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Admiral Keth

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Everything posted by Admiral Keth

  1. Garden Grove, CA. I propose the Rathskeller in Olde World in Huntington Beach near the old Huntington Mall. They have an excellent Dortmunder. The Einbecker restaurant (same location) has fantastic Aktien Dunkel. [ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Where do you live, and is it within driving distance <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So. Ca...Garden Grove...At least it's within driving distance for me. Once I finish my next batch of homebrew, I'm seriously contemplating hosting a So Cal CM get-together.
  3. If it weren't for my blasted day job in addition to my side businesses(plural), I'd have considerably more features added to The Scenario Depot. 14+ hours per day for the last few weeks is starting to take its toll. Once the pace slows a bit, I'll once again be adding all manner of interesting scenario-related features. I've also managed to scrounge up about 30+ battles and operations from really old CM sites, and I'll get those posted once I contact the authors. Thank God making homebrew doesn't take that much time. Heck, even if it did, I'd consider giving up my day job. Hard to beat a 25 proof Russian Imperial Stout.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: Surely you must not have that "CM Scenario Megapack," the one that has around 800 scens and ops? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Silvio, The CM Scenario Megapack evolved into The Scenario Depot. There are a couple of old threads on this board related to how this evolution came to be.
  5. Deepest sympathies and prayers to all who have friends and families in New York. I know I have family that work in that vicinity and I fear for their safety.
  6. For those of us who would like to be there, but alas cannot, we will ceremoniously raise a stein of homebrew Russian Imperial stout in the relative direction of this historic get-together. Lawyer, definitely let us know how it turns out. This actually sounds like a great idea that others might latch onto and attempt to duplicate. OK, troops, out of simple curiosity...how many CM players in the general region of So. California? Anyone in the area interested in a similar CMUG-type get-together?
  7. Mike, Wander over to The Scenario Depot. There you can search over 900+ battles and operations for just that special scenario. Numerous search parameters (including size) allow you to narrow the field. Plus, many scenarios contain peer reviews, ratings, and other information.
  8. Gang, Bigdog works his tail off! High praises to him for his efforts. In truth, The Scenario Depot is an Allied Combined Effort, between myself, Bigdog, the scenario designers, and the players of Combat Mission. Everyone contributes to make the CMSD a useful CM tool. My sincerest appreciation to all who have contributed, and have yet to contribute.
  9. The authors for the following 2 scenarios seem to be MIA: Dog Red A Small Deadly Space If anyone out there can either: 1) provide the scenarios themselves, or 2) have the authors contact me... I would sincerely appreciate it.
  10. Gang, I'm keeping an eye on all of these posts (while catching up at work) and taking careful note of everything everyone is saying. I definitely like the concept of Suggested Scenarios; the tough part is crow-barring into the existing system. I'm taking a little bit longer to implement ideas simply due to the fact that I'm doing a bit more careful architecting and engineering on the back-end, as well as looking to the future of how any particular feature will fit in the site on the long-term. As for the points made above, personally I'm against the designer reviewing their own products. Having been a Senior Technical Writer for 10+ years, it's a solid 'rule-of-thumb' that you don't review your own work; you are too close to it and may not see everything that an objective eye may catch. However, the CMSD system is really the author's and the reviewer's to make of it what they will. I'll create the mechanism for the system while everone else can define the rules by which it is used. The Author Notes should ideally be the place where you put your thought of the How's and Why's of the nature of the scenario. Background information, motivation, historical bits, and the like can all be put there without affecting the overall score. By the by, there are over 300+ reviews (battles and operations) for over 882 battles and operations (less 45 that I still am obtaining permission (Franko! Schrullenhaft!)). Remarkably good for the short lifetime of the CMSD, all thanks to the CM community. SLM, I like the idea of Suggested Scenarios, and I will attempt to implement it, but it's about 3rd on the List O' Things To Do. I'll take a look at the MP3 lists and see if that paradigm will fit into the CMSD's framework. Dang...train of thought got derailed...oh, well.
  11. Gang, I've got this file, but I cannot locate the author. There is no info in the briefings, nor do I have any emails from him. Could the owner of Rouen please contact me?
