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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. OK, an update: 9530 is the master file for the leather-jacket arm that I used for the early winter vehicle crew *and* the partisan HQ. I have no idea how it slipped in there. Don't worry about it, as it's not used for anything. Anyone who downloads it better delete it lest any amazing modding secrets be revealed to the public. [ September 30, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. They wore them alright, but the mid/late-war Soviet face BMPs have the telegreika collar incorporated into them, which makes any attempt to show an open-collar tunic somewhat strange looking.
  3. I updated the early Soviet uniform mods per the new CM Mod Database standards. The only revisions are with the Naval Infantry uniforms, which have a few improvements. The others are the same as before, just in different packaging. All new is the early-war partisan mod. Not hugely different than the originals, but consistent with my other mods and with a few new details.
  4. Not a huge update, but an update nonetheless, of infantry, naval, cavalry, and guards uniforms. Raincapes on squad uniforms have been changed to go over the left shoulder; naval infantry uniforms have been completely redone, they're now historically accurate for Soviet marines, who generally wore army uniforms and insignia with a naval belt buckle, foul-anchor arm patch, and blue and white striped sailor's shirt (which I can't depict the with this mod, sorry). In keeping with the new advances at The CM Mod Database I've split the mod up into four separate downloads. I'll upload the guards mod this evening, but the other three are ready and waiting.
  5. No mods :eek: !!! That's just wrong! Mods are like crack, only a lot less expensive. If I had any conscience at all I should warn people to stay as far away from mods as humanly possible. But since I don't, I advise any holders-out to head over to the Combat Mission Mod Database to get a little taste and see what it's all about. It won't hurt. I promise. Start by replacing the yucky old lo-res CMBO "legacy textures" like the Jeep, M5 halftrack, Nashorn, etc. Maybe pick up some winter textures when you're at it, because CMBB doesn't ship with any of those. That should probably be enough, but you won't stop there. Oh no you won't. Hahahahaha!
  6. Didn't you know, Andreas--they're *everywhere" :eek:
  7. Not really a tank, but better than nothing. I thought the original CMBB Kübelwagen *sucked* mightily--and I can say that with impunity because I made it --so I decided to revisit it. I've retained maybe 10% of the old mod. The rest is all new and much better. Still a WIP but coming very soon to CMMods.com.
  8. Available now! Just thought I'd bring them up to my current standards, as with the late Heer uniforms. This version includes both dot-camouflage and gray uniforms, as well as a few optional helmet covers and things. Some obligatory pix : Warning: hypersensitive residents of the Federal Republic of Germany, and heck, anywhere else for that matter, should avoid downloading this mod as it contains historically accurate insignia that they may find upsetting. Symptoms include sweating, drooling, incoherent behavior, and posting of bizarre inflammatory threads on the CM forum. Needless to say, this mod is dedicated to Reinald and his l33t posse who, although banned, are most likely continuing their never-ending hunt for despicable NAZIS :mad: in lurk mode. Have a good chuckle, guys .
  9. Andrew, (Thank you so much for getting those converted. Whatever you can do helps me out a great deal!) No, I completely understand. I had to make choice between forcing people to narrow the choices down or display ALL the infantry chekcboxes at the same time. I thought it would be too confusing for most to see 100+ choices of inf. to pick from. Besides, I think if you u/l 2 seperate mod .zip files, it'll make it easier for people to manage which ones they want and don't want. With the advent of McMMM, it'll be much better if the modders broke out their mods instead of lumping them into one big .zip file. It's a LITTLE more work for the modder in having multiple u/l'ds, but will be much better for the user. And I'm all about making the user happy! COG </font>
  10. Hey COG -- I did manage to whittle down my stack of mods from 57 to 18! I'll try to get the rest updated this afternoon. One issue with the way uniform mods are handled in the section where you check off what units are affected: most of the listings by nationality are initially broken down into categories like cavalry, mechanized, etc., Most of my mod sets include BMPs for all (or most) forces, so I'm finding that, for example with my German infantry mod, I have to list as *either* mechanized or infantry but there's no way to indicate both. I hope that I'm making sense and not just rambling. :confused:
  11. Are you sure that he's not supposed to be wearing an early gray-green jump smock? That's what I assumed, but then what do I know...
  12. I have in the past made mods in brighter colors, but, as you correctly surmised, the grogs got rather bent out of shape over it. The modslut mantra seems to be "dirty and weathered". I can perhaps try to make a more excitingly colored version. I like Jorge's "Octopus" Tiger, which is right now my Tiger mod of choice . I think he did a "Kursk Panther" with a similar scheme. They're nice work.
  13. As seen in another thread: A version of my plain yellow Hetzer with an ambush camouflage pattern applied (more or less). Go get it now! Sorry, no aerial recognition flag on this one.
  14. Where else? It's sort of a quick-n-dirty ambush pattern mod I whipped up last night. I don't do a lot of camouflage patterns because lining it all up drives me nuts, but I think I cheated pretty well here.
  15. Panzermartin's Hetzer is really nice. Of course I like to think it's because he had a good base mod to work on , but then all of his stuff is good. I wish he'd do more. Then again, this ambush Hetzer is pretty cool, too.
  16. It's not quite as complicated as you think. Most textures seems to be either shared or broken down into generalized categories like as "Mechanized" "Infantry", "Guards", "Cavalry", "Naval", and "Mountain". No distinction is made between more specific troop types Volksgrenadiers, pioneers, Bersaglieri, etc. Texture sharing is not consistent, however. For example Soviet mountain troops share BMPs with regular infantry, but German, Waffen-SS, Italian, and Romanian mountain troops have either some specific BMPs or their own specific BMPs, depending. Confused yet? There's an excellent chart of all uniforms BMPs in Michael Dorosh's GD for CM website. I don't have the URL here at work, but it's linked through his sig. It will tell you more than I can.
  17. I re-zipped and re-uploaded the files. Give it another try. Sorry they were FUBAR.
  18. Not sure why this is happening. Maybe has something to do with the version of Maczipit that I was using. I used to think it was an OS X thing, but this time I booted into OS 9.2 and prepared the files there. This only happens when I use my G4 at work, so I guess that's a clue. Let me try it again on my crusty old PowerMac at home.
  19. Sales! :eek: No, I work in a much less lucrative museum biz. "Biz" is probably the wrong word as that implies making money. in fact, I think I signed a vow of poverty when I went to work here. Especially with CMBB, where the original graphics are so good in the first place, I think it's important to offer that elusive "something else" in mods so that they just don't end up being redundant. As I'm sure I stated somewhere before, I make mods that I want to see in the game, and share them with others because it seems kind of a waste to hog them to myself, and because people seem to like them(!). There's still a lot of stuff on my HDD that may never see the light of day...
  20. Fair enough, Fernando. I modeled the coveralls after a photograph of late war coveralls that had shoulderboards attached. I managed to work in a few other bits like the knee reinforcements usually seen on these garments. Actually, I considered leaving off the shoulder boards for the reasons you mentioned, but--as the original textures are very good to begin with--I try to add something extra to give people a reason to use the mods as an alternative to what came with the game. I don't want to be just re-making the original textures. That's pointless. I appreciate the compliments, especially from you.
  21. Kump! Good to hear from you! Glad you like it, and yes, I'm still at it, more or less.
  22. The mod is not CMMOS-compatible. I'm on a Mac and can't do that. I think it actually turned out way too nice for what it is, but since the AI seems to love them I figured we better have a good-looking one. It looks good on fire, BTW.
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