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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Try the shoot and scoot command combined with narrow cover armour arcs. Those ten ISIIs took out every Panther and Tiger on the map for me at a loss of only two units when I tried that scenario.
  2. Hmmmm..... Could come in pretty handy. Thanks.
  3. Well, I'm always throwing out thanks to Gary so why not one more time? I've got to say that the original CM Outpost, with the mod previews, was responsible for at least a dozen folks purchasing CM after I sent them there to gawk at how gorgeous this game can look. [ October 11, 2002, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  4. You don't have to play the forum with EFOW enabled, ya know.
  5. We had a fellow who posted a time or two on the forum a couple years ago who claimed to be a vet of the Italian Campaign that was searching for any CMBO scenarios depicting battles on the Penninsula. I have no reason to doubt he was who he said he was. I assume he found CMBO interesting. OTOH, my Dad seemed to find the portrayal of a unit that he was with in another game (Talonsoft's Rising Sun) to be disrespectful, though he had no problems playing board games like PzB & PzL with me when I was a child. So, I guess these anecdotes sort of illustrate what Capt was stating: it probably just varies from vet to vet and, even, in the case of my dad, maybe whether the portrayal touches something personal to them. [ October 10, 2002, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  6. In other words, "[n]o we're not f'ing doing bloody f'ing stonehenge!!!". he hehe
  7. Not a bad idea. Won't result in the quality provided by dedicated playtesters, but surely will make it easier for the designers to get feedback.
  8. It's likely still going to have some turns that long even on a 2.5 Ghz.
  9. Was wondering that myself last night. I've made it to turn 8 of the first battle. I've got a 2.2 p4 with 2 GB of rdram & a RAID "0" rig and it STILL takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes to calculate a turn. Unless you just like sitting around, the way to do this Operation is to maybe just do a turn per night then move on to another scenario or some TCP/IP or whatever. You'll likely get burned out trying to do a marathon TtV session. I applaud the effort made to put that Op together and because of its epic size, I think a 10 month long nightly bout with the scenario will make quite a memorable gift from CMBB.
  10. Andreas, "Sadistic" is closer than "evil" to the apparent motivation underlying the design of Cemetary Hill. Let's put it this way; I find "Blackshear.cmb" to be less difficult than Cemetary Hill. I've gone at it about five times now, mostly trying flanking variants on the Russian left, and have done no better than a minor victory, and this was giving no experience or force bonuses to the AI. OUCH!!!
  11. Yeah, I thought it was nice small scenario as well. I left the HMGs and the 81mm in default setup, as you did, then just pulled "move to contact" all the way around to the back side of the hill. I took out the bunkers going from North (I think) to right and used the cover arcs with the HMGs to suppress the Russians in the trenches while manuevering / suppressing with the two (later three) platoons. Took out the third bunker on the last turn. I can't remember if it was turn 26-27. A fun little scenario where you get to witness the usefulness of the trench assault and cover arcs quite a bit.
  12. One more request for a formation option during setup: after selecting a platoon (by double clicking on the HQ), allow a "formation" option in the available order menu to set the entire platoon up in a "V", wedge, echelon left, echelon right, line and column. Even if everyone has different unit placements they favor within each of these formations, it would still be a huge timesaver, especially with large point sized battles. [ October 06, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  13. Just ran a few tests with flat, 1680m x 280m adjacent strips of brush, rough, grain and steppe. It looks like although the LOS tool indicates unimpeded sighting, spotting is affected by terrain. I still can't tell if, once spotted, a unit may be fired upon by all units on the map. [edited to include the following:] Okay, it looks like only the unit which spotted the other unit my directly target the spotted unit, although other units may provide area fire at the marker. Sound contact seems to be unaffected by these non-tree terrain types. [ October 06, 2002, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  14. Thanks Chris. I'm thankful you were up to doing this for BB. The charts are damned near essential.
  15. 'Bout damned time the Schwimmwagen got its own website!!
  16. Michael, Check out his "light grass 2", for more saturated green (if you haven't already).
  17. Crap man, I've got a June, mid day, clear sky, moderate hills & trees map up now and it looks perfect. That's the best summer grass I've seen. Just personal opinion.
  18. Light grass 3 despeckled higher elevations work. Perfect. I guess I misspoke when I said "Green". It's more like a kind of "lime" overall effect in the lower elevations. I don't know jack about coloring, but maybe a grey or some small amount of darker brown in it or something??? (don't take those color comments literally, I don't have a clue about what colors do in combination). Yours does a better job of depicting elevation changes as well.
  19. Okay, as for your grass, just pick November, pick January, mid day clear skies, central section. Don't fool with the texturing on yours: it's damned near perfect. My wife commented on DD's grass during a summer scenario I had up last week (I just imported that grass to cmbb). She said "looks kinda dry". Well, I guess it may look kinda dry for spring / summer, but the compromise pays off (just opinion here), in that it works for all seasons. [edited to add "January"] [ October 04, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  20. Gary, I failed to comment in your previous thread, but I wanted to say that whatever it was you did eliminated the "skin-like" appearance and it looks fantastic man. I'm going to add one more comment here, and again, just a matter of personal opinion: it looks too green for anything other than spring / summer scenarios. Have you looked at "DD's High-Res grass" over at the CMHQ? It does not have as good of a textured effect as your light grass 2 (or three, for that matter), but DD did SOMETHING to give it a toned down color that will work fine with any season. Again, I'm just throwing that out there and if I were only limited to spring / summer scenarios (or there was some way to easily switch between terrain sets), I'd use your grass as it looks great at any view level now. Thanks for all your work in making this game even better.
  21. Gary, I DL'd the grass and I REALLLLLLY like the effect from level 3 or greater, but close in, it has almost a skin-like appearance and is a little too bright overall. Obviously, a purely personal opinion, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  22. Close Combat? Well, two squads and three tanks would seem to be the appropriate force mix, then. Which map are you doing?</font>
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