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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Exactly!! (Okay, here are more words to make the minimum word count: am I done?) Regards, Ken
  2. Gents, The AAV7 in the upcoming module has a turret equipped with both a .50 cal and the Mk 19 grenade launcher. Will I, the player, the vehicle commander, have ANY control over which of those two weapon systems gets used? My understanding of the AAV7 operation is sketchy, so forgive me if I am wrong, and please post here if you can correct me. In real life, the AAV7 turret operator can select either weapon; he can choose either the Mk 19 or the .50 cal depending on the target. I'm reasonably certain he could fire both if needed, however the ballistic differences would mitigate against that except under extremely close ranges. So, will I be able to choose which weapon gets used? Or is it a TacAI option? Or, is it hard-coded like Bradleys where you must exhaust the 25mm ammo before you can fire the 7.62mm coax? (Hey, is THAT a gripe/request for a fix? Sure it is.) Anyone? Thanks, Ken
  3. Elmar, Point taken. However, does CAS only hit POINT targets? Of course not. Right now the Artillery Interface is pretty good; hugely better than CMx1. The CAS is similar to Artillery but it is missing the Linear Strike option. I'm just asking to include that option. I don't see how that would be more bother than it's worth. If I want to suppress a tree line - Linear. If I want to strike a trench line - Linear. If I want to nail a string of rooftops - Linear. Additionally, if I am CLOSE (CAS) to my troops, I want the runs to come in perpedicular to my line of advance to preclude misses from hitting my guys. Thanks, Ken
  4. Gents, This is yet another call to have some sort of on-screen cue when one of my units encounters incoming fire or damage/wounds. Any vehicle commander or team leader would know instantly if his vehicle or team was taking hits. Yet, I - the game-player operating as team leader or vehicle commander - do not get this information. I must poll every single unit every single turn and see if there has been a status change since the last turn. Sometimes I don't remember the previous turn's status: did they have 2 wounded or 3? Sometimes I plant a unit in a "safe" location only to find that 5 turns later they've taken casualties. WTF? C'mon BF.C, speak up here. Is there ANY chance of implementing this? I don't care if it's a flashing yellow light somewhere or a detailed scroll list annunciating the unit and the hit which allows me to click on the list and instantly zoom to the unit in question. (Although that would be the slick solution!) Any one else want to chime in? Thanks, Ken
  5. Gents, Why can't strafing runs or other air support attacks have their run-in axis specified? I'm not a CAS expert, but it seemst that calling the run-in direction, and hence limiting the under/over drops or strafing pattern, is a critical part of CAS calls. It could be specified by drawing a linear pattern EXACTLY like artillery. (Just color it blue!) Thoughts? Thanks, Ken
  6. bodkin, Fantastic suggestion! I was quite disappointed when I realized, after extensive testing, that PAUSE commands have no effect on firing. TARGET SHORT sounds like the trick. Make it in discrete increments just like PAUSE: every press adds 10 or 15 seconds. Thanks, Ken
  7. Tooltips when you hover the mouse over the user interface. A glossary of weapons with 3-D gameshots of the same as well as a paragraph or two about them. (If the tooltip tells me I'm looking at an RPG-29, I can look it up.) Allow me to specify vehicle (coax) machineguns. Allow me to specify special weapons to be used or not; ATGM's, flamethrowers, etc. Thanks, Ken
  8. Hah! I knew all of BF.C's whining, "we only have one programmer", or "the change you want is too hard" was all a load of bull. It seems, after having read the new manual, that the only thing that was needed to fix a lot of the issues was to print the fix in YELLOW. C'mon: how hard was it to figure out the right color? Thanks, Ken
  9. An updated manual? That's good news! Do I need to give you my mailing address so you can ship me one? Thanks, Ken
  10. Okay, stop teasing and post a screenshot! Please. Thanks, Ken
  11. That was my thought as well, at first. However I have encountered situations when the scenario dragged on interminably despite the fact that I'd almost completely eradicated the enemy. I had to do a lot of backtracking and try to re-occupy all the objectives to see if that was what I'd missed. FOW is important, but not at the price of ruining the game experience. Regards, Ken
  12. Gents, I have played several scenarios with terrain objectives as part of my goals. In some, I am unsure whether I've achieved that objective or not. I use the green objective toggle so I can spot what I need to take (or control). I think having the green objective change color when you've achieved it would be beneficial. That way, as the clock continues to tick down and there are no enemy contacts, you're not left wondering whether you've missed something. Thoughts? Regards, Ken
