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Admiral Keth

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Everything posted by Admiral Keth

  1. Hans, I can be reached at: kmiller@dragonlair.net admketh@dragonlair.net and if all else fails, my work email... kmiller@axcelerant.com My mailboxes can accomodate attachments up to 1.5 megs. I have one last alternative if emailing doesn't work.
  2. Hans, The Scenario Depot is still active (as far as I know). Given the fact that I can HTTP,FTP and email myself, I'm presuming there's an issue somewhere between your email server and mine. Anything in particular I can help you with (aside from the conjoined thread issue)?
  3. Alas, no. My day job had me working 12-hour days to complete a web-based ordering system for a partnership w/ TimeWarner. All done now, so I'm looking forward to completing a few tasks around The Scenario Depot this weekend (not to mention a few "honey-do's" around the homestead). I'll send him a post this weekend when I get a spare picosecond.
  4. Gang, I have a 3-day weekend coming up so I hope to accomplish quite a bit of site-related work. One of the tasks involves determining which scenarios are now not linked, and contacting the authors. I'll try to get as many posted as possible by Monday. Manx, You are a gentleman and a scholar. If you ever again get the itch to do web work, and CMHQ doesn't pick up your option, I would be singularly honored to have you on The Scenario Depot team.
  5. Keith, Are you using manx@combatmission.com?[/QB]
  6. Thin Red Line, I have emailed Manx several times regarding his intentions to repost Combat Missions' former scenario selection, but received no reply. Manx, I would genuinely like to know if CMHQ intends to host the scenarios from CMs. If so, please provide a URL to which I can relink the "Lost Scenarios".
  7. ramor, I am currently embarked upon an effort to CMBBify The Scenario Depot. All things permitting (day job, wife, beer-making), I hope to have the CMBB-related code in place within 2 to 3 weeks. Other enhancements include expanded search capabilities, enhanced The Lists, smaller graphics, and many suggestions from players who have offered wonderful ideas on how to improve the site for everyone. So, in short, the answer is Yes, it's just a matter of when.
  8. That's a Roger. I'll take an hour on Sunday and sort out both February's and March's Scenario of the Month, and post them both. Sorry for the delay guys.
  9. Croda, Sincerest apologies. Got it, just haven't had a spare microsecond to post it. My day job is pushing to complete a couple of projects, so they have been sucking up pretty much all of my free time lately. I'll post it by the end of this weekend.
  10. xerxes, Alas and alackaday, but there is no know "sure-fire" method that is known to man to get people to review scenarios that they have downloaded. Patience, though. There are players who want to give something back to the CM community in the form of reviews; they just need coaxing, cajoling, and maybe the offer of a pint of Russian Imperial Stout (always works for me).
  11. Gang, Looks like my web host came through. Everything appears to be operational, but if you see anything weird, let me know (either here, at The Scenario Depot, or via email) and I'll attend to it. Thanks for your patience!
  12. Gang, OK, The site's sorta back. Obviously my web host has a couple of MySQL issues to work out, as well as my email still not operational. I will continue to browbeat/plead/cajol/beg/bribe/threaten them into accomplishing this as quickly as possible. Please be patient.
  13. Frenchy, Based on their responses to my concerns, I may have to reset some permissions on scripts. In addition, this apparently is a move to a temporary server, which means this will more than likely occur again in a month's time. Best Host/PrimeTimeHost are adding a bunch of features which will eventually make site administration a breeze...it's the pain I gotta go through in the mean time to which I'm not looking forward. Again, everything is backed up locally. I'd like to re-emphasize that no one post anything to any of the tables until I give the thumb's up.
  14. Gang, Just an FYI...my web host is performing some upgrades tonight, so don't be alarmed. They claim that everything will be back online after 5am on 02.22.02. All of the databases have been backed up on my side, so you may want to hold off on submitting any reviews, scenarios, or AAR's until tomorrow. I'll report here once I've verified that The Scenario Depot is operational once again.
  15. SWOTL was, and still is, the yardstick by which I measure flight sims. The degree of fun and replayability was phenominal. Plus the variation in aircraft was terrific...DO-335, GO-229, ME 163, HE-162, and many more have yet to be reproduced in any game since. ...and who can forget the cute little code wheel? IL-2 comes close, if not for the tedious load times.
  16. Cromwell, Uploaded and linked for the CM communities' downloading pleasure.
  17. Already posted: Duel at Dompaire (French vs Germany) Real Guts (USA vs Germany) Resolve at Ranville (UK Paras vs Germany) They have a ROW - (Scenario Name) prefix, to denote they are part of the "Rumblings of War" scenario packs.
  18. Examining code now...I'll post findings here in a day or two.
  19. I use a product called Multi-Zip-plicity. Found at CNet... Multi-Zip-plicity
  20. I was tinkering with mines the other day ("Cut the red wire, or the blue one? Red...NO BLUE!...BOOM!") and began considering the effectiveness of minefields on infantry. Minefields can be stacked one on top another. If this is the case, do minefields have a cumulative effect? Are the chances of detonating a mine increased based on the number of minefields across which a unit is traveling? Is it simply more effective to make a minefield deeper, or to concentrate the mines in a single location?
  21. aka_tom_w, Sorry, but the former Scenario Mega Pack is long since defunct. Distributing such a compilation without authorial permission to do so violates their personal copyrights. The only way to obtain these scenarios is to download them indivdually from any of the various hosting web sites. All of the scenarios that _were_ in the original Mega Pack are available on their respective pages at The Scenario Depot. Let's put this thread to bed people...
  22. Silvio, At one time I had compiled all of the scenarios together into what I call "The Scenario Mega Pack". That effort was met with some resistance, as I went a little out of bounds by not first obtaining authorial permission to distribute such a compilation. However, out of that learning experience was born The Scenario Depot. The Scenario Depot now either directly hosts or is linked to over 976 battles and 92 operations. Many battles and operations have a Scenario Synopsis, peer-based reviews, After Action Reports (AAR's), Preview screenshots, author biographies, and Scenario of the Month awards associated with each entry. If you haven't been there before, toddle over and check it out. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me (email address in profile) or post here.
  23. Uploaded to The Scenario Depot. Thanks, Cauldron!
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