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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I'll be there on the Saturday, with another tank-geeky chum. Anyone else? Edited to add that if modders want snaps of any particular tanks, let me know and I and my trusty digital camera will do what we can to satisfy you. [ July 09, 2002, 04:33 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  2. Sounds like it's a while since you were at college
  3. Ayayayayay. John Kettler, harlot of harlots, has vanished with only our last turn to trade! John, I never thought I'd say this, but I need it from you now.
  4. Waiting to see the last turn of my scrap against Kettler. Oooh, the drama!
  5. I had exactly the same problem, and have had twice. On each occasion, the solution was to replace the CD-Rom drive. Don't ask me why, but it worked both times. Maybe the firmware gets something wierd in it. I don't know. Not a cheap way for me to fix a problem.
  6. All turns out, and this thread bumped back up to where it belongs.
  7. I managed to glean some scenario-editor-based gossip in this thread. It mostly tells us what we're not getting, though.
  8. I think that's a wise move - too much time would be spent tweaking ice thickness and explosive wossname with no firm data to back up the figures.
  9. Posted by SPWAW: I don't know whether this would be the case in battle, but if damage like this occurred then it would be nice to have it modelled. Same as above. It isn't currently modelled, but would, again, be nice. I don't have too many objections to the way ammo is used. True, I've had the occasional tank using smoke on an infantry target when it should have been firing HE, but for anti-tank rounds they use tungsten when they need to and that's fine for me. The problem here is "what IS weak ice"? "What IS a heavy tank"? You will get people arguing about the modelling of the KV1 and how it could cross 6 inches of ice: "Well, I ran some tests driving 8 KV1s across 7.7inches of ice. I have checked the pressure capacity of ice across a lake of size J and it doesn't work." Too fiddly. A little bit too 'hollywood' really. It would be nice to put tanks and guns in rubble though. You can already order "dig-in" for tanks in CMBO. I think tanks will have 'morale' in CMBB so this would be modelled, although how I don't know. I like some of the suggestions, but some are too much like Hollywood war films for me!
  10. Arsing bollocks double post. [ June 30, 2002, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  11. Those winter Comets look fantastic - almost good enough for me to use one in a game. Nice work, and fantastic mods
  12. All turns out to all players. Evil continues to drag its cloak across my ears. Sorry about the delay, chaps. Spent today removing Windows Millenium and installing Win2K - hurrah for SOME form of reliability. Still, I have one thing to thank that twat Gates for. If his software wasn't so hookey, I wouldn't have as much of a job
  13. One of the big pluses of the 6pdr is that it's jeep-mountable - so for 75(ish) points you get a gun that can be rushed forward at 50mph, which (often) has a couple of tungsten rounds, which has a preparation time of 1 minute, and which will seriously upset anything up to a Panther. They are ideal on defence when strapped to a jeep, just race them from one place to another I find myself disagreeing with Yankeedog about their effectiveness. When playing as Axis against the British they are one of my biggest headaches. I asked why they were so rarely mounted on tanks, and was told (by someone here, can't remember who) that the 75mm was preferred because although its AP hit wasn't quite as good, the 6pdr shell was pretty cruddy for HE (which it is). So there you are. A couple of 40mph Cromwells with those 6pdr guns would make merry hell of a German tank platoon
  14. Maskelyene did use mirrors and searchlights to disguise the location of the Suez canal. See this link for some interesting details.
  15. The only thing I can suggest changing your CDRom drive for is a DVD drive. DVD drives are only 10% more expensive (ish) and game performance will be the same, plus you'll be able to watch films on your PC and use DVD-ROMs.
  16. You're confusing them with the GefingerPoken MkIV.
  17. I am currently awaiting turns from all four of my remaining games
  18. Time enough to send me a turn, once you've finished shaking hot white coconuts from the veiny love tree!
  19. Are they the milk floats with machine guns?
  20. Yunfat said: Not relevant to this discussion. Mhz is not an adequate way of calculating processing speed - consider other factors, such as data transfer speed on the DVD/hard disk channels, bus speed of CPU, Mhz of RAM. I am also puzzled about your statement at the beginning about CMBO: 1) saying that BFC would have to make stable code that didn't crash. 2) saying that BFC would have to make an in-game walkthrough to summarise a 150-page manual. Firstly, I don't have any problems running CM. It doesn't crash. My machine crashes because of Microsoft (*cough*X-Box*cough*). Secondly, how can you create an in-game walkthrough to demonstrate, amongst other things: The controls Navigating around the CM map Obtaining detailed unit information Issuing orders Different terrain types Direct fire and Area fire LOS Button-up Ammunition levels Suppression Hand-to-hand combat Hull-down Armour penetration Armour types Command Delay Command Range Leadership abilities Morale Fanatic troops Experience Fatigue Fog of war Spotting Air Support That's up to page 80 out of a 150-page manual. Ye gods - you'd need another CD! :eek: You aren't being realistic. The 'big bucks' will go into the pockets of the big companies. "Loans" from the big companies to small software houses sound like a fun way to go. Finally - console games are overpriced. Who wants to see another £20 stuck onto the price of CMBB, so that it can be converted onto a console format?
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