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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Good morning, maggots! Congratulations to all you KALIfornians who have elected a new governor. Apparently he received something over 3 million votes, which makes him the governor of a state with a population over 33 million. Majority rules, right? So how long before the next recall gets started? :confused: How about "There is a god of war, and MasterGoodale is his name, and 86smopuim beat him 98 - 2" Mike, I've been waiting for a turn from you. What's the last turn you received? I changed your e-mail address. Did you change again? What is it now, mchupp@drunks_r_us.com or something?
  2. In spite of your member number, I'm positive that everyone will be glad to always think of you as a newbie. Wanker.
  3. Something tells me that PBEM Helper isn't going to be sufficient in your case. Maggot.
  4. Axe, congratulations on the Red Sox win. Now everybody around New England will just crash that much harder when the inevitable happens. Of course, the really big sports news last night was the Colts putting up 21 points on Tampa Bay inside the last 4 minutes of the game to force overtime. <big>COLTS WIN!!!</big> Unfortunately, I had gone to bed long before that happened, when the Colts were behind 21-nil. Bring on the Chiefs! Teddy, did you get my e-mail asking you to resend the most recent turn? For some reason the game wouldn't load that file.
  5. Hey Keke, hasn't the statute of limitations run out on some of your victories? I think anything over ninety days old should come off your sig line, so you have room for your more recent wins. MasterGoodale, will you ever send another turn? You were the first to start the BDLRM, and there is only one player who hasn't passed you. I promise to talk nicely about you if you'll please send me a turn.
  6. Thanks to my good friend Axe for a great battle in Abbott's "Road to Moscow". He never let up, even when the battle went against him. He never stopped sending turns, either, unlike mastergoodale certain mastergoodale maggots mastergoodale I could mention. :mad: :mad: :mad: Oops, was that a personal attack? Close the General Forum, or make them act like adults like we do in the Cheery Waffle threads. It's plainly the fault of the guys from Minnesota!! Maybe someone should ask Frunze's opinion about personal attacks on the General Forum.
  7. I'm all choked up! I never thought I'd get to be an arch enemy. Wow, what an honor. I'm getting all misty here. I'd like to thank the Academy, my mother and dad, my wonderful wife and children, all the maggots of the Cheery Waffle threads, Seanachai for being an inspiration to all us half-witted old geezers, BFC for allowing me to be part of this great production, and especially Axe for being a terrific opponent. [ October 06, 2003, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  8. Good morning, maggots! Axe, thanks for starting a new thread to leave windows98's little comic diversion to safely disappear. I'd just as soon not have BFC close this thread down because of links to porno sites. Mike/Stalin's Organ, yes I admit I lost in your scenario. I think the problems began when I just started hitting the "Go" button after 3 or 4 turns without looking at what was going on. This was the first time I had played the AI in a year or longer, and, quite honestly, I didn't care for it at all. In a word <big>BORING!!</big> You maggots have me spoiled. :eek: Jim Boggs, that was quite a battle. The first time you spotted my T-34s, you KO'd one, and damaged the gun of a second. You had already killed a Valentine, so I had one Valentine and one T-34 left to face all of your armor. I never expected to even make a game of it. One crack T-34 can accomplish a lot. Now we'll see what Valentines and Matildas can accomplish. Axe, why do your Germans keep taking the mauling they are receiving? Don't you believe in trying to save your men? Run away!! The first two BDLRM entries have managed a draw and a tactical victory. Will the others do better? Wait and see.
  9. Hi maggots! What have you all done with the gamey mike_the_wino and the hopelessly inept MasterGoodale? Whatever it is, please keep doing it, the thread is like a breath of fresh air without those two. Has BFC stopped taking new members? Seems that Colonel Mittens registered September 30, and is still the newest member. It appears a bit peculiar. Axe, congratulations to the Sox. One more game to go.
  10. Keke, welcome back! It's always good to hear a fellow maggot coughing up a hairball, even as far away as Finland. Glad to hear your situation is looking up. The first two players have completed the BDLRM competition. My poor German troops are begging me not to do this again. I think they are tired of the disgraceful leadership I have provided. Who could blame them?
