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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Jim, if the post had run on for about 20,000 words I would believe you. Seanachai may be many, many, many things, but brief is not one of them.
  2. [sarcasm on. Okay, here goes.] Didn't you know? In all of World War 2 the Italians were the only soldiers who ever surrendered. Everyone else fought to the death. I still haven't figured out what all those POW camps were really for. [sarcasm off]
  3. I suspect you might have something to say. I only wish English was a language you could use to express yourself. I'll just bet your 9'th grade teachers love reading the papers you write.
  4. Becket, my ability to fight a mobile defense went out the window quickly when MasterGoodale showed up with 4 T-34s and an SU-76 on a hill crest and killed a hull-down Pz IV with his very first shot! Since then I've tried to keep the little armor I have hidden as much as possible. Some of it has hidden itself right off the map! Maggots, if the concept of the BDLRM sounds gamey to you, let me know, because I want to try it again in CMAK. I've always thought of mike_the_wino as sort of a guru of gamey, but I have to disagree with him here.
  5. Why would we pray for you not to send turns? That is what comes naturally to you. It would be like praying for the sun to come up tomorrow morning. What we have to pray for is that you do send a turn, because that's a miracle when it actually happens! :eek: Mike_the_wino, we received your generous gift this morning. Becca and I thank you. I take back all the bad things I've said about you in the past. Excepting, of course, all the true ones, such as you being a gamey, cheating, alcohol-challenged maggot. WOLFNUTTS, what are you, something like a MasterGoodale-lite or something? Maybe a relative or neighbor living in the mold-pits of New Hampshire? Hey, are all the presidential candidates visiting you guys yet? When's the primary, in a week or two? Does anyone really think any of this is going to do him any good? Think how frustrated he'll be when he's back after torturing himself for two weeks. On the bright side, he'll drink so much he won't remember his trip anyway.
  6. If that happens, won't he look just like almost every woman over the age of 20 on Corfu? :eek: Actually, I was glad to see Soddball's post. Without the invisible maggot MasterGoodale, there has been a real lack of total insanity here. Snarker and Becket and Jim Boggs and mike_the_gamey do what they can, but there's always that slight thread of coherence in their posts. Fortunately some of the Peng-uins turn up and add some comic relief with their feeble attempts to sort things out here. Will they NEVER learn? They must sacrifice millions of brain cells each time they post in the Peng thread, because the loss is getting harder and harder to hide. A mind may be a terrible thing to waste, but just tossing it into the black hole that is the MBT is inexcusable for anyone. Quick update on the BDLRM: Teddy is about 5 minutes from eliminating me completely. Fortunately, he only has two minutes left. Mike is slaughtering my infantry by rolling over them with, count 'em, seven T-34s. He's so close to my cowering men he's killing whole squads in foxholes with one shot. Three more minutes of German blood and guts. GRRRR!!!! MasterGoodale has dropped off the face of the earth again. I can't remember what he was doing in our battle, but he only has four minutes to do it in. 86smopuim is also slaughtering my infantry at close range with his T-34s. Unfortunately for him, I still have some AT guns able to shoot back for the last 5 minutes. Mike_the_gamey_wino_squire has a couple of KVs shooting everything in sight. With the small antitank guns I have, they will probably keep at it for the remaining 7 minutes. GrumpyBear has 11 minutes left, and seems to be getting his human wave lined up. He also keeps showing me more Soviet "tanks?". THumpre still has 16 minutes to go. He is keeping a very low Soviet profile. I'm expecting about ten thousand conscript Russians to come running out of the woods any time now. All of you have been great opponents. I've been keeping brief notes each turn, so I can give more details later.
  7. Selecting Wirblewinds and flamethrowing tanks for a scenario limited to armored cars and halftracks. For these and other gamey tactics, look for the official mike_the_wino, Mike the wino2, or mike_the_squire. Mike got gamey!
