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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Aye, using armored HE chuckers is a bit cowardly. However, it the HE is big enough, it's okay. There IS a balance. As for your M10 dying, that's on YOU! Sure, they may've been goaded by me, but they were HELD BACK by you. They had inner turmoil. No warrior can be effective if they are internally conflicted. The heart must not fight itself. You were derelict in your pre-battle bonfire bonding rituals. A common mistake.
  2. Mounted armored infantry? Ooh, nice... Will they FAST into SMI and conduct a coup de main? And I'm glad to see that the Elefant has decided to join the fight. 200mm of frontal armor has to be USED to be appreciated... Nice shots. Ken
  3. Oh, I've noticed. Yes, I've noticed. GaJ, you are breeding an air of defeat in your troops! How can ANY of them be expected to fight when all they've done thus far is run away and die? Dammit, man, some of your men are begging to be given the opportunity to prove themselves! It's your burden to create those opportunities! So far your men have stayed and hid...and died. They've run away and died. They've crept about like thieves and died. Now you want them to retreat? What do you think will happen??? Yes, they will die. Dammit, let them at least trade their miserable pixel-lives for glory!! Aye, mayhap even motivate others by their example. Ask for volunteers. You need to find Bil's top commander and kill him in close combat. Counting coup, as it were... CRUSH him!!! Suck him into a kill sack and be merciless! His other forces will wonder what happened to those who disappeared and died. They will be filled with trepidation and fear! Battle is a contest of WILL!!! Now gather up your men, level off your ammo loads, look 'em straight in the eye and tell those poor bastards to get going over the bleeding hill and at least die while they're FIGHTING!!!! They'll thank you, later. Grrr..... friggin' manueverists... "oh, I'm saving my men for the NEXT battle"..."but what about losses?"... girlie men... REAL men back in the good ol' days... mmmphh...mumble... Ken
  4. Selecting a unit by clicking on any part of its movement path is DIFFERENT than what the OP stated. However, I agree that it would be nice to have that functionality...coupled with the camera staying put. I'd hate to pick a movement path and then have the camera zap back to the unit. So, yes, +1 from me for that. Ken
  5. Ron, I -think- that AMD's latest drivers, 13.4 (?) would support application based adjustments. The "think" part comes from not knowing if your card can do so. It should. Anyway, the Radeon desktop menu, Catalyst Control (?), may have something in it if you dig.
  6. I could be wrong, but we can do that now. Click on the line segment OR the waypoint and you move the waypoint. Consider it backported into your build after your request. Ken
  7. I've tried this now about 3 times. WeGo. Oh, as the Kiwi's. This is BRUTAL. In a good way. There HAS to be a way of winning, I just haven't sussed it out yet. In my first play-through, I did the best. Then I started trying to get fancy. That was a mistake. I think I'll call back to HQ and get some Churchills sent up... Ken
  8. Asked and answered, your Honor. If you want to SIMULATE bridge blowing, then set a hard time limit for capturing a bridge objective. If the objective is NOT captured, then assume the defenders were able to blow the bridge. If the objective IS captured, then assume the bridge is captured intact. Incorporate the above into your campaign, if you have made one. Actually SHOWING a bridge being demolished is not required. Ken
  9. A Tank Commander with Binoculars ought to count for something. The M10 should get the TC peeking over the edge, even when buttoned. (Of course, I'll deny I said that when a Button Up order is ignored and my TC gets drilled.) Ken
  10. The readme only touches some of the changes and fixes. It has always been thus...
  11. That's pretty much it. The ability to select a friendly unit and see which other friendlies they can see allows you to understand their flow of information and any possible support. It's a very minor change, seemingly.
  12. I shied away from "iron" for some time. Having bitten the bullet, so to speak, I will not go back. If you like the new FOW as it applies to the enemy, try Iron. Ken
  13. How did you find THAT???? Are you a tire tread grog?
  14. The historical record for German use of AA in the ground attack role is quite deep. As is that of the Allies. Ken
  15. Actually, the part I bolded, is 180 out from reality. In Realtime, a pause allows me to stop the action at ANY MOMENT I CHOOSE and INSERT A NEW ORDER. E.g., I order a team to enter a house. The enemy is in there. I can pause the game, give the team a pause for 15 seconds, a Target Brief into the building (15 seconds of firing), then enter. Meanwhile, I can give overwatch elements a NEW target light command to suppress that building. Unpause the game. Watch an incredibly well coordinated entry take place. With Wego you cannot do any of that. You've got to plan ahead and then HOPE your orders were sufficient to take into account any eventualities. Wego forces you to be a bystander except for specific 1 minute intervals. Realtime allows you to intervene with every unit at every moment. So, I disagree with your statement that wego allows greater coordination than does realtime. Ken
  16. Just a day of M113 and a few laps w/M60A3/5(?). Fun fact: one guy, when it was his turn to drive an M113, actually rolled the thing. Face flip. Just because you're going downhill, straight, does not guarantee an exception to the laws of physics. (No one got hurt. Well, badly, anyway. Some folks say "hurt" means "I suffered discomfort." A bruise or cut is not a "hurt". Bone sticking through skin, if the bone is big enough, that's "hurt". Otherwise, rub some dirt on it and press on. But I digress...) Ken
  17. An Elefant "dashing"? That must've been quite the sight! HQ is awaiting word from you regarding your counter-attack plans. Remember Comrade Stalin's order: "Not one step back". For the Rodina! Or somesuch...
  18. Those are pulleys to help lift the next projectile... Nice.
  19. A beautiful work! Thank you for the screenshots.
  20. And a known cat molester strikes... What has happened to the promise which once was the Internet? GL... It's fun.
  21. WHAT!?!?! Should I fight or should I run away? Bah. My men are aware of my standing orders: any man may freely move into the exit zone...AFTER all the enemy are dead! This is COMBAT Mission, not some sort of bus schedule sim-city'esque game! Attack! In the absence of real knowledge about the designer's parameters, the best bet may be to save the first turn, fight it out and see how you do. Then, just reload the first turn and exit. Compare results. Take the one you prefer. Campaign "scoring" is a bit of black art to me. "I fights mit Seigel." Ken
  22. Blackcat, From our rarified perspective, we all know that right now Bil is in the cat's seat and that GaJ is in a world of hurt. However, Bil does not know that. In fact, that FOW is the key. Bil is conserving his force as he probes forward. If he makes an errant rush, GaJ will hurt him. I agree: Bil could roll over GaJ's forces. "Could" is the operative word. If he just charges forward (despite my bloodthirsty exhortations), he could quite easily lose the battle. Ken
  23. A few quick pieces of information: - If a bug, a savegame would go a LONG way towards verifying. - Before going down the "it's a bug" path, it NEEDS to be verified. - The deploy time changes based on terrain. In a building can take over 2 minutes. - The deploy time printed on the silhouette should change based on terrain. - The MG will start the clock about the time you see the men's status go to "Deploying". So, if you've had this happen, try to get a savegame. Remember that it may take 3-4 turns, or more, for the mg to deploy in a building. The deploy time listed is only good if the deployment is uninterrupted. If incoming fire stops the deployment, that could be a factor. If the mg team tries to crawl away, or otherwise relocate, that could take time. If their morale hit is bad enough they will not try to deploy; they will hide or slink off. This has been tested. A lot. If there's still a problem, then it needs to get sorted. Savegame. Ken
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