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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. In the most intense fighting so far, Baker company has taken the Church at the Chateau and completely eliminated the 2 pioneer squads defending it and inflicting heavy damage to the remainder of the pioneer platoon. Allied and German shells continue to pound the Chateau, with the krauts barrage of 81mm mortars wounding some of their own men in the Church area. Germans in the large building across from the graveyard have joined in the fighting. An unidentified enemy tank, reportedly a Tiger has been destroyed on the west side of the Chateau. Reports of the first of our tank's shells breaking up on impact support the claims that it was a heavy tank. Another german tank, a PzIV is making its presence felt in the inner Chateau area. Another German tank, possibly an assault gun, was killed by an excellent 600+ meter first shot, fired by one of our -BLANKED- tanks from across the southern bridge. Light action continues around this area. There are no reports of renewed enemy contact on the northern flank. Gyrene
  2. My scouts in the woods on the north side of the map have made contact with and eliminated a German rifle squad and was engaged in a brief but heated fire fight with 3 more German squads who have since retreated. Artillery continues to pound the west side of the Chateau and the assault element of Baker company has gained entry to the church and is inflicting heavy casualties on the Pioneer squads defending it. The are unconfirmed reports of kraut armor in the Chateau area. Light action continues in the southern bridge area, but direct contact has not yet been made with any German infantry. The Stars and Stripes fly proudly above both bridges, the crossroads is still under Hun control. We took the fight to the enemy, we will root them out of their hiding holes on their side of the map. No German will cross these bridges alive. Maj. Gyrene
  3. Reading back, I think part of the problem must have been the cat's "Fuzzy Logic" Gyrene
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Aye, the list of for and against goes on and on. Who, amongst all the Peng Challenge Thread, would the Knights of the Cesspool be able to confess all their sins to? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Paton_Returns? Gyrene
  5. Are you sure it weren't rockets falling? They have a very distinct sound. Scary too. Gyrene
  6. Gadammit Russel!!!! You made me laugh out loud at work when I read your reply! Hard to pretend to work when your stiffling a laugh. Gyrene
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>argh! don't confuse me like this, i expected this to be a topic about close assaults! come on guys, i'm just a college student, help me out a little...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe, same here. I thought this was going to be another "SMG Squads vs Gamon Bombs" thread or somesuch. Gyrene
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Use the Reverse command to move away, or do what I like to do: "Rhino" through his attack with a "hunt" command into friendly held areas or into terrain that negates such "circling" trickery(towns/cities/woods). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That "circling" trickery is called trying to play smart with what you have been given. Players who generally use German forces often forget how to act clever with their tanks, they depend on their uber-factor and little else. Gyrene
  9. From my opponent's comments I think he might have been trying to get my M8, Moon. Gyrene
  10. The Germans have proceeded to level the key large heavy building on my side of the southern bridge, doing me the favor of exposing some of his armor. I informed the German commander that he will be held responsible for the cost of the damage he causes here when this war ends. Meanwhile there are some uncorfirmed reports of enemy contact on the German's northern flank, deep inside his territory. Gyrene
  11. On one of my PBEM's my opponent's two Stug's refuse to fire at my M8 HMC that is just a few feet away. My M8 even shot each one of the Stugs once. Bizarre, but good for me. Gyrene Hey, nice building mods, btw!
