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Admiral Keth

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Everything posted by Admiral Keth

  1. Spike, I have already started on a similar project. The CM Scenario Mega Pack can be found at: http://www.dragonlair.net/CMScenarioMegaPack.zip This 12mb zip contains 622 scenarios and operations, including many of the lost MG/PP/PT/ASL scenarios. I am in the process of costructing a site which will provide a critcal review of these scenarios, as well as periodic updates to the Scenario Mega Pack. I would be happy to help in your project if you are missing any of the scenarios.
  2. As I hear tell on good authority, the Israelis often used their .50-cals to "ping" Arab tanks prior to letting loose with their main gun. The Arabs (the ones that survived) eventually figured this out, thus when hearing the "tap-tap-tap" of the nice machine gun rounds on their turret, promptly bailed out just before their tank got toasted. At some point the Israelis observed this effect, then began pinging the Arab tanks with .50-cal jeeps. The hapless Arabs left their protective tank, only to get nailed by the waiting jeep MG.
  3. Silvio, You bet. Right now I'm fervently going through the mondo list of scenarios and weeding out obvious duplicates (different file names, but identical scenarios). I'm kinda settling on the idea of updating the Scenario Mega Pack about once per week, both with additional scenarios/ops and with refinements. We'll see how that works.
  4. Silvio, You bet. Right now I'm fervently going through the mondo list of scenarios and weeding out obvious duplicates (different file names, but identical scenarios). I'm kinda settling on the idea of updating the Scenario Mega Pack about once per week, both with additional scenarios/ops and with refinements. We'll see how that works.
  5. I have seen B&W, and personally prefer CM's camera views. I'd rather BTS concentrated on game mechanics (such as the reverse slope cover issue), and CM2. Trying to modify the existing system potentially incorporates additional bugs which would raise quit a fuss amongst the CM community. It's the old "If it ain't broke..." thing.
  6. ned lud, You can find 622 scenarios and operations in a 12mb file at the follwing URL: Comabt Mission Scenario Mega Pack
  7. russelmz, I've played maybe 1/4 of them, but I'm doing my darndest (wife permitting) to get all of them under my belt. I try to play both sides at least twice in order to get an accurate feel for how each force is positioned and maneuvers during the battle. I truly regret that I have not yet played either of your scenarios, but you can be sure thay are pretty much next on my big "Scenarios To Be Played" list. NOTE TO ALL: the email address on the form that is included with the Scenario Database is the original creator of this database. I truly don't know if this person is still maintaining the database, but if you want me to include it in my version, please send it to my email address shown in my profile.
  8. Monty, After purchasing units for one or both sides, and after creating the map, you need to use the map Preview mode to place individual units specifically where you want them. There, you can also padlock units so that they cannot be moved during the player's setup phase (only if you REALLY want the units to start in specific places. Alas, craters are not placable. As far as articles go, the scenario design guidelines in the back of the CMBO manual are good basic rules-of-thumb to use. Otherwise, try browsing the CM Webring for sites that have articles. I believe I have seen one or two, but cannot remember their location. Try reading the scenario reviews on the Combat Mission HQ site. That will give you excellent reasons for what makes or breaks a scenrio.
  9. PanzerLeader, You can find the most recent CM Scenario Mega Pack at the URL in the above 2nd message. I'm doing my best to comb through the vast number of scenarios now, and I'm updating the CM Scenario Database contained within the big zip file. So far, no one has given negative feedback about including all of these scenarios in a single place; I've only gotten encouragement to do so. Thus I'm considering breaking the 12mb file into smaller chunks and creating a web page for easier d/l. I'll just toss that idea out there and see who shoots at it.
  10. CombinedArms, Great idea. Perhaps something similar to a Top 20 List, touching on the highlights and the positive aspects. It'll take me a week or two to put together, but well worth it.
  11. Terence, I'll send them to you once I get home in a couple of hours.
  12. Gold Silver [This message has been edited by Admiral Keth (edited 04-04-2001).]
  13. All, As of 0700 on 04.04.01 the CM Scenario Mega Pack has now 545 cataloged, 77 uncataloged scenarios, some of which contain multiple CMC's and CMB's. This does not include the scenarios on the CD. This makes a running total (including CD) of 672 scenarios 622 of which are in the CM Scenario Mega Pack. Still missing about 28 of the older scenarios, but I'll keep hunting.
  14. CombinedArms, I'm already working on an informal rating system, but it's only in a XLS format. I'm seriously considering creating a voting system on my website (I'm no slouch with Perl), but I'm a little apprehensive about stepping on scenario designer's toes. Sure, it's one thing to compile and provide as many of the scenarios that are available to the CM community, but it's another to be presumptuous enough to make a rating system. I'd really have to have the support of the CM community prior to embarking on this project. Thoughts and comments from CM players and scenario designers?
  15. According to the CMBO manual, when a unit's ammo reads LOW, they are reduced to sidearms only; no rifles, MG's, or other similar weaponry. Sidearm ammo lasts indefinitely.
  16. Vulnerable? Heck, yeah. Them BMW motorcycles won't stop .50 caliber rounds much less bugs. But considering how vulnerable and SLOW arty spotters are, I'd pay a few deutschmarks for a quick getaway vehicle, especially when I saw a halftrack headed towards me. [This message has been edited by Admiral Keth (edited 04-03-2001).] [This message has been edited by Admiral Keth (edited 04-03-2001).]
  17. I disagree with Hilhil45. If motoercycles w/sidecars were included, they could double as fast arty spotters, plus they can defend themselves if armed with an MG34. Odds are they'll never see the light of day inside CMBO or the yet unnamed CM2, but they definitely would have a niche on the battlefield.
  18. I can't speak for anyone else but I can't ever remember having either shot down or chased off an airstrike with my 37mm's. I simply keep a close eye out for the recon pass and head for the trees when it shows up. If the flak is still alive after the airstrike, it can be relegated to suppressing foot troops. Flak's are moderately good at infantry suppression, but are vulnerable to even an enemy sneezing in their general direction. When available, I also keep a truck close at hand to move the flak gun to a better location as the flux of the battle changes and the infantry move elsewhere.
  19. Terence, A billion thanks. It seems as if I can't get enough CM. Probably going to need a CM Rehab Center. "No, no, doc! I CAN quit at any time. (Must resist the temtation). Maybe just a couple of turns, yeah, that's it ahhhhhhhhhhh."
  20. All, Looking for the following scenarios: MG-1 Zon With The Wind MG-2 Tettau's Attack MG-3 Lash Out MG-4 Guards Attack MG-5 Oy Veghel MG-6 Dreil Team MG-7 North Bank Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  21. Silvio, this link has 540+ scenarios and the Scenario Database (including Big Red Omaha). http:www.dragonlair.net/CMScenarioMegaPack.zip
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