  13. Does anyone know whether a wounded crewmember has any effect on crew performance? BF.C? Beta's? Anyone else? As well, what about changing that icon color? Make the red dot become yellow upon light wounding. Thanks, Ken
  14. Something is up... They certainly don't have MG's when they're on air guard duty. Regards, Ken
  15. Although, at the very least, I should get a leader unit named for me. Regards, Ken
  16. Are you sure it's irrelevant? Are any of the crewmember's reaction times or responsed downgraded in any aspect by being wounded? If yes, then it matters. If no, then why even track light wounds? Regards, Ken
  17. stikkypixie, Yes, thanks. I see it now: An Abrams cresting a berm, advancing on the enemy. The steely-eyed Tank Commander spoke, "Men! This is it! I expect you all to do your best!" Infused with the warrior spirit by their TC's motivating speech, the men in the tank braced for the battle. Suddenly, BANG! "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I'm hit, I'm hit! Oh, God, I'm hit!" The Tank Commander was unsure what happened. Confusion, fear, fright! Then his training kicked in. "Driver! Reverse!" They retreated back over the protection of the berm. What just happened? They must've been nailed by an RPG. Systems status were all okay. They could fight, but who was hurt? "Men, report in!" "Driver here." "Loader here." "Gunner here." Damn, this was gonna be a tough nut to crack. The TC, being resourceful, tried again. "Is anyone wounded?" Over the intercom came a faint reply, "Yes sir, I am." "Who said that?", the TC demanded. Silence. "Very well," the TC continued, "if no one admits to being wounded, we're going to have to dismount so I can perform an examination. Including all body cavities." Silence. Is that how it's supposed to happen? Thanks, Ken
  18. Oh, The screenshot above also captures an elusive bug. Yes, bug. Notice that the Abrams is selected: its icon is green. Now, look at the top of the screen and notice that the selected unit icon, the triangle, is RED. I've seen this several times. Any thoughts? I'll post it separately if needed. Thanks, Ken
  19. Elmar, Excellent suggestion: I went back to look and here is what I saw... As you can see, the red dot does not correspond to any other crew listing. I know red means yellow (why, oh why, can't we change it to yellow?), but if it has no effect, why have it? If it does effect crew response time, etc., then why isn't it shown in either of the other two crew lists? Thanks, Ken
  20. Gents, I've just noticed an error in how the game renders unit information: I selected a squad in a Stryker. The nine man squad with weapons shows up in the interface. When I hover the mouse cursor over the weapon symbol, the list on the left of the screen highlights the individual. (If they were out of the vehicle their base would flash.) The error is that the list on the left does not correspond with the weapon icon which the mouse is hovering over. See the screenshots. First shot, the squad leader; All is correct. Next up is the first team leader, inappropriately tagged as an MG'er: Finally, the real MG'er shown as a mere soldier: Sure, this may be minor in the scheme of things, but it is, nevertheless wrong. Thanks, Ken
  21. Nice to hear that enemy arty will force better tactics...
  22. Gents, I'm playing a scenario in which one of my Abrams took an RPG hit resulting in damage and wounding of a crewmember. Well done, Syrian AT team. This brought up several issues. 1. I did not know anyone in the Abrams had been wounded until 2 or 3 turns later. Acting as battalion HQ, company HQ, platoon HQ, and vehicle commander, I - the player - NEED BETTER, MORE TIMELY, feedback on this. 2. The crew status icon, normally the four blue dots under the vehicle silhouette, is confusing. It showed 3 blue and one red. The red dot was the upper right dot. Who is that? I don't know. Looking at the stacked icons for the driver, gunner, loader, and commander just to the left of the vehicle silhouette box yielded no information. One of them is wounded, but who? In an infantry squad, the equivalent icon is shaded yellow; in the vehicle crew that does not occur. 3. Consistency: linked to point number 2, above. Why would a wounded crewmember have his blue dot change to red which indicate hors de combat whereas he is actually able to function? (Hors de combat in a vehicle is currently indicated by a MISSING blue or red dot.) Thanks, Ken
  23. All good news. Will I be able to select my Bradley (era) coax? Thanks, Ken
  24. Looks good. The listed improvements are impressive. Regards, Ken
  25. I'm glad you delegated, but did you manage to fire the coax by itself?
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