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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Ouch...both schreck teams look like they took hits. What's your plan to deal with the tank that's shooting up your men?
  2. ...Chris, that was FUNNY! Do you think they bought it? Ken Edited: Mod, QUICK, move this to the beta forum before anyone reads it!
  3. Well, I did some maths. I took an 80kg water ballon to the top of a building. I tossed it off, onto a Bradley... 12,000 Joules = 1/2*80kg*(17m/s)^2. In order to get the velocity of 17m/s, I needed to use gravity for 2 seconds. Before I tossed the water ballon off the roof, I realized it was too bulky to move. Therefore, I used an anologue for the water balloon. Humans are mostly water... The height needed (in a vacuum) to reach 17m/s is only 14 meters. (H=1/2*9.8*t^2). Looking around the world, I see many, many, many structures of 14m or more in height. Therefore, the best defense against an armored incursion would seem to be throwing oneself off a building onto an armored vehicle's roof. Perhaps hardness matters? (oh, that's a can o'worms! Don't let blstk see this one...) Ken
  4. Your men will continue to die. But don't despair: this is what they WANT to do. Really. It's an honor for them to do so. I give my men all the opportunity for honor that they'd ever dreamed of having. Lots of tips floating around the forum. Read 'em, and welcome aboard... Ken
  5. I think one at a time will allow Doug a chance to kill them one at a time. The Shermans need to get across the dead ground and into Doug's woods. There, they can turn the Panthers' flank. That would allow the hilltop tracks a chance to kill the Panthers. Once the Panthers are down, then Bil can use his infantry freely. Until then, the infantry has to stay clear of the Panthers.
  6. I think Doug should move his HMG team forward, into the uphill farm building. Better to duck under the arty than to retreat back. (Plus, back puts him in woods and the HMG out of position. In the farmhouse it can still dominate the far woods. As well, I think he should advance a Panther into that green field. He'd have quite the, wait for it, field day from that position. In fact, I'd put 'em both there. They would totally stop any moves by Bil. Were I Bil, I'd attack.
  7. Thanks... Looks like the fun dial is starting to crank up!
  8. What? No close-in, reverse-angle, replay movie for us? How can we criticize your moves, err, commiserate your bad fortune, without close ups? You've spoiled us... Moving that MG team: good idea. (I'm in a pbem and got some spotting rounds near a firebase. I ignored them, thinking I had more time. Now I don't have a firebase.) Ken
  9. Double-click the mouse and the camera goes to that location. It's an easy fast-forward. Also, in the Options Menu, there are a total of 3 (?) different selections for how you control the camera. Give 'em a shot. You'll find one that works for you.
  10. All the above...but I do sympathize with Colonel_Deadmarsh. Just throwing out ideas...I like the idea of an in-game Terrain Effects Chart. Some sort of toggle which would pop open a window showing a single grid of each type of terrain with a brief description of its effect on vehicle and infantry movement and possible LOS/LOF issues. I'm an idea guy. I'll leave the implementation to someone else.
  11. Well... whereas I am usually one to extol the virtues and abilities of HE, the Krasnopol is a little different. The penetrative power of HE arty comes from their mass and hardness. The large, energetic splinters also are beneficial and cause damage to tracks, etc, if not outright side penetrations. The Krasnopol, like other guided munitions, gives a lot of space in the nose to "soft" guidance seekers. The control systems also use up mass and volume. This gives the Krasnopol and Excalibur et al., much lower penetrative capability than standard arty HE shells. That's it in a nutshell. It may be wrong, but, until there is PROOF otherwise, that's how it works.
  12. As others have mentioned, this looks great and I'm interested to see it in action. Watching the AAR...
  13. Another Sherman with the M10 would be useful for more AP/HE lobbing and, more importantly, another set of defensive smoke. The Shermans in the woods will be a nice surprise for Doug. I'm surprised Bil had an ATG platoon HQ leading the pack. (The one that Doug's guys gunned down.) I don't see much use being made of scouts, by either player. There are not enough infantry to waste using half-squads as fodder. A pair of scout teams ahead of each platoon can really save the day. But then I'm not playing. There are more pressures when you're in the arena than when you're up in the bleachers. Bil will unleash a flood in about 5 turns. It'll be interesting to see how Doug's men transition to defense, where they hold and where they fold, and then how he'll regain that left flank. (I'd push ahead and then turn in behind Bil's forces...the ones Bil is pushing on his right flank.) Ken
  14. When you can no longer hang in there and you're gone, we're all going to agree that you were a good egg.
  15. Nice catch.
  16. Getting that little MG/Mtr firebase wiped out, on your left, hurt a little. At least you know where to send men for more ammo! Nice spot for that MG near the VL. How are you going to get some HE on that row of men? Tank?
  17. Yes, I agree with the OP. Single best moment of gaming (going back to the mid-80's) was a beta-test of CMBN. Two US squads were flanking a German team. The right squad got the drop on the Jerries and opened up on them...hard. Heavy woods, short LOS. The two surviving (visisble) Germans surrendered. As they surrendered, the left US squad got a "?" contact and area fired...killing the men who had their arms raised. Gobsmack moment. A very visceral gaming result which I had never anticipated or seen. Nothing else comes close. I WeGo so I can find these moments, replay them, and watch them from different perspectives. CM is totally immersive. It's not the graphics: it's the behavior. Ken
  18. Is there anywhere on a Tiger with that much armor which does NOT have crew-space behind it?
  19. To reiterate from a different thread, these issues are known and are being investigated. If you find more, please post them.
  20. Thanks for listing these in location. I'll make sure any new ones are brought to BFC's attention.
  21. Did I just hear "go over the top"? Excellent, Bil, excellent. I see my lessons are taking hold.
  22. Your only chance to make up for it is to POST another GAME video! Get to it.
  23. As bazookas? Bah. Standoff weapons mean that you've ceded the moral high-ground to your opponent. They should be used as wheeled spears! Bill should beat the drum for a 120 bpm pace, then double up to ramming speed for the last 40m. Nothing like a Panther on a spit! Aye, that'd strike fear in your oppo's heart. But it is an interesting tactic to think about: close support by ATG, especially if you have two groups, each of which could protect the other's flank.
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