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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Your point is well taken, regarding the wholesale upgrading of weapons. What about the concept of grabbing a weapon without going through the medic process? (In my dream world, this would only apply to conscript style armies which were specifically indoctrinated into that action.) Regards, Ken
  2. Gents, I'm not trying to get this changed in CMSF, but rather offering up something to think about for CM:N and points beyond. Right now my men can gain weapons from fallen comrades. This requires the medic function. The medic is the man equipped with the fallen's weapon (if deemed "better"). The medic function can take several minutes, depending on incoming fire, etc. I've read many accounts of WWII and Korean actions where there weren't enough small arms for all the soldiers. (Usually on the Red side.) These units were expected to grab up the rifles of their fallen brethren. Would it be possible to have that done in game, but IGNORE any medic function? That would make it much faster for an unarmed (or lightly armed) individual to just grab a rifle and whatever ammo was on the wounded/killed soldier. Kind of a desperate "grab and go" for the poor sap without a weapon. In a similar line of reasoning, could the weapons be passed amongst the squad/section? For example, if a soldier gains a better weapon, he now has two. What if his original weapon is better than what someone else in his immediate squad has? Or if the gained weapon is not better than his, but IS better than the guy's weapon who is ten feet away? Any chance of spreading weapons around? Thoughts? Ken
  3. I agree that "cherry picking" forces in CMx1 was part of its enticement and longevity, when added to the ease of QB's with random maps. (Balance never mattered in those situations to me.) Ken
  4. Hmmm, "better" may need a small tweak if SlapHappy's test is correct. An out-of-ammo minimi should not be better than an L85 WITH ammo. (Great bit of detail...no other game comes close to this!) Thanks, Ken
  5. For the OP; I'm no linguist, but as a northerner who has now spent the plurality of his life in the US south, yes, there are quite a bit of differences in dialect. So much so that you can tell which region/city of each state someone is from. This was true, but as more and more of the US intermixes and gets inundated by cable TV, accents are slowly disappearing. Regards, Ken
  6. Guys, Some addenda to my "thanks", above. How about, "Thanks, can we modify this?" The flashing icon for men being wounded is over too soon. As well, the flash type is a bit too subliminal. Yeah, I know, I run the risk of being accused of getting something and then asking for more. However, follow my reasoning, please. The flash is 3 seconds in duration. It is (seemingly) the same color and repetition rate as the flash you get when you select a unit. If you're Blue, and you select a squad, the selected squad's icon flashes green (alternating with the original blue). Right now, that's exactly what happens with a unit getting a casualty. Is there any way of increasing the duration of the flash? Say, 10 seconds? Also, changing the frequency of the flash may help. As well, can the color be changed? If it could alternate from the original (blue or red) to black, that would stand out... If, in wego, the unit has sustained a casualty (brown, red, or yellow) in the just finished turn, could the icon stay the flash color? (If it flashes yellow for 10 seconds when a casualty occurs, can it illuminate steady yellow at the end of the replay. So, blue for 23 seconds, a casualty occurs, flash until 33 seconds, revert to normal until the 60 second mark, then turn and stay yellow.) And, as long as I'm waxing on about this, could it be used for YELLOW casualties? (I may be missing it, but it seems that you don't get notified of light wounds.) Thanks, Ken
  7. Gents, Whilst greatly enjoying CM:Brits, I've found that my Challenger 2's have a bit of a droop. If the tank fires in such a manner that the gun is depressed (and who wouldn't be depressed if an internet forum is talking about your drooping issue?), it remains depressed... Example: area firing at close range keeps the gun pointing down. Later, I move the tank elsewhere. Until a new target command is ordered, the gun retains its droop - it keeps the same elevation (in this case, a negative elevation). Minor, qibbling, etc. However, seeing a tank drive around at high speed with the end of the barrel barely clearing the dirt takes away from the immersion a bit. (As well, there may be some gameplay ramifications in regards to reaction time to new targets. There is a delay while the gun elevates.) I would think a neutral gun elevation should be adopted if no target is commanded. This was done with 2 separate Challengers. Savegames available... Thanks, Ken
  8. Very nice! My question: the shiny inner fender is visible in some of the mods, but not others. (I use nvidia drivers, so I too have shiny fenders.) How did you get the shine out? Thanks, Ken
  9. The other side of this is the underlying assumption of civilians out and about during a battle. During a peacekeeping/occupation role, with patrols moving about in a city, and combat due to ambushes, sure, your idea about civilians is justifiable. Not so much during combat operations; except for a few surprise situations, most civilians will either be hiding in dugouts under the kitchen floor, trenches in the back yard, or will have fled prior to the fight. In WWII, civilian casualties were an object (if enemy) or simply accepted (French, Dutch, etc., during 1944). I do not mean that civilians don't die. They do, often in large numbers. However, during active combat operations, are there any cases of Blue forces being excoriated by the press (that being the only way it would affect victory conditions)? The press reporting on Blue is the only way this works. (Have you ever heard or seen of Red press reporting negatively on Red forces? Or any press report having an effect on Red forces?) To me, ignoring occupation issues, which are more regarded by the press as the military acting as police, the only time bad press had an operational effect on a Blue combat mission may have been Isreal in Lebanon; the bad press for civilian casualties may have forced Isreal to abandon it's aerial bombardment phase sooner than they wanted. That led to their ground attack. We all know how that worked out. Any other combat operation examples??? Regards, Ken
