "few" turns came in. You expect those of us who have waited as much as THREE WEEKS between turns from you to feel sorry for you. I have to admit, you're living in a whole different world from the rest of us.
  17. My Right Honourable Friend Mr. Windsor has downplayed his thorough demolition (71-29) of my German position in Cheery Waffle 1. At the end of the game I controlled exactly zero VLs. His gamey rush to my home flag with a couple of T-34s ended perfectly for him. An entire platoon of fresh German infantry was hidden in buildings within a few meters of his buttoned tanks. They were heavily armed with grenade bundles and panzerfausts, but time ran out before they could use them. :mad: Oh, and there are significant changes to the units and the map in CW2.0, which I think is much improved. My other Right Honourable Friend Mr. Soddball complimented me on my whine about a "Forward Recon" scenario, which I don't believe I have played. If you are talking about my battle with Prinz Eugen, that was a QB on one of Biltong's maps. I have to give him credit, the uber-Finn spanked me pretty solidly. Soddball, I still have not received any Traveller e-mail from you. Try me here at work david.m.hutchens@census.gov MasterGoodale, I'll get the first turn to you this evening in our new bloodbath. I'm hoping Becket gave you the First Quadriplegic Guards Army. I might just be able to manage a draw against them. :mad: edited because those three-letter words can be so hard to spell [ August 26, 2003, 08:39 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  18. I kind of like this one, but I'd like it even more if you changed it to "Soddball beat me so badly that Mrs Goodale felt it." MasterGoodale, I'll get your setup to you in a few minutes. Congratulations to the gamey uber-Finn Prinz Eugen. He whipped me big time (79-21) in our battle. This was my first experience with phoney VLs. I thought I was supposed to defend a railroad station, but that wasn't the real VL, which was off in some scattered trees. I held the other three flags, and was outscored NINE HUNDRED to zero for controlled flags. My green and conscript Russian infantry couldn't do much with his Germans, only causing a few casualties to him. My three green or worse T-34s were wiped out by his crack Pz III in a matter of seconds. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: Anyway, congratulations once again Prinz Eugen!!
  19. MrSpkr, have you filed with the IRS for non-profit status, so we can all write off our donations on our income taxes? Surely saving the eyesight of a street person like Seanachai would qualify as some sort of a charity. Of course, euthenasia for him would also probably qualify as a charity, and you may get more donations. How much would that cost?
  20. Soddball seems to have lit a fire under the maggot and got the turns flowing. I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to have another go at him while he's getting turns out relatively quickly. I'm limiting it to 20 turns to avoid another long, drawn out mess.
  21. I don't think self-mutilation will help you. Don't let me stop you, though. Just don't bleed all over the new carpet, maggot.
  22. You really are totally disconnected from reality, aren't you? Personally I don't much care for meeting engagements, either. That's why I made it for only 20 turns. Would you prefer a 20 turn Allied assault?
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