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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I object to the use of Kph on the basis that it's a continental calculation scheme and doesn't take into account the interests of the Imperial measurement. I think BTS should model all forms of speed measurement, including the Nekroni Clatchlatl (speed of thrown mango) and the Zoototl of the Spengo tribe of the lower Dishmop river, who calculate their speeds based on the swimming rate of a medium-sized river turtle.
  2. Holy cow! 5 posts, and Member number 5! :eek: :eek: Hey everyone, we've found our ultimate lurker award winner!
  3. I don't think that any of these people are actual forum members. I think Tero has created 45 extra usernames and passwords and argues with himself to give the impression that the Finnish contingent here is vibrant and full of wise things to tell people.
  4. A bishop regularly took me when I was in junior school, but then I was educated at a Roman Catholic school, so what more could you expect?
  5. You can also get around the points issue by having a friend build you and your opponent a custom scenario with the pointage you require.
  6. Read my post again,please. It's nothing to do with the command delay. When I plot 5 waypoints, then delete waypoint 4, leaving 1,2,3 and 5 in place, the command delay remains the same as if there were 5 waypoints.
  7. *yawn* The price that BFC are paying for the popularity of their game is the increasing number of semi-literate mongs offering no constructive criticism, simply baying that everyone but them is right. Jim, you're unnecessarily rude. If you don't like those scenarios, try making some that you DO like and posting them. That's what I've done.
  8. If I'm plotting waypoints for a unit, for example I'm moving a tank and I plot five waypoints for it. As I do this, the amount of seconds before the tank can move increases. If I delete the end waypoint, so I only have four waypoints, the amount of seconds decreases. If I remove one of the waypoints in the middle, the amount of seconds stays the same. Should it do that? Seems wierd to me.
  9. For most of those weapons, you can limber them back up. Some (such as the 88mm Flak) cannot be limbered during battle.
  10. They're dead. That's it. I ordered "Lula: Wet Attack" and instead they've sent me some damn geeky wargame! Sheesh. It's got tanks and stuff. I want my cheap, low-quality softcore porn! I am about to depart this world and enter nirvana. See you in a month, when my beard has grown so long I can't see the keyboard.
  11. Try doing a search. It's been discussed to death. Type in "Waffen Grenadiere" or some such thing. And mind your language, firefox. The kiddies pool is round the corner, if that's the language you want to use.
  12. I foolishly ordered mine from Amazon.co.uk, and at 5:30 this evening I got an email saying that it would be despatched tomorrow. The bastards wouldn't even let me cancel the order so I could go to Game and get it off the shelves. :mad:
  13. This forum topic reminds me of the scene in Amadeus when Mozart is told his music contains "too many notes".
  14. Damn. I was hoping it would help me with my tactics.
  15. Yes, I get timeouts and script errors. I blame the overwhelmingly evil influence of Doug Beman, who posts in threads that have no point whatsoever.
  16. I've played most of Rune's ones, so unless you want the snot beaten out of you within the first three turns, I advise you to come up with something different. Strumpet.
  17. Do us all a favour, Atkins. Until you know what you're talking about, shut up. The QB was a night battle, with my regular GIs against whatever Gustav had. It was all random on a stick. If you don't understand the ways of the Antithicess, you never will. Go back to your beard-shaving and musket-wielding. If I'd know the conditions beforehand, I wouldn't be complaining either. Yeah. So. My only grumble was that you fought like a jessy. GUSTAV! You pustulent scrote!! Send me a damn setup! Don't make it too long, because I know that you nod off after 5 turns of excitement. Bitch. Make it nice and fluffy though. Email is in my profile, where it belongs.
  18. I heard Argie's member is in dire trouble Hey, Argie, nice to see you back as a Junior, where you belong.
  19. A while It's been on sale for less than three weeks!
  20. Perhaps BFC might wait until they've drawn breath?
  21. Of course, it isn't much of a surprise any more for those of us without the game.
  22. I don't believe that the allied fireboming of German cities helped to accelerate the end of the war. Germany ended up with a "Blitz" mentality, just as Britain did when German bombers were levelling London, Coventry etc. Who was it that said of the war: "Britain paid in time, America paid in money, and Russia paid in blood."? I think that Russia would have had a much harder time of it without supplies from the US, in particular their trucks and jeeps. Imagine trying to move an army at 19th century pace instead of 20th century. It wouldn't be possible to follow up on breakthroughs, or reinforce threatened points. Supplies for infantry would be harder to ship. Logistics might be a boring way to win a war, but they will win it more surely than tactical brilliance.
  23. I would suggest you email Battlefront directly. They may be prepared to sell the manual to you for a price lower than the manual+game, but of course it's entirely up to them. They are pretty busy with CM:BB at the moment. If you'd considered buying CM:BB, you can purchase both CM:BB and CM:BO in a bundle pack. That would provide you with the manual, the new game and you could save your old CM:BO CD incase disaster befalls the other one.
  24. Nope. Making a PDF of the manual and posting it on the net would be an infringement of Battlefront's copyright. If you have any specific questions, we would be delighted to answer them.
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