  10. Agreed: the work on the QB maps is hard, but needed. Thanks!
  11. I've only played the one battle so far (um, only one restart ), but I'm learrning that the UK forces may need a bit more of the manuever side of things due to a lack of fire. Of course, I think any force out there would seem to be lacking in fire when compared to the USMC. And the same with a US Army mech unit. The Brits are going to force me to use some actual tactics to achieve the objectives. Ken
  12. Moon, Hey, big - the two additional $10 are quite clearly annotated. If I had ANY amount of impulse control I could've saved one or the other of the two $10's. Unfortunately, I seem to be addicted to your games. I blame you. (Yeah, like I had a choice of either WAITING for the hardcopy to be mailed, or entrusting a pure SOFTCOPY to the whims of my hard-drive (not counting the allowed 10 downloads/year!!!)) I woudn't have spent it if I didn't think it was worth it. It is. Thanks, Ken
  13. 11:00 - Read announcement...went to purchase page. 11:01 - Commenced download...($10 for hardcopy AND $10 more for mail?!) 11:02 - Complete download... 11:03 - Play game, enjoy it immensely... 11:04 - Notice that the St. George's cross sleeve patch depiction is off from reality by 2mm. Post on Forum decrying what a horrible job BF.C has done!!! The world is ending... 11:05 - Thanks!! All fake complaining in jest... Regards, Ken
  14. Vista???? This is GREAT news!!! For just 5 bucks I can play CMAK on my latest machine. I'm glad I tripped over this tidbit... Thanks! Ken
  15. My old CMx1 opponent switched to Macs. I can ENSURE at least one CMx2 sale should a Mac compatible game be released. Ken
  16. Gents, For whatever it's worth, nice catch, good job sticking with it despite some unhelpful comments. Something I think would help both the players and the developers would be a FULL description of ammo. Not just "7.62mm" but "7.62x39mm", or "5.56x45mm", or "5.45x39", etc., etc. Why? Well, it would ENSURE that the ammo being grabbed matches up with the ammo the weapon uses. I would heartily endorse a tool-tip feature which identifies the weapon and the ammo that weapon uses. (In fact, I have endorsed such a UI change in the past.) This ammo naming change would help the developer to ensure that the weapon is linked to the proper ammo. (I do NOT have any idea if that's the problem related in the screenshots, above.) I don't know if this would help the ammo resupply problem with the various sniper rifles. (If I am wrong, I apologize.) This is NOT meant as a complaint, merely a suggestion for IMPROVEMENT. Thanks, Ken
  17. MikeyD, that looks great! Thanks. Ken
  18. Hence the . And I guess that's the difference between "U" and "I"... Ken
  19. The weasel (?) second picture: Um, what's with the white "USAF" painted on the "German" vehicle? Yeah, just a little detail.... Ken
  20. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Why now??!?!?! I'm leaving for a trip today! Noooooo....... Truly, you are evil.... I hope there's some left when I get back. Ken
  21. Just updated to nvidia 190.38.... I have not had the openGL 14 issue in a long while (under the previous 182.06). I'll see if I ever get it with 190.38. When it did happen, it was very rare. Regards, Ken
  22. I second this motion. Although, I believe it was brought up in a thread a while back.... I know! While I wait for CMUK (okay, "schmuck" is wrong...CMBF??), I'll play "Search through old threads!" Back in a jiff... Ken
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