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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Hmmm, It seems like the problem is DX10. Since XP only runs DX9, any video card - no matter how capable - will only be able to run in DX9 since that's all the operating system can do. With Vista, since it is capable of running DX10, there can be issues. If the video card is DX10 capable, Vista will run DX10. Then there are problems. If the video card is NOT DX10 capable, then Vista will revert down to DX9. At that point, all is good. All the above is based on my personal experience and sifting through many posts. The solution offered to Vista users with newer cards to run dual graphic cards with a lesser CMBx card for DX9 purposes seems to be valid... Of course, I haven't tried that. In sum: Vista with DX10 card equals trouble. Anything else should work. Regards, Ken
  2. Hmmm, it seems to me that TheVulture has highlighted what may be going awry: what does "produce casualties" mean? Is the radius of effectiveness a 100% casualty rate against a frontal, standing person with no body armor? Or is it 50% versus a prone target behind a helmet? Etc. I know from throwing grenades that the radius we were given was a 50% figure, possibly against a standing target. In short, casualties figures are extremely dependent on the aspect and what percentage is being assumed. Regards, Ken
  3. Peach Operations, Thanks. I, too, had thought that BF.C had purposely done this. I'd seen this behavior several times and shrugged it off. Thanks for documenting it. Regards, Ken
  4. ATO planning cycle should be down to 24 hours. Has it stretched out back to 72? Regardless, CAS is planned on an allotment basis; where the assets orbit and the ordnance carried needs coordination. Once they're airborne, it's flexible. Ken
  5. The following is from Wikipedia: "Although the A-10 can carry considerable disposable stores, its primary built-in weapon is the 30 mm GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun. One of the most powerful aircraft cannons ever flown, it fires large depleted uranium armor-piercing shells. In the original design, the pilot could switch between two rates of fire: 2,100 or 4,200 rounds per minute.[18] This was changed to a fixed rate of 3,900 rounds per minute.[19] The cannon takes about half a second to come up to speed, so 50 rounds are fired during the first second, 65 or 70 rounds per second thereafter. The gun is accurate; it can place 80% of its shots within a 40-foot (12.4 meter) circle from 4,000 feet (1,220 meters) while in flight.[20] The GAU-8 is optimized for a slant range of 4,000 feet (1,220 m) with the A-10 in a 30 degree dive.[21] Another view of the A-10's GAU-8 installation.The fuselage of the aircraft is built around the gun.[22] For example, the nose wheel is offset to the right so that the gun's firing barrel at the 9 o'clock position is aligned on the aircraft's centerline. The early A-10s carried 1,350 rounds of 30 mm ammunition, but it was replaced by a 1,174 round drum" So, we have 1174 rounds fired at a rate of 50 then 65 rounds per second. Assume a 2 second burst; that's 115 rounds. Given 1174 rounds available, the math makes a good argument that there are only 10 bursts of 2 seconds each available. (If it were one long sustained burst, the 50 rounds for the first second followed by a sustained rate of 65 rounds per seconds would yield a trigger time of 18.3 seconds.) Regards, Ken
  6. Sivodsi, I agree. These points have been raised before: an icon showing weapon status in the unit info screen would help. Sometimes it is VERY difficult to discern the weapon and crew 3D figures. Regards, Ken