  12. Tiger and Maximus, both of you are excellent modders and there is little that is lamer than 2 artists bashing each other in my opinion. Whether either of you give a flying rat's ass about my opinion is a different story, but here are my 2 cents: When you have a 72dpi 128x128pixel skin and you increase the density in Photoshop, or whatever to 144dpi, hoping to be able to make a 256x256 skin out of it, the graphic info in that file will be stretched to fit the new pixel count and the program will add anti-aliasing to counter pixelation, hence the blurriness. If the new image wasn't anti-aliased by the app, the new skin would be visibly pixelated as the original pixels would appear to be twice the original size (1 pixel would be replaced by 4 identical pixels) AllTextures taken from screen shots are at 72dpi, so increasing their density is a bad idea. Graphic artists always start at a higher resolution than they require when dealing with raster art. 300 dpi is the minimum accepted for print work, anything smaller will look fuzzy, so if your desired image is to be 300 dpi, then its a good idea to start at 400dpi or higher to give you room for resizing, should you need to increase the size of the picture. There is no penalty for reducing the size. DPI count does not affect how an image is displayed on the screen, but it does affect how much you can magnify that image. A bmp with a higher dpi density would be displayed the same in CM, but it would take up more memory. The best thing to do is to start with the bigger, high res version of a mod texture and then make the smaller version from that one, or better yet, start with a much larger version like 512x512 and make the others from that one. Anyway, creative people bickering over petty stuff and nitpicking in a non-contructive way is pretty sad. Go flame people for other stuff, like asking who the best soldiers were or something dumb like that. Gyrene
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> But I may easily have overlooked some obscure organization or other.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jedburghs & OSS? Many many others, I'm sure. Germany had a plethora of them. Gyrene
  14. A month is fine by me, how about it Abbott? Gyrene
  15. In one of my PBEM's I had my baz team hit a STUG point blank, I'm talking grenade range, and got a "track hit" with no damage at all, the STUG kept going. I did not help that it was the baz team's last round either and I had gone thru considerable effort to get that AT team behind the enemy lines like that. Oh well. Gyrene
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'd just like to ask why hasn't anyone mentioned the brittish sas. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See the very first post. Gyrene
  17. Enough with the Nazi propaganda, now for the real story: The brave, young defenders of the free world are making their advance towards the hun menace, but due to the Germans' cowardly, knees-bent sneaking about, there has been no contact yet. My artillery spotter decided to kindly provide a wake up call to the boys in grey, and to remind them to come out and fight, there's a war on. We now return to our scheduled program. Gyrene
  18. I hope the Pope's New Castle doesn't get damaged. Gyrene
  19. I hope I don't nominate myself for my Blood Hamster Feud game with Abbott. lol Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You're letting Moriarty pick the forces? God help you both. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What am I supposed to do with 24 Trucks and a conscript French Flamethrower team? J/K Gyrene
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Gyrene, shall we register this as a CAL '76 game before our forces clash? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not sure what CAL '76 is. Really. Gyrene
  22. Abbott's knuckle dragging offenders of liberty and the olfactory senses will soon be retreating and panicked like the mob they are. Either that or I'll be sporting a brand new sig. P.S. I have given Abbott the chance to surrender already, but he has foolishly declined. Gyrene
  23. Abbott, of course I don't believe that all SS were out to do the devil's work, but I do believe that its mid to upper command was in on Hitler's plan. There's no denying that the SS received a far greater portion of political indocrination than the rest of the German military, it started at the recruiting office. The SS's rigid discipline and training had a great impact on why soldiers would drag civilians out of their houses and burn them in churches, etc; and it all goes into that dreaded "gray area" of personal moral responsability, to which there are no easy answers (Think My Lai and Lt. Calley) But another fact is that the majority of the war crimes (Yes, many of them escape goats, I understand that) and "attrocities" performed by Germans in WWII can be directly linked to the SS, which was a small section of the German military in general. The proportions are out of whack to be just "Heat of Battle" type stuff. Are there any accounts of Allied troops mass murdering German civilians late in the war? If the SS had been used solely as a military force and not one of Hitler's political tools then my views would be different. Gyrene
  24. The nominate yourself principle is key to this thing, it would show good sportsmanship and (hopefully) keep the flaming down to a minimum. (Flame free threads would be impossible, especially with me involved. lol) I plan on getting a website set up as a Hall of Fame (Shame?) and a depository for the AAR's, maybe even screen shots. Gyrene
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You seem to apreciate troops like SS and such. Well yeah, they sure were good soldiers because they were fanatic and stupid enough to be ready to lose their life for the probably most stupid cause that one can think of. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I respect the fact that the SS were, for the most part, very good at the business of war but, I do not have any respect towards the evil that they spread across Europe, from the Sonderkommando to the killing of POW's and civilians. It maybe just a game, but I will not play SS in CMBO, I can understand the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and the German Navy fighting for Germany, but the SS had their own agenda and can in no way be considered "Innocent and just following orders" Gyrene
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