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Everything posted by Agua

  1. When CMHQ moved from TGN, the scenario depot did not. TGN no longer supports the depot. CMHQ has a HUGE zipped "Megapack" (maybe two) over there that contains most of the cmb/cmc from the old depot.
  2. Hell, if you just want a hard one, play "Blackshear". No need to tweak the a/i or anything. I doubt Fionn Kelly could major that one blind. It's available over at Der Kessel.
  3. Combat Mission Database They are near the bottom of the page.
  4. Hmmmmm..... I tried it out, but I could not see the chat display. I chose the "frames" version. I'll try it out again when I get home. Could just be this crap browser here @ the office.
  5. There are TONS of really, really good v. a/i cmb's out there. Just a few of the more recently released ones I've thought to be particularly good are Knockemalldown (imho, the best urban combat cmb out there), Aachen Relief Force, and one of Franko's called "Hell of a lickin" (I think). In each of these the a/i puts up a very good fight, but not to the extent that they cannot be beaten blind. [edit follows] Ooops, forgot. I think these are all available at Manx's site. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  6. Hmmmm.....Chat.... I suppose we could use another place to meet for games in addition to TH and CMHQ. Is that the purpose you had in mind?
  7. Chad, if you could just get JasonC in here ... FT are just plain hard to use offensively. They stand probably better than a 50% chance of surviving if you are in heavy wooded terrain, your squads have the OPFOR surpressed, and you bring the FT up from the rear. Then you will frequently end up with fire in the woods, though which may be as much of a problem for you as it is for your opponent. They're really much more likely to be successful, though, when used in ambush rather than on offense because, as you know, everything that has LOS to it will target it. There's just no way around that. [edit follows] This is pretty obvious, but I'll just throw it out there. If you can get them some transport to a spot, through the LOS, it certainly helps quite a bit. Its even further help if the transport can aid in suppression such as a tank or HT. You're still going to have to have the target surpressed though. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Agua ] [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  8. Keith, Congratulations chief. This thing has come a long way from that Mega Pack zip DL...LOL!!!!! A great resource for the community. It was OBVIOUSLY needed with the odd situation where all those scenario hosting sites were down at one time for several months. Great job.
  9. Chad, as far as I know, and I have done an awful lot of searching and studying, there is no such table and I'm unaware of anything published on the effects of HQ on firepower. I'm aware of firepower tables prepared by Chris Hare, and they are a labor of love, but they do not reflect the effect of HQ's. I tried some rough tests with concealment in various terrains and at one time tried to get some people to help me. The offer still stands (I have a map setup). However, it is really a momentous undertaking to do these types of tests. A basic table that I have NEVER seen is movement. People on the board have stated that they "believed" someone had prepared a table at one time, but no one has been able to find the tables, if they were in fact posted. One thing exacerbates the difficulty performing these tests is the "fuzzy logic" element, which seems to generate a range of values a long a continuum of effects rather than hard and fast numbers. Gee, that was a long-assed and rambling answer. Sorry.
  10. There IS a table of HQ effect upon command delay and range over at CMHQ under "Articles", I believe.
  11. Seriously, it is with regard to this type of information that I find the manual to be lacking. There is a lot of info in there but a lot of detailed things regarding the % effect upon such things as morale/firepower/steal should be included in tables. Don't anyone take this as dumping on CM; it is the greatest computer wargame, ever, and by a long ways, but the manual ought to include things such as concealment and movement tables. And before I hear this for the umpteenth time regarding concealment, I know, I know, Juju did an exposure table: exposure does not equal concealment. Exposure concerns the susceptibility of a unit to fire; concealment refers to the ability of a unit to remain unobserved.
  12. The question made sense. Not sure of the answer. They clear the mines with satchels don't they? Just as fatigue affects firepower, I would think fatigue would affect the rate at which the engineers toss satchels, but that's just speculation.