  12. Cauldron, There is a legal process that I must follow in order to directly host scenarios. It would be morally and legally wrong to simply locate every scenario ever made and post them on The Scenario Depot. On one hand I could be sued, on the other I could receive the enmity of the entire Combat Mission community. Either of which could effectively close The Scenario Depot. The authors of the scenarios have a legal right to say whether or not I can host the files, therefore, I must first obtain written permission from them. This is a slow and tedious, but necessary process. Often these scenarios are hosted on other sites owned by the scenario's creators, thus they prefer that a link be created instead of a direct file host. There have been lengthy debates on BattleFront's discussion board about what the proper method for going about hosting scenarios would be. After much debate, everyone on the board (especially the authors) decided that it was 100% necessary to obtain written permission prior to posting of the actual files. That didn't mean that the scenario couldn't be listed, and those people who already had the file couldn't review it; it was the CMB or CMC file itself which was the property of the author. At this moment, there are only 7 operations and 51 battles that I have yet to receive permission to host or link. I have emailed their owners and I expect to receive permission to host those within the next couple of weeks. In addition, you must remember that The Scenario Depot was created less than 3 months ago, thus has come a very long way in it's short life. As time progresses, more features and scenarios will be added to make it a very useful site. While you may be frustrated at the slow speed at which files are being posted, rest assured that the methods I use ensure the permanence of The Scenario Depot.
  13. Diceman, Wander over to The Scenario Depot. There you can find 85 different operations, many of which have been reviewed and rated by other players. Many operations also have links to download the files themselves. Then there are 770+ battles and 36 unpopulated maps for your gaming pleasure.
  14. Gang, Four battles mysteriously appeared in my in-box, and I don't know who belongs to them. The filenames are prefixed with MP (multi-player?), but they have no briefings, no author name, no nothing. Will the owner please raise their hand?
  15. Whilst playing Road to Marnach, I happened to observe the strangest thing I've ever seen the AI do. Playing the Axis, I had positioned one of my valiant panzerfaust teams in such a place where they could observe the Allies arrival. The Allied Shermans got into a bit of a traffic jam at the bottom of the hill, causing one of them to proceed down the road IN REVERSE! The GRN tanker blithely drove down the road, and made a turn at the bocage, where I just happened to have a Stug III waiting. The Stug III, laughing his ass off, calmly plugged the hapless Sherman with his first shot. Anyone else have vehicles attack rear-end first?
  16. Andy has about 16 battles to his credit, all of which can be found at The Scenario Depot. From what I've experienced, his battles are challenging, well thought through, and nicely balanced.
  17. Holien, Send me your email address and I'll post it to you. The Scenario Depot has the file, I just don't have permission yet to link to it yet. Email admketh@dragonlair.net and I'll send it as soon as I get home.
  18. My dad served in the 90th ID as a member of a front-line .30-caliber MG squad from D-Day to just north of Metz, where he got severely wounded. Don't recall the total length of time, but slightly longer than 15 minutes.
  19. The Scenario Depot is proud to announce the opening of a new section - Maps. This section will feature unpopulated maps ready for your OOB's. Currently there is a selection of 21 small maps. Enjoy!
  20. Gang, I am glad that everyone is finding The Scenario Depot a valuable resource. It is designed to be useful to both players as well as scenario designers. Players benefit by carefully reviewing scenarios which they have played, which in turn allows designers to determine what elements in their scenarios work best and which ones don't. In the long run, scenarios become more innovative, challenging, and surprising. As time progresses, expect more and interesting features to be added to the Scenario Depot. I'm always open to ideas and suggestions regarding features to add. There are still around 197 links for battles that I need to complete. I'll be sending a second round of emails to scenario designers from whom I did not receive responses. Sincerest thanks for everyone's encouragement, support, and patronage.
  21. Gang, Wild Bill has made some tweaks to the battle 'The Fiery French' and forwarded it to me. It's now available at The Scenario Depot. The version number is now updated to v2.0.
  22. Preliminary tests on this feature have been a resounding success! Thanks Berli! I'll be making this available in the next day or two. Authors Note: You will now be able to edit any aspect of the Battle or Operation Synopsis. Thus if a new version comes out, you can modify the values and descriptions yourself.
  23. Gang, I'm selecting both Berli and McAuliffe. I'll send an email to the addresses listed in your profiles. It will contain instructions on what to do.
  24. OK....marital status is not critical here I am coding in the ability for scenario authors to SECURELY edit their own scenario synopsis details. I just need one author to be able to accurately test the code. This author must have at least one battle (not operation...still coding that) in the Scenario Depot database, preferably more. Send me an email to the address in the first post if you want the part. There's a set of instructions I'll need to send you. [ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]
  25. Gang, I need a single scenario author ASAP to assist with the conducting of a beta test of a new feature at the Scenario Depot (you'll love it). Contact me offline at kmiller@axcelerant.com I'll report here as soon as I have chosen an author.
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