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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Yep. I have a hunch they were thinking if they could bag a chopper with a lucky RPG it would look real cool on YouTube. I recall the Apaches were doing gun runs something like 30m from the Evac choppers as they loaded wounded.
  2. That is not possible. The US forces on the ground continued to take heavy fire -- and several casualties -- for a couple of hours after the Apaches showed up. Even after that there was small skirmishing for the next 24 hours at least, as I noted above.
  3. No, because the guys stepping on your mines would mostly be the locals whos hearts and minds you're trying to win over. Might be counter-productive. It all goes back to the current COIN manta that the key to winning is protection of the population and economic development, even if that means sacrificing force protection. I'll quote from the Wanat AAR:
  4. ^^ This. They're usually coordinating with the locals on something, or are supposed to be protecting them, ect. At least that's the idea.
  5. It's hard to tell from the news because the amount of coverage an engagement gets is directly related to how many NATO casualties there are. I was just reading a story on Afghanistan and at the bottom, almost as an aside, it mentioned NATO troops had been attacked while searching a compound but had repelled the attackers with no friendly loses. Afghan forces killed another 8 Taliban seperately. You can bet that if there had been half a dozen US soldiers killed it would have been a front page item with in-depth analysis and calls for investigations into "what went wrong". My impression is that the insurgents fail in these attacks far more often than they succeed. Most of the time they get blasted back with heavy loses without doing much of anything to the NATO troops, but it's the rare times they do take several NATO troops down that gets 90% of the attention.
  6. I didn't know Gurkhas were in the game. Awesome.
  7. I'm surprised the Taliban stuck around after air support arrived. Maybe that had to do with the fact they had the village (for a while) to use as cover, or maybe they needed to buy time to evac their dead and wounded. Or maybe they felt they had not achieved their goals. Highly speculative of course, but curious. And they certainly did have more bodies to move than were found. I tallied 5 Taliban that US troops claim to have clearly seen get shot (other than the one hit by the claymore). In addition a fresh blood trail was found while clearing the village, and "a lot" of bloody BDUs were found in the village by the Afghan commandos. So no matter what the numbers were, no way did they get away unscathed. In any case, US forces knew where the egress route from the area was. It was another village located 4 km to the East. There was some discussion about sending out a group of SF and Afghan commandos on foot to cut off the Taliban escape. The fact they were discussing this tells me they did not have the route policed from the air. Here, I'll just cut and paste:
  8. They knew what they were doing all right. But I am not so sure they were as successful as they had planned on. In addition to failing in their efforts to procure US corpses, an abandoned video camera was found in a house. Apparently they had intended to show their triumph on YouTube, but that didn't work out either. They did succeed in killing an usually high number of US troops in a single engagement, and maybe that's all that matters. Although I don't think they won the battle from a military perspective, they certainly won the propaganda contest since nobody outside wargaming forums really care how many insurgents died. Only NATO casualties matter.
  9. I don't know. Maybe they don't typically boil water and so didn't have anything on hand to boil it in or on? I wasn't there, and I'm not saying it wasn't an oversight not to have more iodine since it clearly was.
  10. Bigduke6: After reviewing the AAR I think it's not difficult to see how the insurgents were able to evacuate dead and wounded. First of all, it was clearly a large force. In addition to the size of the known force operating in the area there is the fact that the volume of sustained fire and the number of different positions from which fire was taken precludes the possibility of a small force. Also, the insurgents never really vacated the area. They continued to probe the OP's defenses all day the 13th and the next day the 14th. The two Apaches and the one Predator drone appear to have been kept too busy near the front lines during their time on station to have been effectively monitoring egress routes from the area. (btw, this also calls into question your earlier statement that the assault "was over from the insurgent side in about 15 - 20 minutes". They continued fighting hard for hours, even after the Apaches arrived. Also, the insurgents did not kill everyone in OP Topside. They did penetrate the perimeter and apparently attempted to capture the bodies of two US soldiers, but were thwarted.)
