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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Why would you port CM to a console? Console games are (for the most part) one-dimensional. I don't want to play Final Fantasy LVXXIIII. I don't want to play Movie Cash-in XIV. Console gamers are not, by and large, wargamers - the demographic is different.
  2. All my turns shipped back out. Gamey cheating whoresluts all of you.
  3. "You don't want to halt my attack. You want to go home and rethink your life."
  4. Didn't do my turns this morning. Two weeks of playing CM for at least 5 hours a day in addition to working full-time, eating and trying to have a social life have cut heavily into my sleeping schedule and I'm paying the price. Will ship turns out tonight but I need a nap
  5. Your feeble taunts will not work against me, MrSpkr. Know ye all that MrSpkr is losing ALL of his units in rapid succession, unable to halt the glorious power of the axis hordes.
  6. All my turns have been shipped back to you hogs. Get replying. I've got 11 PBEM games running and I had trouble over the weekend - I was receiving turns faster than they were going out, had 42 PBEM turns Saturday and 29 Sunday(I was out Sunday afternoon). My wench was livid
  7. I have an 850 Athlon, 512MB RAM, 32MB GEForce Annihilator. I am currently playtesting a 16,000pt battle. Performance is fine. Turn processing is around 35-60 seconds, dependent upon how many tanks I've lost that turn.
  8. Yeah, pick him. He beat the snot out of my xxxx troops on yyyy.
  9. No, MG's aren't modelled correctly. They target individual units. The problem is code-based and will be improved in the release of CMBB.
  10. If I pick an ATG for a game, I pick 50mm guns over 75s. They turn faster, and over the short ranges that CM involves for the most part they're nearly as effective.
  11. All my turns have gone out to the requisite victims. Get up, John. You've had 18 minutes sleep.
  12. That'll be why you haven't sent me my turn - or is it because I'm slapping your Panzers silly?
  13. Thankyou very much. Perhaps these can be placed on the 'consideration' list for future versions of CM (assuming you poor buggers ever want to look at a copy of it again)
  14. Fatmouse has more patience than all of you. Fatmouse desires nothing more than calories.
  15. I've only really been designing scenarios for a few weeks, and am just about to release my first (thanks again to Blackhorse and Wesreidau for testing it) - and I've found a couple of niggles which I wanted to ask about - will they be resolved for CMBB? 1) Bridge terrain - can you tell me whether we will have 'railway going over paved road' and 'paved road going over railway' tiles please? At the moment it looks a bit wierd and puts me off using rail transport and bridges. 2) Will we see tunnels (road/rail) for CMBB? I doubt it because I can't imagine having infantry fighting it out in a tunnel, but I feel I have to ask. 3) Will we have more building variety? My villages tend to look a bit samey and an extra skin for each building type (so you can see two possible variants) would add more than enough variety. 4) Will we have buildings in scattered trees, or hedges/walls in scattered trees/woods? At the moment, you have a 20m tile, with a 1m thick wall, and open ground either side. Ideally, I'd like to be able to place hedges or walls in a terrain which already has trees/brush/whatever in it. I'm not asking for 'extra stuff to be added' (I would earn the wrath of the board for slowing development down ) but just wanted to know what sort of progression there's been along these lines? Thanks, Soddball.
  16. But have you eaten your Mars bar yet? It's not true alignment otherwise.
  17. Turns all in, and back out again as of now. Bertram, you dirty mother loving whoreslut, don't ever accuse me of stuff again, especially when you're right.
  18. He sends fewer turns than the man in the iron mask. Still, you can spot the ones who've finished their games because they're the ones with no lives.
  19. Yeah. *mumblemumblemutter* You buggers all had my turns again.
  20. "I can give you three dollars now, and fifteen when we reach Alderaan."
  21. Madmatt has vetoed online ordering until he can stop the server caving in to my Jedi mind tricks. "Galactic credits will do fine."
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