  7. I have vista64 ultimate: cmsf runs fine.
  8. I think the penetrator weighs about 10kg and leaves the muzzle around the order of 5,000 fps. Sorry for the mixed units. It's a lot of kinetic energy whether you go metric or english! Of course, I have no idea how it managed to go through that tree: that is in contradiction to my Entmoot thread. Did you hear the tree fall? Regards, Ken
  9. How would I suppress enemy units I KNOW are in a specific location without area fire? If they're pinned and out of LOS and I want to keep them pinned I need to use area fire. While they're forced down, my assault element moves in for the kill. Playing WEGO there is no way to lift the suppressing fire with any degree of coordination. Gaming it so the area fire does not harm the assaulting troops works. I imagine the fire is being shifted slightly. Regards, Ken
  10. Raton, I have noticed the same exact situation; my men fired an AT rocket at a close tank which blew up catastophically, killing the whole squad. That was a lesson learned for me. (Savegames help take the sting out of such lessons. ) Regards, Ken
  11. I have to admit that I like how small arms friendly fire is being handled right now. I play WeGo. Within that framework it is nearly impossible to time the coordination of assaults and suppressing fire. Meaning, while my support element pours fire on a position, the assault element closes for the kill. In real life, the support element would, hopefully, know about the assault and not hit the assault element. In game, I have NO way to stop or shift the fire. The "design for effect" of having small arms not cause friendly casualties simulates, to me, the shifting of fires. Otherwise, I would have to take a full turn to issue cease fire orders, then order the assault. That lull in fire would allow the enemy to recover. Regards, Ken
  12. Gents, Due to my tactical negligence, I've had two Bradleys suffer crew casualties. (Side note: crew casualties are shown by the ABSENCE of an icon; why not show yellow or red, if wounded or incapacitated?) Regardless, one crew lost its gunner, the other crew lost its driver. In a perfect world, I'd be able to remount one Bradley with a complete crew (leaving the extra guy in the back of the Bradley). I was unable to do so. Thoughts? Is this to be left for v1.10? Thanks, Ken
  13. And we shall call the new, optimized, file protocol the "c3k technique". I'm glad to offer my services. Thanks, Ken
  14. Why does the total map data have to be transmitted every turn for PBEM? Once the base map data is set, each player's computer has the information. Then only changes need be transmitted back and forth. E.g., terrain deformation type "X" placed at location ABC. Unless this is already being done? My lack of knowledge about CMSF coding should be quite obvious at this point. Thanks, Ken
  15. When you deliberately decapitate a hostage on video for the sole purpose of distributing the video to glorify yourself you are a terrorist, not a freedom fighter. The moral relavency espoused by some is, at best, spinelessness. I expect that from some, based on my broad travels. At worst, it is a slimy attempt to further the aims of the terrorists. I respect many of my country's adversaries, past and present. I respect the ability of terrorists to carry out attacks due to their ability to train/inculcate some to die for their cause. I have NO respect for a group that tortures, maims, and kills hostages; on video. Do not try to use the hackneyed phrase "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Now, no doubt those of you who believe in moral relavency (or situational specific ethics) will use isolated examples of Western (or U.S. specific) atrocities. You will ignore the outcry against them; the prosecution of them; the rareness of their occurrence. Start your own thread. Ken
  16. Selling out: Gents, I'm quite interested in selling out, but I'm not sure what the current rates are or who to contact for the payout. Can anyone let me know? Thanks, Ken
  17. Late to the posts. Regarding the infantry ignoring the door near the rubbled door: I complained about a similar situation months ago. The answer from BF.C (I believe) was that rubble may be blocking access to the door. The door seems intact, but non-rendered rubble has been internally coded to make the door inop. Your troops know this. You are, in effect, ordering them into a building through a wall. They attempt to enter the building, per your order, but find a different entrance. If you notice the next screenshot, the troops were able to enter the rear door of the neighboring building as ordered. That door was not obstructed by rubble. The problem here is the fidelity of the model is NOT carried over by the fidelity of the rendering. I would be happy with a large neon red "X" painted across any door coded as blocked. I'm sure there are other graphical solutions. Giving the visual feedback to the player is what is needed. I have no idea if this issue is on the oft mentioned "list". Regards, Ken
  18. Ah, Sgt Muhammed. Thank you. I did not know it was on the list. Of course, if the list were public that would reduce the number of spurious calls for adding things to the list. Although, a public list would beget a huge thread debating the list. Perhaps there is a list of people who have access to the list. How does one get put on the list to view the list? Thanks, Ken
  19. I'm not sure if BF.C has twigged onto this thread yet. Is there ANY thought on trees being too resilient? Or is this some sort of deep-rooted bias I have? Thanks for the thoughts on targeting through tree canopies. I had not looked at it from that perspective (comparing it to smoke, etc.). It makes sense. In future modules, will trees be available without leaves? (Picking a December date in the editor will automatically stip deciduous trees of their foliage in Europe.) Am I pushing the tree modelling too hard? Do you guys think it's okay, or am I being a sap? Thanks, Ken
  20. Gents, Playing TF Thunder. In one of the missions I have a BFist Bradley, a dedicated fire support vehicle. I also get 2 modules of 120mm mortar support. Calling in fire missions from the BFIST show a delay of 5 minutes. Picking a dismounted squad at random and calling in a mission to the same target point yields a delay of 4 minutes. Everyone is in command. Summary: dedicated OBA spotter takes longer to call in support than a non-descript dismounted line squad. That's not right. Anyone else? Thanks, Ken
  21. Hmm, we also have tree huggers. At least, in game. Why can't I area fire into trees? Sure, I can area target the GROUND amongst the trees, but once the LOS penetrates too far such that the cursor cannot touch the ground, area fire is prevented. In my situation there is a wooded slope. I cannot fire through the tree canopy into the slope. Anyone else? And, can we keep this on topic? We keep seeming to branch out and that will cause interested parties to leave this thread. Thanks, Ken
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