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Admiral Keth

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Everything posted by Admiral Keth

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panther G: It didn't work on Netscape 4.73 either. I'm on a Mac if it makes a difference. Regards, Ryan<hr></blockquote> Panther G, I'm unfamiliar with the vagaries of Mac's, but from everything I know about how browser's interpret data, it should be working. All of the PHP/mySQL processing is happening on the server; the browser should be receiving pure HTML. That is unless I've screwed up somewhere and the HTML code that's being sent to the browser is confusing it. I've seen problems like this in the past with Netscape, but all of those bugs were worked out some time ago. As previously written, I test using both IE5.5 and Netscape 4.7 prior to posting any new pages. Can anyone else out there with a Mac duplicate this? Mayhap Schrullenhaft can shed some insight? Are there alternative browsers for Mac's that you can use to see if its a browser quirk?
  2. Gang, I'm searching for two long lost scenarios. A Small Deadly Space Dog Red
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panther G: Hi, I am trying to get on the Scenario Depot to post 2 more maps I made, but my browser (IE 5.0) gets stuck, saying "Sending Request for /combatmission/". If I don't click stop, it will keep saying this for hours. What am I supposed to do?<hr></blockquote> Panther G, That's really weird. I've tested it using both IE5.5 and Netscape 4.7 and it appears to be working, both from work and from home. I've posted Admin Test maps, operations, and battles to make sure all the databases were posting...and they are accepting data. I'm also getting numerous battle and operation submissions from other authors. If worse comes to worse, you can simply send me the details and I'll happily enter them for you. In the mean time, if anyone else experiences this, please let me know so I can track it down. Prosit!
  4. Arrgghh! Double post idiocy...sorry! [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]</p>
  5. OK, looks like things are back to normal. After many frustrating days, it looks like my web host managed to restore the correct tables. Good thing I had the tables from the previous couple of days backed up, as restoring the old tables blew out the data in the new tables. I HAVE managed to re-enter the previous few days data back into the current tables, and have done a complete backup. So, once again we seems to be back on track. Start entering those scenarios, operations, reviews, and votes with confidence. Thanks for your patience and words of encouragement during these unusual times. Time for a little Belgian Ale. Prosit!
  6. Gang, Don't forget about the Scenario of the Month votes! That got blanked, too, so get 'em in!
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Just sent you mine again.<hr></blockquote> Thanks, Doug. I've gone ahead and linked the file to the scenario.
  8. Gang, My web host insists that the tables from 11.06.01 have been restored, but you and I know better. So, anyone who submitted any reviews, scenarios, or votes between 10.25.01 and 11.06.01, please re-enter the data as soon as possible. I sincerely regret that my web host (twits) has caused it come to this, but one can only argue so much with a faceless entity. Therefore, let's just get this going forward from here. Again, sincerest apologies for the loss of information. Fortunately, I do now have a system in place that backs up the data every night.
  9. Gang, Still struggling with my Web host to get the correct tables restored. They claim that they have restored the correct tables; I claim that they are morons and that data is still missing. I am going to keep fighting with them until 11.12.01, at which point I'm going to give up and ask that everyone please re-enter any information they may have submitted between 10.25.01 and 11.06.01. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ligur: Admiral, How are you exactly going to backup the files on THEIR server? Anyway, its a good idea, a very good one (speaks a former IT-responsible in a medium size company). Can you keep it at your home HD? Anyway, I hope the scenario depot will be back on its feet soon. Itching to review a few.<hr></blockquote> Ligur, Actually, once you have the correct mySQL code, it's quite easy. I should have researched this feature much earlier, but again, was trusting my web host to be a little more responsive. Backups literally take less than a minute for all of the tables, so for me to do it nightly is really trivial now. Every day I ping the web host database dudes to see where they are at with database restorations (mine apparently isn't the only one they need to do). Attempting to use the 'squeeky wheel' philosophy. I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience.
  11. Clubfoot, I'm doing my best (imploring, cajoling, begging, and bribing) my web host to either restore the files from Tuesday morning. Short of that, I've asked them to send me the original files and I'll manually export them and re-input the information myself. They state... <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Keith the mySQL issue is a HUGE one. Almost all our sites use mySQL so databases I would like to see restored as well. You can rest assured its on the burner bigtime.<hr></blockquote> Soooo...I'm continuing to work on the issue with them. Fortunately, this has impelled me to create some data backup routines that will prevent this sort of nonsense in the future. Day late and a dollar short, but wiser for the experience I suppose. That's what I get for trusting that my web host was working in my best interest. Hang in there guys, I'll get it worked out. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Prosit!
  12. Gang, Here's a little update from my ISP: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Keith the mySQL issue is a HUGE one. Almost all our sites use mySQL so databases I would like to see restored as well. You can rest assured its on the burner bigtime.<hr></blockquote> Soooo...I guess we will see what happens next. I appreciate everyone's patience in this agonizing time. Prosit!
  13. Gang, UPDATE... Based on revcent emails from my NEW ISP, it looks like my former ISP got gobbled up by someone w/ more money. They claim to have moved about 10,000 domains (including mine) and as expected, everything was not smooth. In their infinite wisdom, they claim that they started this procedure last week, thus used a backup from that time to create the new folder structure on 'new servers with more horsepower'. The saga continues...