  13. Good question. I don't know the answer, but I have seen comments on the board from players indicating that there is some sort of effect. There is "global morale", but I don't know how that is calculated, other than the obvious things like casualties, overall morale of each individual unit, etc.
  14. I saw comments in, I believe, one of those "winecape's tourney of the star's" thread which indicated that there were players who had asked if it was permissible to do this. That got my curiousity up as well. I don't how to do it, and honestly, I don't think it *should* be done, BUT, those questions certainly did indicate that something like this is possible.
  15. All the ones previously mentioned are pretty good, both Kingfish's and Clubfoot's are very satisfying challenges. There IS an Omaha Beach scenario with a dump load of boats, but the name of it escapes me. I've played some TOUGH ASS Omaha Beach scenarios before but they were at leasst winnable. The CM scenario I'm thinking of is damned next to impossible and involves an unbearable amount of tedious micromanagement. As I recall, first, the boats sink from small arms fire, and second it seems like the only hope you can get for defilade are some 81mm FO with smoke who die within the first two turns. Who knows though, maybe you'll enjoy it. If you want it, send me an e-mail and I'll try to find it and send it to ya.
  16. Ya know, there may well be some way that date enters into the bonus of the HQ units, but I haven't noticed it. It appears to be plainly random. I can say that I don't see any improvement with the purchase of veterans over regulars. I get crap HQ regardless of their experience. I have to say it seems there are very few tcp/ip I play where I don't get just **** HQ units with no bonuses (usual case), or a bonus that is not very useful in the terrain (i.e., command bonus in heavily wooded terrain - once the squad is out of los, influence is lost anyway). When you get to crack/elite, it *seems* like there's a greater likelihood of getting good bonuses, but that's just anecdotal speculation on my part.
  17. Congrats. I remember it was a great feeling.
  18. There is one simply called "Meeting". Equal forces, no flags. Meet at crossroads. I think it's 40 turns, but that's pretty much about a 3.5 hour game (unless you try to play it like pbem). If you don't have it, I'll send it to you if ya want it.
  19. Ya, terrain mods make the single biggest difference in the appearance of the game of any mods. Just a question: what was the point in waiting three months to add some mods? Were you concerned your puter couldn't cut it?
  20. I just gave my dad my old Campaign Series West Front and East Front disks on Saturday (along with those crappy Close Combat games). He played panzerblitz with me maybe a couple of times in my life, but he asked about the disks when he was unable to launch them on the computer that I gave him a few weeks ago. I am VERY proud to state that my Dad was in an outfit that was very famous during WWII known as Merrill's Marauders. They served in China, Burma and India from 1944 to the end of the war. I believe a movie and even comic books were made about the outfit. As he has not had the disks very long, I would say it would be a several weeks before he could provide you any comment concerning wargames. If you send an e-mail to me, I'll contact him, and if he says its okay, I'll send you his e-mail address. [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]
  21. Franko, I'd be happy to help you test it as well. TiA
  22. Thanks Franko. I thought I had remembered someone working on one from several weeks ago, but I couldn't find the post looking back through a month's worth of posts. I posted a thread in the "scenario talk" forum seeking confirmation concerning Pont du Hoc.cmb but received no replies. Can't wait to try it.
  23. he he... wonder which one I'm going to vote for..hmmmmmmm....... #6, Pont du Hoc.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: I remember that the last guy who claimed he was a CM stud got spanked pretty hard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL!! Ya, that was pretty funny. Have to say though, he took it rather good naturedly.
  25. Try a Pont du Hoc scenario. I'd really like to see how Rangers are modelled. I thought someone was working on one a while back but apparently I was mistaken. There is one that presently exists, but the terrain at the top of the cliff in that scenario just doesn't cut it (nothing but brush .. no built up emplacements, blah, blah. Also, the designer used "regular" 44 rifle squads. I would think that Rangers should be modelled as "crack" units, at the least, probably with a sprinkling of "elite" troops as well.
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