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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Not being a programmer myself, I can only go by what others have to say on the subject... Tim Sweeney: "Implementing a multithreaded system requires two to three times the development and testing effort of implementing a comparable non-multithreaded system, so it's vital that developers focus on self-contained systems that offer the highest effort-to-reward ratio." ... "Writing multithreaded software is very hard; it's about as unnatural to support multithreading in C++ as it was to write object-oriented software in assembly language. The whole industry is starting to do it now, but it's pretty clear that a new programming model is needed if we're going to scale to ever more parallel architectures." ... "These are hard problems, certainly not the kind of problems every game industry programmer is going to want to tackle." Link
  2. Coding for multi-core is very difficult, and I suspect this more than anything is why.
  3. No. At least that's what they told us last year.
  4. Sorry, that never has and never will be the overriding reason for why something gets into our games or not. You can look back over 8 years of posts and find that we've consistently rejected this as a prime reason for choosing something.</font>
  5. I have no problem with the MGS being included, but I do think it odd that 72 of them are enough to warrent inclusion, but the 200 BMP-3s the Syrians have don't make the cut.
  6. I think you would be much more likely to see a large French contingent in a UN operation in Syria than German. I also think the French would make for more interesting blue-on-blue games.
  7. That happened long ago, for those of us who remember the wild conspiracy discussions in the general forum a couple years back.
  8. Only if you limit your time period to the last 20-25 years. Up until the early 80s there was not a huge gap in quality, and with a quantitative advantage Soviet/WP forces would be nicely competative in a conventional setting. I understand you have lost interest in Cold War scenarios, but they are still viable.
  9. It is also worth mentioning the this is an internal document, not a public statement. Just because some staffer wrote it does not mean it was ever US policy. I am unaware of any public condemnation of WP use by the US.
  10. Heeheh. I thought of that post when CMSF was announced (and there are one or two others that are similar). BFC have done a complete 180° on modern warfare since then. Personally, I thought they had the right idea the first time, but we'll see...
  11. Since the US military does not classify WP as a chemical weapon (nor any other military in the world I know of), I'd be curious as to what they were thinking. If you want to be really technical, a pointy stick with the end lit on fire is a chemical weapon. But no one in their right mind would put such a thing in the same category as mustard gas and VX nerve agent. I'm not unsympathetic to your general point, but I think you're speaking towards issues far removed from WP. If it comes down to letting terrorists kill me or shooting WP rounds at them, I'll shoot them. Frankly, I think you would too.
  12. Using WP as a weapon is legal. No one can quote a single treaty that says otherwise. Repeating assertions that have been debunked will not make them any less false no matter how many times you repeat them. If the US loses the war in Iraq after having used WP, they would have lost it anyway had they not.
  13. Then you are doomed to fail, as has been pointed out previously. This is false. For the 67th time, the CCW does not prohibit the use of WP. I can't believe this is still being propagated.
  14. Tayloring your actions to suit people who are irrational, too ignorant or too biased to make sound judgement is a losing strategy from the start. If that is what is required to win a war the mistake is not in how the war is being prosecuted, but getting into such a war in the first place.
  15. Drusus is correct. Kills outside of LOS are not counted in CMBO. In CMBB and CMAK they are.
  16. IIRC, they said 2nd quarter next year. Apply all the usual qualifications regarding software release dates.
  17. Well, I was thinking more of T-72s which, IIRC, automatically eject the casing after each shot.
  18. What about for tanks? If you consider 1996 recent (Duke Nukem)
  19. I was really annoyed about the vehicles with generic models in CMBB. I hope we've seen the last of that.
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