  11. Locals would have a tolerance built up. The fact the locals could drink the water ok doesn't mean it wouldn't make US troops sick untreated. Anyone who's been on vacation to Mexico would know that. Where do you get that they didn't see any of them? I don't believe that was stated anywhere except by you. The insurgents were using the village for cover both during the attack and during their retreat. The estimated number of attackers is partially based on the size of the force that had been harassing the previous position, OP Bella. From the report rough draft: "...the presence of a relatively large insurgent force of at least several score fighters operating in the vicinity of Bella was well documented."
  12. That would be surprising given that McChrystal is only there because the guys in office wanted him there. BTW, Petraeus has been undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer since February, so I wouldn't read too much into his recent lower profile.
  13. Maybe there were trees? I don't understand why that would be an impossible task.
  14. I think you're completely guessing at what their casualties were. If there were several hundred Taliban involved in the attack they could easily have removed dozens of casualties. To proclaim this engagement a Taliban victory just because their loses can't be verified is as much propaganda as the US military official version. Here's the story of another engagement where the Taliban loses could be verified. It's always interesting to me that if a handful of Taliban are killed it's a footnote, but if a handful of Americans are killed it's a front page story and a major defeat. Turning The Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results if necessary: login: gamers password: gamers
  15. They already are harder to kill compared to targeted fire. If you are asking for a reduction to firepower in addition to the already present reduction in accuracy I would oppose that. A tank shell is going to explode with the same amount of force regardless of whether it was fired at a known target or a suspected target and that should not be messed with.
  16. No problem an SM3 can't take care of, if it comes to that.
  17. Your local landfill, I would imagine.
  18. Quantity vs. quality. The DoD is now spending as much money on fighter procurement as it was during the Reagan buildup in the 80s. But due to the cost the number of fighters are no where near enough to replace the fleet nearing the end of its service life. Although it's easy to say "spend more money", as a practical matter this is not going to happen until and unless an actual conflict erupts that exposes the Air Force to be the hollow force it will soon become.
  19. After uninstalling the old drivers, which I do in safe mode, reboot and run Driver Sweeper. Double check to make sure the c:\Nvidia folder is gone and delete it manually if not. Reboot then install new drivers. Reboot yet again and do your settings. I have read but not confirmed that the broken digital vibrance is fixed in the 180.43 beta drivers. EDIT: howard beat me to it.
  20. I've only forgotten my cup one time. Sure as ****, it was the only time I got nailed there. As others have noted, unless the weather is too hot wear an extra layer under your clothing to lessen the sting. This also helps keep paint off your car seat on the drive home. If you are hit make sure you call out loudly and hold your gun up as you walk off the field. NEVER take your mask off until you are completely off the field. Beyond that, it sounds like you will be playing on an indoor field, which I never have. Here in Wyoming it's always "woodsball".
  21. When movable waypoints are implemented will we also be able to change the type of movement order, as in CMx1? Also, I would like to add that if command delays are going to be made optional I would prefer them to be a toggleable option for any mode rather than tied to iron man mode exclusively. As to the blue bar controversy, I understand the reason people want it back, but it seems to me an easy work-around is to hit the go button and then just get up and leave the room for a minute. Stretch your legs, get a drink, ect.
  22. argie, was it shown in English or dubbed in Spanish?
  23. Very enjoyable movie. Like most superhero movies it works best if you don't think about it too much, lest you begin to wonder about the impossible logistics that would be required for the Joker's various escapades. Speaking of which, one of the downsides to the mesmerizing presense of the Joker is that he steals the show from Batman. It almost seems like the Joker is the real main character and everyone else, Dark Knight included, is the supporting cast. Some confusingly shot action scenes (a Hollywood staple these days, alas) were a disappointment, and Christian Bale's annoying gutteral Batman voice had me wishing someone would offer him a cough drop. I also have mixed feelings about the realistic Gotham (Chicago, actually) as opposed to the gothic stage sets of the older Batman movies. But the anticipation of seeing what twisted scheme the Joker would spring next kept me interested throughout, and there were enough unexpected (to me, at least) plot twists to give me that pleasantly off-balance sensation.
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