  8. Sorry maggots, but I spent yesterday and some of today with my wife's family. Her aunt was buried yesterday, so we had lots of out-of-towners in for the weekend. It was great getting to see everyone, about 10 percent of whom I know by name. All the rest were "Hi, it's so good to see you!" over and over. I am absolutely TERRIBLE with names. Still, very nice people. I'll update BDLRM after I take care of the turns waiting for me. Let me say unequivocably that I am smashing one Soviet assault after another. Russian troops and tankers are dying like flies at the hands of my German supermen! Was that a little over the top? :confused: Actually the BDLRM is going pretty well for the Soviets. I suspect my defensive setup could have been about a hundred times better. If anyone is interested in doing a critique, I can send you the map with the German defenders ready to set up. I'd be curious to hear any suggestions. Thanks to the seven brave players who have participated. I don't want to talk much about my defenders since everyone is still playing. Abbott, earlier today I saw on the Weather Channel that Oregon is having a terrible heat wave, with some high temperatures over 100 degrees Farenheit. Is that affecting you?
  9. When I won over mike_the_wino by a couple of percentage points, it was the consensus of this bunch of maggots that if the AI calls it a tie, it is a tie, no matter what the actual score. So don't let mike try to tell you he won. Whatever else you can say about mike_the_wino, you have to admire his consistency. When you look up gamy or gamey in the dictionary, there is his picture. Gamey is defined as: 1. BRAVE, PLUCKY - used esp. of animals Well, I can at least agree with the animal part 2. a. having the flavor of game, esp. having the flavor of game near tainting Getting warmer 2. b. SMELLY Now we're talking 3. a. SORDID, SCANDALOUS Yes, that's much like him 3. b. CORRUPT, DISREPUTABLE Bingo, we have a winner!! So the lesson for this morning is, no matter if you're dealing with mike_the_wino, Mike the wino2, or mike_the_squire, you know what to expect. Hey Axe, maybe it wasn't the best idea to ask you about Canada and take a shot at Red Sox fans in the same post. If I struck a nerve, please accept my humble apologies. They have made the playoffs. Maybe, just maybe, this is the year. YEAH, RIGHT!!
  10. What's he going to do, build an igloo? A Canadian friend of mine told me they had snow last week. Can't you people do some climate control or something? :eek: Hey Axe, are there any really picturesque places to live in Canada that haven't been completely overrun by expatriate Americans? I always thought Nova Scotia or Prince Edward's Island would be a great place to live, but not if they've turned into the northern suburbs of Boston. :mad: :mad: Speaking of Boston, have you seen the HBO special about the Curse of the Bambino? What a bunch of whiners! "Why are we such CHOKERS?" Is there anybody who follows the Red Sox who doesn't subconsciously expect disaster every year? Anyway, as Bryant Gumble pointed out on his show, the Cubs haven't won the World Series since 10 years before the last Red Sox victory, so the Red Sox can't even claim to be the best failure! Get over it!
  11. I'll bet all of your new neighbors were just tickled to death seeing (and especially hearing) you. What could possibly be better than finding out that a Dennis Hopper clone has moved into the neighborhood? :eek: :eek:
  12. GROG ALERT!!! I'm ashamed to report that a certain Mike, AKA Stalin's Organ, has seen fit to use smoke against my battered Germans in the BDLRM. He is also racing his T-34s down the road at top speed through this smoke, causing a truly unfortunate incident for one of my precious few armored units. :mad: Abbott, well done with the socks. Now that you have mastered that particular skill, it's time to move on to something we call "shoes". Don't be alarmed, you'll find it isn't so different from the socks. edited because n and m look so much alike in the morning - or is it normimg - or even mninrog? [ September 25, 2003, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  13. That's the spirit lad. Damn uppity water buffalo have had too easy for too long.</font>
  14. Ouch, I've been outed by a dropout from the Beavis & Butthead/South Park School of Music Appreciation. I'll go home right now and throw away all of my music which doesn't sterilize water buffalo at 1,000 meters. From now on I promise to play only CDs with swastikas on the cover art. After all, I want to try to fit in here in the new Reich. :mad: :mad:
  15. Let's all hope that, whatever the RL situation Keke is facing, that it's a slow-motion thing. If not, by the time you work out this whole "socks" dilemma, Keke's problem will be long past and forgotten! Keke, in all seriousness we are all with you, whatever the situation. Keep us posted on how you're doing.