  14. Gang, My ISP managed to have a loverly server crash on Tuesday afternoon. Many aspects of The Scenario Depot are acting a little erratic, and will continue to do so. Features which are broken are... The Lists Scenario of the Month News For the moment, I request that no reviews get posted, as my ISP may be restoring the database, thus that information would get overwritten. I'm working with my ISP to have them restore the database to something a little more recent than 2 weeks ago. It doesn't take an abacus to do this, so I'm wondering what their problem is. I've got all of the table structures...it's the data that I'm most concerned about. We'll see. I'm also looking into alternative servers, such as hosting everything myself on my own PIII-800 Linux/Apache server. That way I'm in complete control instead of relying upon someone else. I'll keep everyone posted. Email me if you have any suggestions/ideas that may help. Prosit!
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ligur: Admiral, What a bitch, I'm sorry. Are you able to keep backups of what is uploaded to your ISP?<hr></blockquote> Regretably, no. I'm working with my ISP to have them restore the database to something a little more recent than 2 weeks ago. It doesn't take an abacus to do this, so I'm wondering what their problem is. I've got all of the table structures...it's the data that I'm most concerned about. We'll see. I'm also looking into alternative servers, such as hosting everything myself on my own PIII-800 Linux/Apache server. That way I'm in complete control instead of relying upon someone else. I'll keep everyone posted.
  16. Gang, My ISP has had another issue with their server. Looks like they restored files prior to the end of last month. Which means I lost quite a bit of work, data (news, scenarios and votes), and patience. I'm working with them to restore things to their proper state. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: Ummm....WRONG!!!! That would be MADMATT'S CMHQ where SuperTed is merely the janitor... :-p Madmatt<hr></blockquote> Ack! Nothing like drawing the fire of the Bald One. Sorry!
  18. Gang, Over the weekend of 11.03.01 I implemented a new feature over at The Scenario Depot. You can now vote for the "Scenario of the Month" in 13 different categories, such as Best Bocage battle, best Historical battle, Best Armor battle, and more. On or around the end of each month awards will be distributed. First, you will see a campaign ribbon bar just below where you download the scenario file. Hover your mouse over the ribbon bar to see the categories which this scenario won, and the dates that the awards were issued. Second, click the ribbon bar to see a more detailed record of the awards, as well as larger graphics. In order to vote for a Scenario of the Month, navigate to the scenario for which you would like to vote, then locate the VOTE link, just below the Scenario Overall Rating box. Click the link and follow the on-screen instructions. To view the current standings, click the VIEW link just below the Scenario Overall Rating box. There you will see the various categories in a menu on the left. Click each of these to see the vurrent standings, as well as a link which allows you to see what the various awards look like. Awards for the Scenario of the Month are persistent, thus once awarded they stay awarded. Also, once a particular scenario wins in a specific category, it is ineligible to win in that category again for 12 months (Thus preventing it from winning in the same category multiple months in a row). So, wander over there and vote for November's Scenario of the Month.
  19. Gang, Just posted 'Blowfish' at The Scenario Depot. Normally I try to take a neutral stance when it comes to extolling one scenario or another, but this is one kick-ass scenario! Download it now, play it, and review it. Prosit!
  20. Plain and simple, they are stealing someone else's work and making a profit from it. I believe that's called copyright infringement/piracy/illegal by anyone's definition. Artist copyrights, IIRC, are 7 years from date of creation. Who are these guys?!?
  21. A small scenario site is The Scenario Depot. There you can find 950+ battles and operations, 40+ blank maps, Amazon-style reviews of many scenarios, the Scenario Talk board and much more. Other GREAT sites are: Manx's Combat Missions SuperTed's Combat Mission HQ Mensch's der Kessel And many more. Follow the links at each of these renown sites to other wonderful sites which host scenarios and mods.
  22. medlinke, Not to put the kabosh on your idea, but The Scenario Depot already does this for battles, operation, and empty maps. There, CM players can read Amazon-style peer reviews of 900+ scenarios, download them, play them, then come back and place their own reviews. However, mods are completely out of my realm, and they will never be included at The Scenario Depot. The site runs on PHP/MySQL, and has been running sucessfully for about 6 months.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Travis Emmitt: I found Bruneval and Combat at the scenario depot [thanks!] I still am curious about the command skorzensky scenarios... do you know where i can find them? <hr></blockquote> Travis, The Commando Skorzeny scenarios are all prefixed with CS. Simply enter CS into the Battle Name field of the Search page and you should get several listings. Note that these are all hosted by the DFDR site, so you will be redirected to that site to obtain them.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Hay Big Dog How do I send my battles to the Scenario Depo?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Panzerman, 1) First, go to the The Scenario Depot. 2) Click either the Battles or Operations button on the left menu, whichever is applicable to your submission. 3) Click the button near the top labeled "Submit Battle" or "Submit Operation". 4) Enter all of the parameters for your particular battle or operation; red fields are mandatory. 5) When finished, click the Submit button. This will post the battle or operation information to the database. 6) Email the actual scenario to: AdmKeth@dragonlair.net I review and virus scan every scenario that comes through The Scenario Depot; direct uploading of scenarios is not permitted. If you have any difficulties, please email me and I will be happy to assist you.
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