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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. KwazyDog once suggested that CMX2 will use bump mapping.
  2. I think you are. You'll probably be the last, too.
  3. So will Darth. Best wishes, and I hope the Mrs. feels better.
  4. Moon, numerous tests done by myself and others in both CMBO and CMBB have shown that CM does indeed calculate bogging per unit of time, not distance.
  5. It is not true that rarity only affects the infantry support weapons. The squads are affected as well. For example, in June '44 a Fusilier '44 squad is 30 pts with rarity off, 33 pts with standard rarity on.
  6. Nah. Increased lethality does not mean bigger forces. It might mean shorter games. It doesn't mean much bigger maps either. In most areas of the world, and certainly most of Europe, engagement ranges are limited by LOS, not weapon range. Terrain hasn't changed much since WW2. The reason TacOps abstracts terrain is because it was originally made like 10 years ago. By the time CMX2 comes out in 2-3 years, the average computer will have no problem depicting any type of warfare BFC wants to do. [ May 21, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  7. If just hitting the enter key enabled you to view your opponent's file, that means your opponent isn't using a password. I'd say your opponent is very trusting, or stupid, but it's not a cheat.
  8. Not gamey. And really, it's a tactic that should never work as there is no reason to concentrate forces on a VL unless, as moneymaxx said, there is some strategic value to it other than just having a VL there. If your opponent is able to kill more of your units with just artillery than what the VLs are worth, you've screwed up. EDITED to add: If this particular map is a premade map that forced you to concentrate on the VLs, then it could be gamey. That is why I prefer to play random map QBs so this type of map specific force cherry picking is avoided. It's unfortunate that the CMBB random map generator is inferior to the one in CMBO. [ May 17, 2003, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  9. I haven't seen it yet in CMBB, but this is indeed an old bug from CMBO. I even sent in a savegame to Madmatt that showed it, many moons ago. I'm quite certain it is not caused by previously IDed vehicles, as I have seen it with vehicles that had not yet been spotted.
  10. Same here, except I do set trees to 'medium' so we don't get a North African map.
  11. My memory is just fine, thank you. I don't like computer pick and won't use it. If you want to see less StuGs, play later war games where the StuG armor is 80mm instead of 50+30, and the Russians have 85mm guns. The StuG is not nearly as dominant then. If you play with rarity on you will see lots of T-34s any time. With it off there are more options. Rarity on also encourages StuG fever by frequently offering them at below cost.
  12. IIRC, the Germans built more Stugs than any other AFV.
  13. Excellent! The 'TC unbuttons and gets capped' issue has been bugging me for a long while.
  14. I think what you're saying is that the Soviets used their arty more at an operational level, and the Germans more at a tactical level and CMBB is a tactical game. Well, as long as there is some rational behind it, I suppose I can accept that. It just feels backwards to see the Germans have so much more big arty available. [ April 22, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  15. Go into the scenario editor and pick a date. June '44 works well. Then go to the unit purchase screen for artillery. Switch back and forth between Axis and Allied and look at the rarity for both. There is a HUGE difference in rarity between the two sides. Germans get artillery at much lower rarity across the board, large calibers in particular. Isn't this the exact opposite of what it should be?
  16. Ok, scratch that last suggestion. I just looked and SU-100s aren't as good against KTs as I thought. Since you are playing meeting engagements, I would suggest setting weather to 'random'. Wet ground will slow KTs down, and often bog them, while your T-34/85s flank them.
  17. Play with variable rarity on. Play in May '44 or earlier before KTs show up. Buy Su-100s!
  18. Something you may want to try is setting game type to 'assault' instead of 'attack'. This gives the attacker a 1.72:1 ratio, but also moves the flags further back towards the map edge, mitigating another problem with QB maps (lack of depth). Game dates that are fairly even are: June '42 June '44 February '45 These dates assume rarity is being used. When selecting weather, keep in mind that poor ground conditions favor the defender. Let the Germans use mechanized division type, or alternatively, use unrestricted force. [ April 14, 2003, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  19. The split squad bugs were supposed to have been fixed. But there were several adjustments made to prisoners, so a new bug may have been introduced. In any case, I'd recommend sending the save game file(s) to matt@battlefront.com
  20. I don't think so. AFAIK, the concealment bonus is given to all units that start the game in trees (any type), and remains in effect until they move or fire. The hide order is irrelevant. I believe this is also the case in MEs. IMO, the hide order for vehicles is completely worthless.
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