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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. *bump* to put this one back on the main page, and to see if I get any feedback. I also like having four threads on page 1. Call me daddy!
  2. Hey, Lula - Boobs Attack is one of the finest pieces of software I ever bought! Don't knock it till you've tried it. Those authentic video clips are neither grainy nor pointless.
  3. I agree. I'd like to see planes use the equivalent of a 'cover arc' attack with a strafing run, perhaps 200m long and 4m wide, so that everything within that corridor of fire would end up suppressed or attacked. Any other thoughts?
  4. *bump* to get more feedback, and cos I'm in a bumping mood.
  5. I played a QB vs the AI today, where I was axis on attack. My german troops were sneaking through woodland, and on the other side of the woods were a pair of T26s, just waiting to strike at my PzIIIs (which they would have got side shots on). The tie-lots-of-grenades-together-and-stand-well-back weapon is top. One hit took one out, another hit immobilised the other and a couple of grenades finished the crew off. I've had remarkable success against lightly armoured AFVs using infantry - probably related to their light armour as much as anything, but I'm finding infantry combat much more interesting that I used to in CM:BO
  6. They certainly do take a long time to target. However, I was larking about in the scenario editor and I had my crack rocket spotters targetting their shots on TRPs. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly enough. First column is turn number, second is what the spotter is up to, third is what the reloading crew is up to. T# ---Spotter-------Reloading Crew 1 --- Target ----------- Nothing 2 --- Rockets hit ----- Reloading 3 --- 5 mins delay --- Reloading 4 --- 4 mins delay --- Reloading 5 --- 3 mins delay --- Reloading 6 --- 2 mins delay --- Reloading 7 --- 1 min delay ---- Reloading 8 --- Target ----------- Nothing 9 --- Empty ----------- Go to pub This is what should happen, if I'm understanding it correctly. However, what I got was: T# ---Spotter-------Reloading Crew 1 --- Target ---------- Nothing 2 --- Rockets hit ---- Reloading 3 --- No target ------- Clean nails 4 --- No target ------- Brush hair 5 --- No target ------- Polish shoes 6 --- No target ------- Check for lice 7 --- 5 mins delay ---- Reloading 8 --- 4 mins delay ---- Reloading 9 --- 3 mins delay ---- Reloading 10--- 2 mins delay ---- Reloading 11--- 1 min delay ----- Reloading 12--- Target ----------- Nothing 13--- Empty ----------- Go to pub IF, as I suspect, the time delay is due to reloading, then what was going on between turns 3 to 6 in the second example?
  7. I don't think that their ammo is that limited. Their ROF is 3-5 shots/turn, and they have (usually) 50 or 75 shots. I make that a minimum of 10 minutes of constant firing, a more likely figure of 15 minutes and a maximum of 25 minutes. Sharpshooters only have 10 shots. ATR ammo is definitely specialised, no argument there, but who's going to say to themselves "Hell! An enemy machine gun nest is chewing up my buddies! I'd open fire on them with my 50 rounds of ATR, but I might need the ammo for later, so maybe I'll just let them die." You see my point, I'm sure.
  8. At the risk of nudging my FAQ off the second page aswell as the first, I have today been larking about merrily in the scenario editor. I had a spin with the large german rocket arty (just to see what they were like). If you haven't used them, they have two salvos of 36 rockets each (72 ammo). You plot your target and a rain of 36 rockets comes crashing down in a huge area. The time delay is then bumped up to between 5 and 15 minutes, which I assume is the time to reload? However, if, instead of allowing the spotter to fire his second salvo, I untarget him, and if I then go through 10 turns and retarget him, the time delay is still between 5 and 15 minutes. If it's the case that this time delay is reloading, then what have my rocket firing chaps been up to? If it isn't the case that this time delay is reloading, can someone tell me what it is please?
  9. Sounds a bit too easy. I know the damage from demo charges has been increased (an awful lot) for CM:BB but if it's that easy to blow up a large stone bridge then maybe the damage capacity of the bridge should be nudged up.
  10. In the French TinTin books, doesn't the dog go "WahWah" ?
  11. You did? I have been trying to get my ATRs to target buildings, foxholes, infantry - anything but armoured vehicles. Nothing.
  12. Hi mum! This is a forum for adults, which you clearly are not. You need to go and read the agreement you signed, which specifically states: NO PROFANITY That means no bad language, no f*** word. Grow up.
  13. Yes, I have it here. PC Zone have done a CDV Strategy Special (don't all cheer at once), which includes Cossacks 2, Blitzkrieg, Project Nomads, American Conquest, Imperium Galactica III and our own, beloved Combat Mission. Apparently, they are the world's most daring publisher of strategy games. However, let me paraphrase - all quotes below come from the PC Zone preview of Combat Mission 2 (it's been out for a month, guys, but never mind) and are their work, not mine. I recommend you buy the mag if you want to read the one-page article in full (Sudden Strike 2 got 3 pages ) "Combat Mission did for strategy games what Saving Private Ryan did for war movies and what Medal of Honor did for first-person shooters - it put you right in the heart of the battle...." "That playing Combat Mission produced such a visceral adrenaline rush was all the more incredible considering it is possibly the most realistic and tactically intricate wargame ever produced. Just ask the real-life officers and military historians that are part of its ardent online following....." [Hey. That's us. :cool: ] "For anyone with a hankering to simulate realistic combat, or to get a tactical fix that will send your brain spinning, Combat Mission 2 looks to be streets ahead. It won't be for everyone, but if you like the look of what you see, this is definitely one to get your hands on." Spalling mistooks are all myne.
  14. They are, but then you see NO armour hits at all - and if you've got a plane or two attacking, then you might easily miss its attack whilst you're occupied with something else. I think that there is too much information available from air attack ONLY. Does anyone else want to try this and see what they come up with?
  15. The critical thing is that I see 'Track hit' AND 'Track hit - immobilised' - so I can easily tell whether the vehicle is immobilised from a strafing run. Yes, I know about Borg spotting. I don't mind reports such as "Front upper hull hit" or "Top penetration" but I do feel that there's too much information available.
  16. I was larking about with the scenario editor to see what the planes were like in CM:BB. In this scenario I have a pair of 109s attacking a platoon of T26s. The 109s streak in and open fire on the tanks, and I see messages such as "Track hit - immobilised". The nearest observer to this melee is an unsupressed company HQ 900m away - and the 109 is going over at 250mph - so how do THEY know it's immobilised? This is on EFOW, yes. Secondly, I'm getting hits from aircraft on trucks which are all giving me 'no serious damage'? Is that right? Any comments on these things?
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