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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. :mad: :mad: :mad: Angry out LOUD! :mad: :mad: :mad: This just in: Berli is going to be renamed Barbie when he's finished playing Inferno. :mad:
  2. Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Don't push me. This is the Angry thread and unless you want a face full of Inferno you'd better skedaddle pronto. :mad: Need a few more monkeys before you get a complete sentence [/QB]
  3. Emma, Emma, Emma, you spelled "turnip brained, leg humpin', rodent" wrong </font>
  4. Any chance you could pull a turn out and send it my way this decade? I don't want to interfere with your busy lifestyle, obviously.
  5. The Maus never saw any action, anywhere, ever, as far as documentary sources show. By contrast, the Sturmtiger did see action. You're complaining about people getting 'hung up on reality' but CM is meant to be an accurate simulation. Personally, I didn't miss the Maus from CM:BB. I had far more fun using 105mm HE shells against T-26s.
  6. There's a serious shortage of Blistering Hot Molten TNT being chucked around here you PUSS-FILLED MAGOTS!!!! That's why the forum's going tits-up - MORE PUSS AND MOLTEN TNT IS WHAT'S NEEEDED!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: AARAHHARGGRAHAHRAGGAHGARRGHHRGAARARGHHGGARGAHRHGARHGRAR!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. You're not :mad: :mad: :mad: for this thread Maggot!! You've got to RHAGHAHRGARGRGRGRGRR to be here Maggot!!!!! I don't see puss in your name, just in your jizm-humping orangutang-fisting face, you worthless Maggots! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. You should try a thicker toilet paper and your finger won't poke thru! </font>
  9. Get E-Mule. Get Blackadder for free from other sharers. Problem solved. I can say this because as a UK citizen I have already paid for my licence fee and cannot be prosecuted for owning copies of BBC programmes. I already have some fun in line for you, my boy. The Finger of Death is my next stinking horror scenario. :mad:
  10. GARHARHRAGGHGHG!!!! Tell the crazy scottish baggage there's nooooo thrrreeead big enough for Twooo Blackadders! :mad: :mad: I KILLED the demonic horror that was our last home because the Peng brigade, realising that their sad, worthless thread is now less fun than a proctologists stag party, have started to hang around over here. I pray to our God, MasterGoodale: Jewel-Encrusted Grandmaster TNT Chucker to save us from the stinking wartweasels that infest this land. If he does not return, I fear that I may be forced into creating some really angry scenarios!!! :mad: :mad: GARHAHRHGRAHRGHAGHHGR!!!
  11. RAHARHAHRGRGRGHHAGTRGARHARGHARHAHRGR!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Feel the love of MasterGoodale, Jewel-Encrusted Grand TNT-Chucker and The Brood!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. 1,000 points will buy you (if you're lucky) two companies of infantry and a couple of tanks. Are you saying that divisional level artillery should be priced low enough to allow typical support of such small groups of forces?
  13. The Pengers have sullied the purity of the Cheery Waffle thread and it has expired! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: This means SULKING!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. I posted me post, then the screen went all white wiv nuffink, then also I pressed the 'back' button through boredom. Plus, my post in The Cheery Waffle Thread ruled and annihilatified those dreadful howling songs you waz beltin' out. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. My updates, for what they're worth, considering that you are all bus-shagging nonces. Jim Boggs and I have come to the conclusion that if we want an insane knife-fight with short visibility and ridiculous equipment selections, we'll pick Inferno and not Ambush! in future. My professional verdict gives it 1 AARHGAHRARHGARAHRGHA!!!! out of 5. Still, you live and learn. Dave H pimps around on our playtest like a bloke who can't remember the horrors of bocage knife-fights from CM:BO. Still, it's only turn 2 so I might let him off. Keke has resurfaced! Our game will continue apace. Snarker is playing the Doctor Luck game with his creeping Panzer III and is on the explody end of some more 25pdrs. Becket thinks he has run into some Tigers of mine. I refuse to offer him the consolation of discovering that they are only Mark IVs since he is having too much fun watching his Shermans brew up. Seanachai sends no stinking turns at all! He's a whining girl! I demand satisfaction! I demand tea and biscuits! AHHRAHGRAHGAHGARHARHGRAHARHARAR!!! I want to stuff my British Bayonets into the fat bellies of his slithering krauts! I want to slather him in red-hot, flaming, bitter, furious molten TNT!! RARARARARRRGHGHGHGHHARRAAR!!!!!
  16. My one pieces of advice is: as a rule, use mortar spotters for smoke and bigger calibre (88+) as anti-infantry. 25pdr can upset tanks up to and including the Panzer IV (late) by top penetration (although this is rare, only 2 out of 2,000 rounds fired in a test I ran) but higher calibres will knock out guns and hit treads on tanks - plus they'll carve up halftracks and the like quite happily. Bigger is better. More is better.
  17. Reads Queen Emma's sig line, and sprays beer far and wide, like an oscillating sprinkler BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...sputter...HAHAHAHAHAHA! Stupid fecking Goodalers. Talk about pearls cast before swine! </font>
  18. When you consider that 'discussion' of CMX2 isn't even taking place on the forum yet, and we might be waiting up to 2 years, I would hope that CM:AK would be the most refined of the three games because there is (I assume) the time to do it. The nice thing about having accurate OOBs for CM:BB and CM:AK is that when the new engine appears and assuming it's a WW2 one, it won't be necessary to do all the work all over again.
  19. GAAAACK AAAAAARGH AAAACKGACCKKK *clears phlem.......and spits it out onto the ground* *PTOOEY!* Were you in a loving mood when you designed this? Were you skipping through a field of pretty flowers, frolicking with the lovely butterflies and birdies? BECAUSE THERE WAS NO HATE IN THIS SCENARIO DESIGN!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: We never started setting the town and each other alight until turn 10, when we wanted to commence a frenzy of burning and mutual emmolation from turn 1!!! So what we reckon is reduce the number of victory flags to 3 to focus the forces more quickly into contestable, veritable seas of molten hate destruction thingies. Inferno? Soggy matches more like. Mace </font>
  20. Mace and Kitty - when you've finished having your Peng wierdnessfest, I would like to know how you got on with Inferno. Was it :mad: enough for you?
  21. Yarbles. I don't know whether anyone's picked this bug up, but: Go to the scenario editor. Set the region as 'All Combined'. Set the date as December 1942 and the weather and ground to snow. Go into the map editor and put some trees and buildings and vehicles and the like in. What do you get? Wierdness. Vehicles without snow on their tracks or tyres, deciduous trees ablaze with leaves in snow in the middle of winter, and no BMP's for the buildings! For those of you who think North Africa shouldn't have snow conditions: Snowboarding and Skiing in Tunisia
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