  16. No it's not!!! I spent yesterday actually working the entire day, what with this being the end of the government's fiscal year, and budgets for the new fiscal year being put into place. Last night I sent out turns to everyone except the former MasterGoodale, who must have renovated himself right out of existence. There was time left over for listening to gorgeous music (much of which comes out of Canada, of all places - and no, not Celine Dion). More along the lines of Natalie MacMaster, Mary Jane Lamond, and Loreena McKennitt. Who could stay away from this crowd - well, who else besides MasterGoodale and Prinz Eugen? Jim Boggs had a great suggestion, so I'll just stay away from the poisonous General Forum for a while. It's worth it to keep some shreds of sanity.
  17. EEEEEeeeewwww!!! Let's see, today I've offended the conservatives, offended the SEC, and now I've got Seanachai making passes. A full day in anyone's book. Looks like it's time to get away again for a while. I'll keep sending PBEM turns, since I won't be doing any renovations unlike one maggot we all know and almost tolerate.
  18. So after all the years of frustration while Steve Spurrier was the Gators' coach, the Vols have finally found a way to beat Florida? Is the Redskins' owner who hired Spurrier a Tennessee alumnus? On this planet, we hold our noses at the absolute sewer known as the Southeastern Conference. The conference maintains by far the worst NCAA compliance record in all of college athletics. Vanderbilt is the only school that seems to realize it is a university, and not a farm club for the NFL/NBA.
  19. Although on a certain level I appreciate this idea as an expression of sheer anarchy and chaos, it's just asking me to lower my standards too much. While there is no doubt this thread is full of lowlifes of the worst kind, at least none of them try to impose some kind of absurd social structure. Well, except for the highly renovated MasterGoodale, who is easy enough to ignore. I can't deal again with the kind of elitism and cliques that flourished all those years ago in grade school and especially high school. So no, no posts in the Brand P thread. Sorry, Abbott. Jim, I didn't watch any football this weekend besides the Colts game yesterday. Should I assume that your Southern, football-shaped heart was broken over the weekend? Sorry for the inadvertent dig.
  20. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been a long, long time since my last confession. I posted in a couple of threads in the General Forum and got caught up in the sheer ugliness of the place. I can't blame anybody but myself, because I know what goes on there. How about five Hail Mary's and five Our Father's for a penance? And no more politics for a while.
  21. I hope not. Smash their cursed orange hides. :mad: Hey Jim, the Colts looked good yesterday. I saw most of the second half. Apparently they have a big test coming in two weeks at Tampa. Then we'll know if they're for real. My good man, you called me "lame, gamey, brazen, immoral, illegal, and friend of Cabron". I'll have you know that I am many, many things, but never lame! Thank you very much. Just FYI, Shosties4th has posted a most interesting question over at the General Forum. If any of you maggots can get a neuron or two firing, head over there with your candidates for the great/influential/interesting minds of the twentieth century. Seanachai, since you see all and know all, I'd like to see your contribution, too. MasterGoodale, you're very close to a forfeit. I know you're out there, I can hear the ants running around in that empty space between your ears. Also FYI, I know each and every one of you is a maggot. Just thought you'd like to know.
  22. Yeah, yeah, I've heard that line in too many movies. No thanks, I'm using the Satchel Paige philosophy. What was it he said, "Never look behind you because you don't know what might be catching up". Since you have panzers literally falling out of the trees, you could have a horde of German armor surrounding me. Maggot!
  23. My tank crews have a better idea - instead of opening the hatch, they'll open some cans of seriously disturbed MG-brand TNT for your meter maids. Lots of it will be filled with small steel balls, for punching your meter maids' tickets. How did you lay a minefield behind my lines in a meeting engagement, anyway? That's pretty embarassing, getting two tanks immobilized by your infantry in what I thought was a safe area. Looks like the only safe area for me is the town with all the VLs!! Married maggot!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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