  11. *sniff* You've crushed my frail artist's ego and spirit. *sniff* I'm going to become an accountant.</font>
  12. I have one criticism of your writing style. I think your wordy description made the maggot's life seem much more organized and interesting than the real thing. Next time try not to embellish the pathetic reality of Goodale's existence quite so much. Sig line? We don't need no stinking sig line! :mad: :mad:
  13. You better hope that's not true, or you would have lost a lot of games by forfeit. I don't think anyone here has a big problem with somebody taking a prolonged absence <big>if you let us know about it!</big> When you just disappear for weeks at a time, that's poor manners. Is there anyone who has ever played MasterGoodale in a PBEM who has not caught him "during a bad couple of weeks"?? Too bad Soddball isn't here to respond to this whopper!! You misspelled "acceptable" and "pusssss", you illiterate maggot!
  14. Axe and I are finishing this up, too. I can't agree more, Abbott has made a beauty of a map and a nail-biter of a scenario. I'll be reviewing it at the Depot when we finish; right now I'm hoping Axe doesn't have any more little "surprises" for me. There have been far too many already. :eek:
  15. I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything about that, so I'll have to rely on an expert like MasterGoodale for an opinion. Though I can't imagine what a maggot really knows about pimps, sheep, cotton mills, and Friday nights. Probably just as much as it knows about anything else.
  16. Teddy, I thought you owed me a turn. I may be wrong, but I won't be able to check for another 6 hours or so. I wondered what had happened; I quite naturally assumed that one of your secret missions had interfered. Hey, can some UBB grog tell me all the codes that work here for the different sizes/styles/colors of type? I found some UBB code web sites, but some of the codes they had listed didn't work here. :confused: :confused: :mad: :mad:
  17. Actually my one and only post was to Seanachai after his mother had successful surgery. I admit, it was a weak moment when I was carried away by the emotion from good news and not thinking clearly. Obviously no human mother could have given birth to an abomination like Seanachai. But I digress. As far as carrying a taint, I'll have you know that a liberal application of Lysol mixed with chlorine bleach and a touch of sulphuric acid took it right off. I have to admit that gargling with it was even less fun than entering the MBT, but the rewards of being clean again were so much greater.
  18. Thanks a lot Teddy! My disgust quotient just went through the roof. I feel exactly like I did after the one and only time I broke down and posted in the Peng thread. I need to find some industrial strength floor cleaner or something to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Blechhhh! :mad: And for the rest of you maggots
  19. hummm - I'm beginning to wonder if that guy escaped and made it to the 'waffle' thread </font>
  20. Be patient. Sometimes the Homeland Security operators are very busy listening to all the phone calls. Especially calls from furriners who live in hostile nations like Cuba and Iran and Canada. Hey Axe, I heard an intriguing bit of information while I was on hold yesterday. Did you know that according to the 2000 census, there are 33 million Americans who were born in other countries? The message said there are more foreign-born Americans than the entire population of Canada. Interesting, eh? :eek:
  21. And when the dinosaurs died...did it make you sad? (Like I've got a whole lot of room to talk. )</font>
  22. When I was a kid back in the 50s and early 60s, I was the oddball who actually pulled for the Yankees. After my heroes the M & M boys departed, and especially after CBS (I think) bought the team, I lost interest. Only the 70s Oakland A's ever made me a real fan again, back in the glory days of Reggie Jackson, Vida Blue, Catfish Hunter, Blue Moon Odom, Joe Rudi, Gene Tenace, Bert Campanaris, Sal Bando, and Rollie Fingers. Now I've discovered the real fun in baseball is to harass other people who are still diehard fans.
  23. Don't you just love these Red Sox fans? They're like puppies, they are so cute and full of joy and optimism and happiness. How can they overlook the shadow of DOOM hovering directly above their hapless team? Even if they get past Oakland, they know the Yankees :eek: are out there waiting for them - once again! Wait 'til next year!
  24. Congratulations! That is truly inspired gaminess. So did your boat have two of all the animals on board?
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